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Exercise Thread ~ 2/16 - 2/22


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I've only just started swimming for exercise...I'm 50kg overweight, so swimming seemed like a great idea, and much less stress on my body than anything else.  I'm loving it!  Only done 2 sessions so far....1st one I did 8 laps (400m), and 2nd time 14 laps (700m).  It's the only type of workout that I've ever enjoyed.  I can now kind-of see how people can get hooked on this exercise thing. 


I've also started eating Paleo, so altogether feeling great, and hoping to see those kg shed slowly but surely.

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Mon: Spooner boarding down sand dunes with DD. It's fun going down and a workout climbing back up to the top. 1.5hrs.


         Master swim 1.25hrs.


I plan on another Master Swim workout Wed., swim laps on Fri. for 1hr. and a stroke clinic over the weekend for 2hrs., and if I've got  the time, I want to  do some more spooner boarding with the kid.

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Tuesday: Martial arts class.  I found out where my get up and go went- my iron and ferritin levels have hit starving vampire levels.  Now

can try and do something about it.- I wonder if that was also what was slowing my recovery time and making me stay sore longer?

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Rieshy, did you get your iron levels checked? Is that how you know?  It would slow down recovery time, so hopefully you will start to feel better soon.


Today was a 4 mile run.  I was hoping to run outside, it was almost 50 out this morning!  But with it was a thunder storm, so I ran on my treadmill again.  I followed it up with some crunches and planks.  I'm aiming for 30 minutes of yoga later today.  I did get in a bit of yin last night, just 25 minutes, but it did feel good. 

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Only did 12 laps (600m) today.  But instead of doing my 'head out of the water slow breaststroke', I tried freestyle with a float-board for my arms.  I've hated freestyle ever since I was forced to do it as a kid.  I always got water up my nose.  I bought a nose clip, so hopefully I can learn to do it at the advanced age of 41!


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Only did 12 laps (600m) today.  But instead of doing my 'head out of the water slow breaststroke', I tried freestyle with a float-board for my arms.  I've hated freestyle ever since I was forced to do it as a kid.  I always got water up my nose.  I bought a nose clip, so hopefully I can learn to do it at the advanced age of 41!


I've 10 years on you, so yes you can still learn. I am struggling with freestyle and breathing. I just want to pull too soon. Another inexpensive investment you might consider are a pair of swim fins. I just bought these TYR fins. These short fins help build leg muscles. I use them to keep me more buoyant so I and work on my breathing. Careful though. It is easy to hurt yourself, so go easy if you get a pair.


I spent a solid 5 months swimming before joining a masters program. I don't think I would have lasted in the masters program without swimming on my own first. These master workouts (I'm in the slowest group) kick my butt. The benefits of a masters program are a structured workout rather than going lap after lap and coaching. I've improved a lot in the three weeks since I started with the masters swim. The coaching from the deck is invaluable. This is something I can't do on my own since I was never on swim team as a kid. KEEP GOING! 

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Ok, catching up. 


Monday- bootcamp plus a 3 mile run after that.  Stretching and 20 minutes of light yoga at home. 

Tuesday- unscheduled rest day.  I woke up at 5:35.  Class starts at 5:30.  I thought "oh, I will go to the later class, no biggie" but that didn't work since my husband was working the AM shift for someone on a trade.  I did some pushups and bicycle crunches at home and some stretching.

Today- bootcamp.  No time for second hour after.  So home.  This afternoon I am taking the boys on a short hike and maybe swimming at the Y tonight.  Depends.  And stretching and yoga here or my bootcamp instructor will some how know I didn't stretch and I will feel the shame, LOL. 

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This morning I slept in. I think my get up and go is temporarily gone.


That was my Tuesday morning too.  I just didn't wake up.  I don't recall the alarm at all.  Normally I rouse about 3:45-4:00 on my own and think, oh goodie, I can go back to sleep until the alarm goes off at 4:30.  But yesterday I was a total log. 


This morning I woke up with a start at 5:00 and just booked it like a crazy person to get out of the door. 

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Rieshy, did you get your iron levels checked? Is that how you know?  It would slow down recovery time, so hopefully you will start to feel better soon.



I did- it was a 3 month recheck- Waaay too low.  Almost back to as low as when I first started my prescription iron 9 months ago.  So frustrating- I eat super well and off every iron food chart out there.  


Heading out for a 3 mile run in what I hope stays sunshine.

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Yoga for Women book - all the moves from the chapter "for women in their 40s". I love this book. A good yoga DVD is better, but the book is really nice and motivating also.




 found out where my get up and go went- my iron and ferritin levels have hit starving vampire levels.  Now

can try and do something about it.- I wonder if that was also what was slowing my recovery time and making me stay sore longer?

