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Is dry cleaning the only want to clean 100 % wool?


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Agitation can cause felting of wool. You can buy wool washes (Eucalan is the brand I use) that allow you to soak (without agitation) your woolen items. The instructions say rinsing is not necessary, but for something from a thrift store, I'd probably rinse! Then spread on a towel and press the water out, and lay flat to dry.

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We live in a frigid climate and have a lot of wool.  Unless it was something very expensive and irreplaceable, I usually wash wool items myself.  Just a gentle washing in cold water and then laying it flat to dry.  Some things, I've even learned I can actually wash in the washing machine (on the gentle cycle), but other things I hand wash in the sink.  For some reason, my black wool items never look as nice when I wash them myself, so those things I usually send to the cleaners.

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I usually add Eucalan or other items that contain lanolin on my items that are 100% wool unless the wool is merino.  Since the scarf is likely merino wool I would wash it with a small amount of  dish soap.


Handwashing is best for wool care, dry cleaning uses harsh chemicals that can damage the fibers over time. Merino is particularly soft and a dry cleaner would ruin that. A neutral ph cleanser (dish soap) works well.


I usually clean mine in the sink (I don't have a wool cycle :() and then squish the water out a bit (wringing is bad) and then I roll it up in a towel and step on the towel. This gets a lot of the water out, then I let it dry flat.

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