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Need a Shakespeare themed menu for book club


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Book club this month was reading a few Shakespeare plays (Merchant of Venice, The Tempest, and Comedy of Errors).  We normally do a "theme" dinner to go with the book.  We did a tea when we read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, sushi for Murakami, nachos for a book set in Texas, and so on.


What would you fix to go with Shakespeare?  It also needs to be able to feed 9 adults and 10 kids (ages newborn to 9) so that rules out something that would be very labor intensive and it has to be vegetarian.  


I'm counting on you ladies to help me out because I've not NO IDEAS.  Eek.  Book club is Monday night.  

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There's an article on the Food Timeline. It contains this tidbit about what was eaten at the Globe Theatre:

"Vendors offered beer, water, oranges, nuts, gingerbread, and apples, all of which were occasionally thrown at the actors. Hazelnuts were the most popular theatre snack, the Elizabethan equivalent of Raisinets."
---The Friendly Shakespeare, Norrie Epstein [Viking:New York] 1992 (p. 45)



For the Merchant of Venice, don't forget to investigate Italian food.

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Thanks!  It looks like they ate a lot of meat.  That makes it tricky with the vegetarian thing.  Maybe I'll do a plowman's lunch type thing?


They also ate a lot of walnuts on feast days. Never try making walnut lasagne.



Have a look at Helewyse's files.

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Our local Shakespeare festival used to do a feast, years ago. Seven courses. One course was a really yummy cheese soup in a bread bowl, served without spoons to be authentic. It was otherwise pretty meat heavy, with chicken and stuff like that.


The main thing that made it feel true to Shakespearean times was the lack of utensils. I think one course used spoons due to health code, but otherwise, only knives were available.


At the greenshow before the plays, the "serving wenches" sell fruit tarts.


One year, though, rather than "authentic," they went for fairy themed, inspired by "Midsummer's Night Dream." They had edible flowers in the salad, but I don't remember most of the other courses.

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