Hope you feel better soon. 


I am struggling with freestyle and breathing. I just want to pull too soon. 

All I can do is breast stroke, which I love, but I also have an uncomfortable feeling that it may have caused me to have rather broad shoulders. I don't swim much these days, but I have to say that it's my favorite exercise ever. 

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Today was kettlebell.  I ran 10 minutes, then did 3 rounds of sumo squats, windmills, and squats.  Short break, then 3 rounds of heavy swings, presses, and planks. Finished with 3 rounds of half TGUs and pull-ups.  I'm also trying something new.  I want to improve my push-ups.  I've always done them on my knees, since I can't keep good form straight.  But now I'm going up on an angle to do them.  I'm using my tub.  So every time I go to the bathroom I do 5 push-ups. :D  I figure I'll get a good number in and it won't take much time.  I plan on doing this 3x's a week; my kettlebell days and Sunday.  I'll see if it helps. 

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Thursday- ack, overslept again. So darn annoying when I do that. So I did JM 30Day Shred and stretched. Also, skating. Prob about 1.5 hours. I was there for 2 but sat down for the backwards skate and the speed skates.


Today- bicycle crunches, lunges, squat thrusts and push ups at home. Later on this morning, I am going to meet a friend for a short hike with the kids and I am plotting an extra skate session tonight. Also, I will stretch out this afternoon. ETA: ze plan is in place for the whole family to go skating this evening. Woot.

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Today was kettlebell.  I ran 10 minutes, then did 3 rounds of sumo squats, windmills, and squats.  Short break, then 3 rounds of heavy swings, presses, and planks. Finished with 3 rounds of half TGUs and pull-ups.  I'm also trying something new.  I want to improve my push-ups.  I've always done them on my knees, since I can't keep good form straight.  But now I'm going up on an angle to do them.  I'm using my tub.  So every time I go to the bathroom I do 5 push-ups. :D  I figure I'll get a good number in and it won't take much time.  I plan on doing this 3x's a week; my kettlebell days and Sunday.  I'll see if it helps. 


Love the tub pushups. The couch is good too.


Do you wear wrist guards when you kettlebell? I need some because I get bruised on my wrists.


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Love the tub pushups. The couch is good too.


Do you wear wrist guards when you kettlebell? I need some because I get bruised on my wrists.



I have wrist guards, but I mostly need them when I do cleans.  Those old wrist sweat bands would work just fine.  I also have gloves, because I hate ripping up my hands.  You're not supposed to use them with kettlebell, but my form is good, and they make a huge difference for my snatch and 1 handed swings.  I have BioGloves??? or maybe BioBody???  You can get them at Dick's. I love them.  

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Yoga day!  I did a lovely 90 minute yoga practice with Jason Crandell on YogaGlo.com.  It was a Hatha practice that left me feeling like I had gone to a yoga retreat day.  :)  The rest of me day is going to be spent relaxing. I finished my Murakami book last night, and my head is not ready for a new book, so I'm going to drink my tea and watch the Olympics.  My dh is making me a chocolate and almond ganache cake (which is more calories then I should consume in a day). I think then we'll play Munchkin.

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I just joined a gym with child care this week. Wish i would have done it last year but alas we didn't have money. Anyways, tuesday, thursday, and friday i did some circuit training and the elliptical. Wednesday and today 1 hour a day of racquetball. I am exausted! And trying to have patience with my body. I wish one week could shrink all of my body fat. Lol. I have about 20 pounds to lose but i have much more fat than muscle compared to before bearing children.

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Yoga day!  I did a lovely 90 minute yoga practice with Jason Crandell on YogaGlo.com.  It was a Hatha practice that left me feeling like I had gone to a yoga retreat day.   :)  The rest of me day is going to be spent relaxing. I finished my Murakami book last night, and my head is not ready for a new book, so I'm going to drink my tea and watch the Olympics.  My dh is making me a chocolate and almond ganache cake (which is more calories then I should consume in a day). I think then we'll play Munchkin.

Sounds like a yummy cake. Enjoy.


Munchkin is a game that I don't like playing. I bride my kids to play just about any other game with me.

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Sounds like a yummy cake. Enjoy.


Munchkin is a game that I don't like playing. I bride my kids to play just about any other game with me.



I'm getting used to it.  I prefer Catan or Ticket to Ride.  My kids don't like Ticket to Ride, so we haven't played it for a long time. Maybe I could talk them into Catan. :)  The kids are in love with Munchkin. 

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