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My new washer and dryer are smarter than I am. . .

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I must admit I am in laundry heaven. Who knew new technology could change your life. I just got an new LG Tromm set and I am having so much fun. They have sensors in them and adjust washing and drying time according to the wetness they feel. I thought my washer was broken yesterday because it stayed at 10 minutes for 10 minutes. Apparently, according to the manual, it was sensing that there was still to much soap and water in the clothes and reset for an extra rinse/ spin. And my dryer automatically shuts off when it senses the clothes are dry. Oh my. Be still my heart ladies.

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I've had my LG tromm's for about 4 years now and I do love them. The only thing I've had problems with is my dryer sensor doesn't work as well anymore from all the build up from when I used Bounce dryer sheets. I cleaned it really well with vinegar and now only use Sun and Earth dryer sheets and only a half of one at that, or dryer balls instead.


I also only use 1oz of detergent no matter what the detergent I buy (currently sun and earth) that's more than enough to get our clothes clean.

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Yes! I want to marry my LGs. I have washed nearly everything in my house in two days. Heavenly! :D


Me too!


I don't think that today of all days that I should tell dh when he get's home that I want to marry my new washer and dryer. It is our anniversay. Maybe I'll save that news for another day. ;)

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