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Is R&S English easy to teach?


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I have a copy of English 2 sitting in front of me and first off I notice it's really set up for a class.  It seems like its thorough though.  Is it a good program?  I was given it and am debating whether to wait to do grammer till 2nd grade when R&S starts. It's nice that I have several of the R&S English books that I don't have to buy.


Just curious how others use it with just one child.  How have you liked it?

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Love it. When I used level 2 with dd, we took turns reading the student book aloud to each other and I had her do most of the exercises orally. We didn't do the classroom exercises. Starting with the third book, she wrote her answers in a composition notebook. I would have her do a couple of the classroom exercises orally and if she got the idea then I would have her complete the written exercises independently. We are in book six now and 75% of the lessons she is able to do on her own; the harder ones I go over with her.

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Love it, easy to teach. I have the DS read the lesson ahead of me and skim the exercises. Then, we discuss the lesson a bit, do the "Class practice" orally. and do a mix of oral/written for the written practice. And yes, it is thorough. I'm a good writer, yet even I am learning things in Level 7.

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I have a copy of English 2 sitting in front of me and first off I notice it's really set up for a class.  It seems like its thorough though.  Is it a good program?  I was given it and am debating whether to wait to do grammer till 2nd grade when R&S starts. It's nice that I have several of the R&S English books that I don't have to buy.


Just curious how others use it with just one child.  How have you liked it?


The authors wrote the English series such that everything the children need to know is right there in their textbooks. The oral classtime in the teacher manuals is completely optional, although it does add some warm fuzzy face time. :-)


The English series is very comprehensive and covers much more than just grammar. Many people find it quite dry, though, but truly, compared with other publishers of school textbooks/workbooks (e.g., ABeka, BJUP, CLP, probably ACE, Alpha Omega, Christian Light--materials published for the classroom rather than for homeschoolers) it is no more dry than they. :-) I recommend R&S's English to folks who are more comfortable with a traditional classroom method. :-)

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I'm using the 3rd and 5th grade and find it very simple to teach. It seems to be just the right speed and not too difficult or too easy. We do a separate writing program so we make a few of assignments that would be written oral. Then again, sometimes I'll assign one of the kids to write something out that it assigns as oral because I am working with the other child right then.

I haven't really used anything else to compare it to but I am happy it was recommended to me and I'd happily recommend it to others.

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Super easy. Just don't assign every single exercise. It is a school textbook, so picking and choosing is fine.


I like grade 3+ better than 2 (but I also found most grade 1 and 2 grammar programs to be somewhat useless). The "God wants you to write using proper grammar" vibe is much, much less in the 3+ books. :)

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