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FL ladies!!! Are you watching FAY??

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Thanks for thinking about us. We live in the Keys, so directly in the path. Dh is not worried. Just putting all outdoor toys indoors and buying some gallons of water and sitting tight, listening to the news at 5 and 11.


If it gets to be a hurricane, we'll put the shutters on.

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. . . I was mentioning to a friend yesterday that I'm leaving Wednesday morning to drive my daughter back to school in Virginia, and she got very concerned. I looked at the map, and sure enough, it looks like we'll be driving pretty close to Fay's projected path.


I'm not panicking or changing plans, since we've been in Florida long enough to know that there's no way to truly predict what will happen with any storm. We'll just have to wait a day or two and see how things progress.

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Fay Fay go away, we don't wanna play!


Not enjoying being in the NE quadrant - and having gone thru the Groundhog Day Tornado (as in, all my neighbors have new houses), i'm more worried about that risk now than the actual hurricane.


Jenny - drive carefully! I'll be worried about you now.

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Watching but know all too well that things can change at the last minute.


We'll get some gas for our generator. I have some food/water stored.


My dh's sil ( I do not claim her ;)) made the comment that if only FL would get some hurricanes it would help with the drought they've been having in GA where she lives. I glared at her and said, "Well, I hope you have a very very dry season." I'm sorry but it ticked me off that she is hoping for hurricanes to strike other people's homes just so that she can get some rain. :mad:

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We are watching and got extra water and filled up our car's gas tanks. We live on an island. If it gets near here, we will have to evacuate. In our almost 22 years in the military, we have never had to do that anywhere for any reason- earhquakes, fires, floods, terrorism, anything at all. I can't plan anything like I wanted to since all of FL is in the zone of possible hitting. We are also scheduled to have our older daughter have surgery this Friday so I don't want this.

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Yes...I bought tons of snack foods. The last 3 that came through taught me! I have stocked up on bread, milk, gas, cookies, chips, and juice. LOL

Last time we didnt have bread for over 2 weeks. Ughhh.


The one benefit is the weather is really nice out right now. Very nice breeze! It has been so hot.


My son just got back from the keys. He was camping and had to evacuate this morning. He is so sad today. Part of living here in S. FLorida!

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Gee, i never thought to have DH pick up more bread just now. We'd been out for a few days so the one loaf he got last night was an improvement! LOL!!


I'll have to have him go back :D (he just got hot dog buns, wasn't like he wasn't on the aisle either)


Otherwise, we have enough food i think, and in 2004 we could go out to eat - The Villages didn't lose power since theirs is all underground.


But i need gas. UGH. Never got that far today.

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We are on the dade broward line..so about 1 and a half or so? You must be getting it must worse then we are here. Just rain here. I imagine it is supposed to be windy later. Who knows.


So far...my 12 yo is not happy that PS was closed and they didnt have to go for their first day of school...today and tomorrow...and my kids are having school. He isnt happy with me...but my girls on the other hand are fine doing school.


Too funny.

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