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buying books for your kids....


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Yes, I have.  My daughter (now graduated from college) would ask for books that she already knew she liked.  It was a rare  thing for her to ask for a new book.  Typically she would do that only with a favorite author.


Which library books are your daughter's favorites?




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Sure. I have done that, many times.  My kids are happy to receive favorite books as gifts.  We don't buy a lot of books - after years of buying everything, reading it once, and having to get rid of it.  I want to be sure books are keepers.


Once I made a mistake though.  I bought a boxed set of a trilogy just a little too late, and he was over it.  Oh well, it was only once. 



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Yes, we like the library as a "try before you buy" book source. If a book is worth checking out/renewing more than once, it's one I'll probably buy.

This goes for me as well. I especially appreciate the cookbook section: so many cookbooks sound great, and then there are only about three recipes I'd really want to use. It keeps me from wasting money.

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Yes, we like the library as a "try before you buy" book source. If a book is worth checking out/renewing more than once, it's one I'll probably buy.

This goes for me as well. I especially appreciate the cookbook section: so many cookbooks sound great, and then there are only about three recipes I'd really want to use. It keeps me from wasting money.



Cookbooks! Me, too!

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This year Miss E asked me for the entire Magic Treehouse series.  I said, don't you have those at your school library?  (She had been reading a bunch of them.)  She said yes, but she'd like to read them more than once.  I remember also having favorite books that I would read over and over.  So I ordered the books (I do have another kid about to grow into them too).

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