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Why do people plan to stop HS in high school?


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In Texas, high school is generally an all-or-nothing proposition. While a public high school might choose to accept some of your homeschool credits, they don't have to accept any. I know of a few people that have gotten a charter school or a private school to accept homeschool credits. I don't know of anybody who has gotten a school district to accept homeschool credits. I'm not saying that it has never happened, but I have never heard of it happening.


Because of this, many people who have hsed all the way up to 9th grade choose to have their kids at least try 9th grade in B&M school because that's the only time they can do it without having to repeat a grade.



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It's entirely fine for you to choose to keep your daughter away from people who drink, but allowing a teen to drink does not necessarily imply that the parents don't care.  They may care very much, and want their children to learn to drink in moderation rather than going off to university inexperienced, where they may treat alcohol dangerously (drinking and driving, or binge drinking, for example) without a parental safety net.  FWIW, it's perfectly legal in Scotland for a parent to buy drink that is then consumed by his/her teen.  


L (enjoying a gin and tonic with Calvin on a Friday night after choir - winding down from rehearsing with him Beethoven's 9th and the Crucifixus by Mealor)

But moderation is not the teen drinking culture she is talking about.  Plus, here, it is illegal to drink or even possess alcohol by minors and it is illegal to provide alcohol to minors as well.  Like it or not, that is how alcohol is treated, which probably contributes to the unsavory aspects of teen drinking. 


We have a slew of functional alcoholics in my family.  My kids got to see inappropriate use of alcohol all the time and they have decided that they want no part of that lifestyle.  They see moderation practiced at home (by dh since my issues with depression make drinking an unwise choice.)  They choose not to drink knowing our family history of both addiction and mental health issues. 

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Ds is currently in a professional JAVA programmers group online. He's working on a coding project which he will submit to GM executives this spring in the hopes of being the first high school I.T. intern they have ever had. If he gets it, he'll start before school lets out...our PS would flip its lid if a parent suggested that a student miss a few classes in order to take advantage of such an opportunity. Their attendance policy is positively draconian. He's working towards professional certification, and he's taking a college class that is not on the approved dual enrollment list in our district - online from a university some distance from here.


Faith, I would love it if you gave us more specifics about your sons experience learning JAVA. I am looking for opportunities for my son who is 13. He has taken all the AoPS programming classes, but this year I haven't found anything new for him. He does do the programming for his FTC team's robot (RobotC). He will be starting a mooc soon, Programming for Mobile Android Devices https://www.coursera.org/course/android


What is the name of the programmer's website? I know a tiny bit about professional JAVA certification, can you tell us how your son is working on that? How has your son liked taking the online university programming course? Programming courses are very limited at my nearby community college, so I am considering online but I am concerned that might son may not be quite ready for that.

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