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Downton Abbey: Season 4 Christmas Special! {{Spoilers}}


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Anybody watch it??  My thoughts below....

















LOVED IT! Nobody died! LOL. And I loved seeing more Americans in the show, seeing the "New World" clashing with the "Old World".


I feel for Branson and Edith. I think we'll be seeing an exit by Branson in Season 5, although hopefully it'll be just to another house in the village. I hope Thomas's tattling this time around will come back to bite him. And I *loved* the Dowager's comment to Branson when he asked her to dance at the ball: "I can trust you to steer me." LOL


Poor Edith. I have mixed feelings about her decision at the end of the episode. I sympathize with her wanting her daughter close by, but feel awful for the adoptive family she'll be reclaiming her from.


And it looks like season 5 will have a lot of saber-rattling over who will win Mary.

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I just watched it tonight! I totally laughed out loud when the Dowager said that to Branson. I do not like the teacher. ..at all. She's just so pushy to me and seems to take digs at him. I know he can't find someone as wonderful as Sybil. But between the maid that was after him and now the teacher...Ugh. I wish they would write in a character with better personality for him.


I'm glad for Edith's decision. ..I only wish she had thought of it/made arrangements sooner. Regardless, I'm afraid there will still be much more heartache to come for her.


I can't believe we really have to wait until next fall for the season to begin.


Has anyone here watched, "The Paradise"? I really enjoyed it.

Oh, I totally loved The Paradise too. Although, I was a little annoyed with the ending.


Ok - I watched the whole Christmas Downton Abbey episode, but was doing other stuff while I watched. Can someone tell me what the letter Bates confiscated was about? I missed that and went back and tried to find the reference to that letter but I could not!

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Oh, I totally loved The Paradise too. Although, I was a little annoyed with the ending.


Ok - I watched the whole Christmas Downton Abbey episode, but was doing other stuff while I watched. Can someone tell me what the letter Bates confiscated was about? I missed that and went back and tried to find the reference to that letter but I could not!

A friend of Rose's had had a romantic relationship with the Prince of Wales and he had written her a steamy letter. Terence Sampson, a guest, stole the letter. When the family finally figured out who had most likely taken it, they were frantically worried that the facts of the Prince's fling would be published in the newspaper, causing scandal. So they searched Mr. Sampson's room to try to get it back, and Bates found it in the man's overcoat.

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A friend of Rose's had had a romantic relationship with the Prince of Wales and he had written her a steamy letter. Terence Sampson, a guest, stole the letter. When the family finally figured out who had most likely taken it, they were frantically worried that the facts of the Prince's fling would be published in the newspaper, causing scandal. So they searched Mr. Sampson's room to try to get it back, and Bates found it in the man's overcoat.

Thank you! I had caught all of it but exactly what the letter was about. Perfect summary. :)

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I was so excited to see it and will now go into withdrawl until next season - love this show. But I will watch it again when it airs here too though. :)  


Also did the Call the Midwife special, both in a post christmas day marathon where I put on headphones to drown out the kids and enjoy my shows.

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Finally got a chance to watch the Christmas special!
Loved it!  Nice and fluffy, decent plot advancements.


Anyone else glad Ivy might be shipped off to the Americas?

And I am actually rooting for Uncle Howard and his little English gold-digger (though, technically her father was the gold-digger... she was actually pretty sweet.)


I, too, LOVED the Dowager's comment to Branson:  I can trust you to steer. 
I LOL'd.  And I DO NOT like the school teacher character.  She's nearly as bad as that terrible maid.  Branson needs a good woman who loves him and lets him be whatever he wants.  No grasping climbers.  No uppity commoners, giving him digs. 

(I volunteer! :D)


Poor Edith... but sheesh... I was hoping we'd get to see her preggers or have some plot action BEFORE she'd had the baby and returned back home. :(

I am glad we're seeing more of that tenant farmer.  His voice is to die for.


Also hoping the Mr. Green deal is over and done for.  I want some happiness for the Bates.

And Mr. Carson & Ms. Hughes!  Holding hands, my my! :)

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I love Gillingham, I wish they'd strengthen him up. Otherwise he's just going to end up a pathetic second to Blake. Next season will be rather dull if they don't jazz Tony up.


The teacher - blech. The news blurb that introduced the actress at the beginning of the season sounded so promising. I thought she was supposed to be the perfect match. But this gal is truly just rude and common. After Sybil, Tom needs someone super special.


Loved the tie in with the royals, very clever.


Edith. Not sure what to think aside from just being tired of her baby-daddy being lost in space.


While I did laugh at the dowager's comment to Tom, I think Daisy had the best line when she said, "I never get excited." It was so sublime and funny.

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