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What do I pack--family member out of town hospital


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I'm packing up to go to an out of town hospital to stay with a family member during chemo. This was a totally unexpected illness and diagnosis. Those of you who've been in this situation please help me out. What do I need to pack for myself and family member?  We will be driving up so I will have my vehicle.

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comfy clothes

smart phone if you have one, sometimes there is no signal so the wifi calling feature sure comes in handy

it also helps to turn on voice recorder when doctors come in and say stuff in case you missed something as well as use it to take notes and make lists

also great to play audiobooks and podcasts when your loved one can't sleep (my Mom hates tv so that wasn't an option)

charging cords and headphones

for me having my phone covered being able to call/text/email relatives, have a book at my fingertips, being able to watch Netflix while my Mom napped and generally to stay in touch with the kids while I was gone.

decent slippers, those hospital things are awful

toiletries, because, again, the ones they supply are awful


a familiar blanket and pillow were very helpful for my Mom too

favorite snacks and drinks

change and cash for cafeteria

coffee/tea mug if, like me, you hate cardboard containers

wipes to freshen up

moisturizer!!!!  Those places are so dry!

I was there for the better part of 3 months and those were the essentials.

:grouphug: :grouphug:

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I would pack very comfy, wrinkle free clothing that you can easily doze/sleep in if needed. I would also bring/wear a very comfortable pair of shoes so that you can take frequent walks. A sweatshirt or lightweight blanket/throw as often the rooms are very cool.

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