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Am I the only grumpy, b17chy, lonely one tonight?

Shelly in IL

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Husband has hardly been home this month. He got home yesterday only to be called out today to be back Sunday afternoon.


We have a new puppy who is good, but tons of work. The boys are into their own stuff. Dh finally gets home Sunday and we leave for family on Monday afternoon. I'm just sad and lonely. I wouldn't travel, but our parents are failing health wise. No friends are available for me this time of year!


Now I've gone and fallen off my diet for the last few days so I feel bad physically and mentally am berating myself!!


I know I should be thankful he has work! I am blessed in so many ways!! But tonight I am sad and lonely!

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Nope. I and ds 17 had the flu this week, so I lost two days wages being sick. Dh is 1500 miles away, working and trying to save for us to move there. He hasnt been here since August and wont be home for Christmas because of the expense. Meanwhile, we just paid 500 out of what was supposed to be savings to fix his car. So pretty much every day is one of those days here lately. Praying for strength for you and for your parents' health.

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Flu here, too. And I'm just mad. We thought we were feeling better (its been over 10 days) so we packed four kiddos into the car to grab a few Christmas presents since I haven't even started shopping. We drove an hour to the mall and everyone was too tired to get out of the car. So we drove home.


The house is a disaster. Haven't done any decorating, except a pitiful tree with only half the lights on. DH seems to have no problem snoozing through the whole fiasco. Lets just say I was a little "put off" by the fact that I seemed to be the only adult participating.


So the kids will have fond memories of the Christmas everyone had the flu and mommy went crazy on daddy for sleeping through it while she washed dishes with a screaming baby on her hip, and cleaned up barf, and gave out breathing treatments like candy, and made some poor last minute gift purchases from Amazon. Surely, they will laugh a deade from now. Right?

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Oh I'm BAD this week. Got a gi bug Sunday night. While taking care of business I passed out, fell (off the toilet) onto the tile floor of the bathroom and sustained a concussion and whiplash as well as a large goose egg above my eye. I did not need that this week. GI bug passed in about 3 days but I'm still dealing with the head trauma. And the house suddenly got louder with the arrival of the other 3 boys from their various corners of the world. I have been snappy and impatient. Hardly the poster child for a loving momma getting ready for a lovely holiday season...peace on earth...not happening here :(.


Sounds like lots of people are having illness. I'm so happy no one else got mine.


May all of us crabby moms sleep well tonight.

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Grumpy mom here too. My parents are here (though not staying with us) because they need to spend every single Christmas with us. Every single Christmas of my entire life, wherever I am. But they don't really do fun Christmas stuff except overload kids with gifts (like last night giving DS7 a remote control helicopter 5 days before Christmas? Generous but could it please wait because he is now in the mode of "what is today's present"?) and ask me what the plan is for the day, which I have to coordinate. DCs have multiple and often conflicting singing commitments starting tomorrow evening. xDH has barely seen kids in last few months but now wants to tag along to services the kids are singing in, which the kids don't want. I'm just trying to remember that my parents are wonderful generous people who love me and don't really mean to be driving me nuts. I'm letting xDH sort himself out - if he can get to the services on his own, great, if not, too bad. Trying to do the Christmas stuff in between all of this. Oh and I'm sick with a nasty cough for the third time since September, fun. Here's to all the grumpy moms!

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You are not the only grumpy one, but I would pay for some 'lonely' right now...


Dh is home tonight, but spent 22 of the last 30 days away.


Dd seems unable to do anything I ask her until I yell it. I think I might not be pronouncing things right. From now on, the second time I ask her to do something I am going to pronounce it more clearly as "No TV tonight". It doesn't sound like "Please pick up your mess" to me, but I'm not up to date on teen speak.


Ds - I have no idea. Every 'no' from me results in a rant. He is pleasant to other people. This is not acceptable to me. Not how we raise our children. Enough.


I was really sick about a month ago, and think I am getting sick again. I've taken 3 hour naps the last few days and feel pretty miserable.


Ten minutes ago I stood up from the dining table and said, "I have to leave now". I am hiding in the bedroom lest I start to throw things.


It makes me feel a tiny bit better to know I'm not alone...

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Flu here, too. And I'm just mad. We thought we were feeling better (its been over 10 days) so we packed four kiddos into the car to grab a few Christmas presents since I haven't even started shopping. We drove an hour to the mall and everyone was too tired to get out of the car. So we drove home.


The house is a disaster. Haven't done any decorating, except a pitiful tree with only half the lights on. DH seems to have no problem snoozing through the whole fiasco. Lets just say I was a little "put off" by the fact that I seemed to be the only adult participating.


So the kids will have fond memories of the Christmas everyone had the flu and mommy went crazy on daddy for sleeping through it while she washed dishes with a screaming baby on her hip, and cleaned up barf, and gave out breathing treatments like candy, and made some poor last minute gift purchases from Amazon. Surely, they will laugh a deade from now. Right?

I hate to tell you this, but I'm laughing right now.


I hope your life isn't that ridiculous all the time. But, it does kind of remind me of my life. So, it's nice to laugh at someone else's crazy for a change. :-)

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