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Exercise Thread ~ 2/23 - 3/1


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This week starts 1/2 marathon training...for real....lol!!!


Ok, I still have to find the 1/2 I want to run....


I am signed up for 2 10ks, one road, one trail....and a 5k mud run in May.....want to run my 1/2 at the beginning of June....hopefully it won't be TOOOOO hot. It is my 50th birthday present to me!!

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You should be able to find a half in June.  Great present!:)


I had a nice 7 mile run with my dh this morning.  My legs still felt a bit tired from Friday's kettlebell workout, but I was ok until the last 3/4 of a mile.  At 6.25 my legs suddenly felt like lead weights.  I slowed down and made it home. I've also already gotten 25 tub push-ups done.  Only 25 more to go. 

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Tub push ups?? Share!




I just use my tub as a way to raise myself higher.  That way I can maintain plank position and do "regular' (not on my knees), push-ups.  To fit them into my day without adding to my workouts, I'm doing them when I go to the bathroom, aiming for at least 50 a day.  I'm doing them Tue, Fri (which are my kettlebell days) and Sunday.  Sunday's are my long run day, but I know that if I want to get anywhere with my push-ups I need at least 3x's a week.  Next Sunday I plan on adding pull-ups too. I already do those on Tues and Friday. 

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I just use my tub as a way to raise myself higher. That way I can maintain plank position and do "regular' (not on my knees), push-ups. To fit them into my day without adding to my workouts, I'm doing them when I go to the bathroom, aiming for at least 50 a day. I'm doing them Tue, Fri (which are my kettlebell days) and Sunday. Sunday's are my long run day, but I know that if I want to get anywhere with my push-ups I need at least 3x's a week. Next Sunday I plan on adding pull-ups too. I already do those on Tues and Friday.

Awesome! So, you use the tub like a box....I use the step from my kitchen to my living room. Lol. I still can't do a pull up. Planning to buy some bands to help, but ever get to it...sigh.

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Rest day today, but my legs felt so stiff and heavy that I decided to do 30 minutes of yoga. I didn't do anything rough, breath work, sun salutes, a few standing poses, and a modified closing series.  It felt good. My legs feel much better, which is good.  I spend most of today in the car, so starting off stiff is bad.  I'm hoping for some Yin or restorative yoga tonight. 

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Nothing today - feeling a bit tired since dh is sick with the flu. Hoping to do something a bit later on. 

I hope he gets better quickly without sharing it.



Sunday- walk with the family and 1/2 of the Fitness Blender Barre workout.


Monday- a.m. treadmill walking and upper body workout with weights followed by stretching.  Tonight I have martial arts but my shoulders are so tired from this morning- I pray we do lots of kicking vs boxing:)

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This week starts 1/2 marathon training...for real....lol!!!


Ok, I still have to find the 1/2 I want to run....


I am signed up for 2 10ks, one road, one trail....and a 5k mud run in May.....want to run my 1/2 at the beginning of June....hopefully it won't be TOOOOO hot. It is my 50th birthday present to me!!

I signed up for a 5K mud run in 2 weeks. My first ever.



This morning I did 2 circuits of:


30 jumping jacks

10 push ups

25 high knees

7 burpess

15 crunches

10 jump squats

10 tri push ups

15 reverse crunches

10 push ups

10 jump squata

30 jumping jacks

10 tri push ups

25 high knees


You supposed to do 5 circuits of this routine, but after 2 I felt like running. So I did sprint intervals in my backyard.

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I did a pilates video at home that was new, and I haven't done much pilates.  Yesterday I was so sore and my spine ached.  I took some aspirin in the afternoon!  It was a good video though and I plan to do it again.  I ran 4 miles on the treadmill at the gym yesterday and this morning I did a yoga for runners video.  


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I did 12 laps (600m)of swimming this morning. I've been practising my freestyle still using a float board thingy, but today I did half a lap on my own! Yay me! Can't believe it, as I'm the person who panics with my head underwater. I'm wearing a nose clip, though, and goggles so that helps a lot.

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For all of you who do kettleball- can you recommend a how-to video?  My gym has them available but I only occassionally see people using them.  Those that I do see- I see once and then never again; I am pretty darn sure they are tearing up their lower backs.



I've used only one person's DVDs, and that's Lauren Brooks.  I have her first and second volume, and I've heard good things about her newest, which is Kettlebell Body.  She has tutorials on them.  She also has tutorials on YouTube.  I also have her book and her program called Be Slam.  Be Slam comes with a private link to some tutorials, but the swing, which is basic, she has available on YouTube.


Last year I found someone who was certified in kettlebells and got private lessons.  If you do any weightlifting stuff wrong, you will tear up your back.  The swing will really do that if you do it wrong.  The thing with the swing is to realize that you are in plank.  Your arms "float" up with the hip snap, and at the top your body should be like it's in plank.  You always keep a solid core, bending at the hips, keeping your core solid and straight.  It's really plank with a weight.  I've never had it hurt my back, or even bother it a little.  But if you bend at the waist, or don't keep your core solid you could damage your lower back.  

Here's the link to the swing

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Care to share the core workout?



I ran 4 miles this morning, and then followed it up with a 10 minute core workout that was much harder than I thought it would be.  I think I'll be including that after my Tuesday runs from now on. 





Butt/thigh workout. Quick and simple. Followed with Pyramid. I only have one thing to say. I hate toe crunches.

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I am having a terrible time with my body recovering from workouts....sigh! Does anyone have any ideas to help? I am dairy, soy, grain, sugar and sweetner free, so protein powders are out! This is more than soreness, this is exhaustion too!


This week I ran 10 Sunday, cycle and sculpt on Monday....took off Tuesday, barefoot exercise and cycle on Wednesday, took off Thursday and Friday trying to get a grip....and will cycle this morning, but I am achy and exhausted! Not thinking this will be my best workout, but I already reserved my seat and paid for it....


So, any ideas nutrition or yoga or something?

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When I'm feeling sluggish I know it's time that my thyroid meds might need to be tweaked. How's your vit D? 


As posted above make sure you are eating enough and drinking enough water. Those two things are easy for me to forget.


Do you not use stevia either? There is a powder called EcoDrink that uses stevia. Actually, it looks like they vary the sweentner (sucralose, maltodextrin, stevia) used depending on product. Well, I'll leave the link for anyone interested. :) 


Do you eat fruit? Sometimes I find I have much more energy if I eat a small serving of fruit before/after working out.


I recently bought a foam roller to try. It's supposed to help with soreness/achy body post exercise. Haven't used it yet.  

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