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Paleo Tips and Tricks


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We are going to try Paleo type eating, and would LOVE any tips and tricks that you have to make it more do-able!


I'm thinking to always keep a couple of cooked meats in the fridge so it's easy enough to grab something quick, rather than resort to the usually-easier myriad carb options.


Thanks in advance! :-)



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Are you specifically looking for quick and easy?

Hard-boiled eggs.

Mini egg "muffin" frittatas (sauteed veggies/meat mix with eggs, cook in muffin tins).

Pre-cut up veggies for snacks and easier meal prep.

Frozen berries for smoothies.

We snack a lot on fruit and nuts.

Quick and easy fat snack - I just grab a teaspoon of butter or coconut oil sometimes. :) Butter, because we do Primal, which is paleo + dairy, basically.

Marksdailyapple - all have good recipes. There are probably multi-hundreds more, but those are my go-tos.

ETA: Good luck! I hope your family experiences great benefits like ours has!

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I always make sure I have a big box of organic salad in my fridge, and yummy things to go in it: peas and pecans with a little balsamic vinegar, a jar of good roasted red peppers, some ham or turkey, avocados, cut up hard-boiled eggs, etc. Lately I've gotten into the habit of slicing a few chicken breasts into thin slices and sautéing them in some organic adobo (Frontier makes an awesome, good-on-everything blend), then putting the bowlful into the fridge to throw into salads. We eat a lot of salad, and that makes the protein component so easy. Even the kids love it. 


We always have nuts on hand for snacking, and coconut oil because it's just so good for so many things. Seriously, my brain doesn't work right without it. And when I'm craving something sweet, usually a teaspoon or two of coconut oil will help me past it. 


Oh, and bone broth! If you don't know how to make bone broth, learn how. It's so very easy, and it's so good for you. It's also good to sip on when you get snacky. 


And sweet potatoes! Amazing in pretty much any form. I grew up eating microwaved sweet potatoes, and while they're still good, I much prefer them baked in the oven. I always thought eating the skin was gross/next to impossible until I started baking them this way. Chunked up and baked in a baking pan with some coconut oil...heaven! They're a good paleo pantry staple.

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Ditto all that is above. Definitely keep plenty of food on hand. I always cook extra meat and sweet potatoes for lunches, etc. always make sure you have meat thawing in the fridge. I ditto large containers of salad, fruit, etc. When you chop an onion, chop three or four. I will chop and sautée onions, mushrooms, peppers, etc and store in the fridge for later.

Good luck

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I bought the cookbook Against All Grain a couple weeks ago and also love it! Well Fed and Well Fed 2 have some good ideas with a variety of preparation styles (she gives suggestions for how to make a meal "Italian" or "Indian") but I don't think she has as good of grasp of spice combinations.

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The hardest thing about Paleo (I think) is when you want to grab a quick snack.  My son has been on Paleo for about three years, and my daughter for about a year.  They have learned to keep cooked meat on hand at all times -- you can even get all-natural chicken jerky.  Also, veggies that are cleaned and easy to eat.   Almonds are good to have on hand, although I think it's recommended that you don't eat too many.  Avocados add flavor and bulk to almost anything, and we use lots of coconut oil!

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