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May I just say I hate suspense?

Jenny in Florida

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In the grand scheme of things, these are small issues, I know. But I just really hate waiting when all I know is that something is coming "soon." If I have a date or know that I have to wait until a specific time, I'm okay. It's the "any minute now . . ." thing that makes me crazy.


Two weekends ago, my son participated in a scholarship event at one of the colleges to which he's been accepted. We were told at the time that results would be sent out in about two weeks. So, I had set my brain not to look for anything for another few days.  Then, my son got a voicemail on his cell phone while he was in class from the admissions rep at that school letting him know results are available and wanting to chat with him about it. When my son called back, he got voicemail. And now he's incommunicado at the dance studio until 9:30. So, we'll have to wait until sometime tomorrow for him to touch base.


I'm sure it's nothing earth shaking one way or another. I'm certain he was awarded a small additional scholarship, which is nice, but won't be enough to tip the scales significantly. And this is just an enthusiastic rep from a small college wanting to emphasize the personal touch with a good prospect.


But I want to know now.


Similarly, he auditioned last weekend for admission to the musical theatre program at another college and was told they would send the notification letters "right away." That one, I honestly have no clue whether to expect a yes or a no. It's not the end of the world if it's no, because there is another program at the same school in which he is also very interested.


But I want to know now.


My son is trying to play it cool, but I can see him craning his neck to try and see the mailbox as we turn the corner into our street, trying to guess whether there is anything over-sized or otherwise interesting in there.


Life will be so much better all around once we know for sure where he got in, to which programs (if any) he was accepted and which schools (if any) we can actually afford.



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I remember that feeling from last year. UGA released their early action in November. GT didn't until 12:01 December 20th. That last month, people kept expecting GT to release the decisions. It was crazy. We finally found out while Alex was coaching a soccer game, and I was in the drive through at McDonalds for a diet coke fix. The poor drive through person got to celebrate with me. Alex's team of 5 year olds were so excited for him.

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Apply chocolate!

And liquor!!


I am thankful for this thread! I feel like I am going bat cr@p crazy!!! I was at bible study today, and a lady in my small group said, "Well, what are you...about six weeks away?" To which I replied, "Six weeks and six days, not that anyone's counting!" This has been the longest. winter. ever. We have had an inordinate amount of snow and ice for where we live, and far too many snow days where we have been stuck in the house.


It is just good to know that I am not alone. I, too, want to know now!!

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It's rather like pregnancy ....




Ha ha!!! It is EXACTLY like pregnancy!! I have used this analogy MANY times!!


It is nine months from when the Common App goes live (August 1) to national decision day (May 1). You know how you are so excited when you first find out you are pregnant??? You talk about it all the time, tell everyone about it, think about names, start doing all kinds of planning, etc. etc. That's like application season. Then you hit that patch where there really isn't much to do at all except sit around and get bigger and bigger. You're still excited, but the "luster" has worn off. That's the waiting period we are in now. Thankfully, unlike pregnancy, you can drink! By the end, you are so sick and tired of the whole thing. No one (other than your doctor) wants to talk about your pregnancy anymore except to ask over and over again when you are due (not unlike people asking over and over again when you are going to have a decision!!). You are so ready for it to be over!! While I am sure knowing the final college decision doesn't equal the birth of a child, I am hoping for at least a similar feeling of elation when the big day arrives!

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Jenny, hoping to hear good news soon!


I can't believe how you've both pulled this off in such a short time.  It was only December? when your son decided he wanted to to go college next year and between then and now you've researched colleges, applied, visited, interviewed, been accepted and gotten scholarships!  I think your experience is more like the pregnancy of a hyena!  And we all know how much anticipation comes with that ... :lol:   Seriously though, I am truly impressed!

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Jenny, hoping to hear good news soon!


I can't believe how you've both pulled this off in such a short time.  It was only December? when your son decided he wanted to to go college next year and between then and now you've researched colleges, applied, visited, interviewed, been accepted and gotten scholarships!  I think your experience is more like the pregnancy of a hyena!  And we all know how much anticipation comes with that ... :lol:   Seriously though, I am truly impressed!


Awww, thanks!


(I think it was actually November or even October. So, maybe we don't deserve quite so much "credit.")


He's actually up against three hard deadlines in the next couple of days (five short essays to complete two scholarship applications and compiling and submitting a video audition for a school he can't visit), and I'm finding it a little impossible to believe he'll pull off what he needs to do in that time. But we'll see how it goes.


Edit: He's on the phone with the admissions rep right now getting the information about the scholarship results. It's pretty much what I thought. He's been awarded a nice bump in annual scholarship money ($2,500 per year), not enough to make it a slam dunk, but definitely a meaningful addition.

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 I hate the waiting to find out about acceptance and then again for financial packets.....I want the end of March to come quickly so that we can find out all the college results...........



But, that also means that I'm wishing my youngest's last year of home schooling to speed up .....and I'm not.


So is there a way I can speed up the days to get the answers but slow down the days until my son leaves for college?




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 I hate the waiting to find out about acceptance and then again for financial packets.....I want the end of March to come quickly so that we can find out all the college results...........



But, that also means that I'm wishing my youngest's last year of home schooling to speed up .....and I'm not.


So is there a way I can speed up the days to get the answers but slow down the days until my son leaves for college?




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