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Treadmill! What do I look for?

Shelly in VA

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We are considering a treadmill, but I don't have any idea what to look for in features! I just want a simple walk/jog sort of thing, really so that dh can jog consistently in order to NOT have the full-blown asthma attack he had yesterday after attempting to run 3 miles prior to a karate belt test. He only made it through ~3/4 of a mile, in part because he hadn't been running consistently to train. 2x/week would do wonders, I think, but it's dark when he gets home from work, too cold in the mornings, yada, yada, yada. Anyway, something lightweight is all we would need, but I want something decent, not so flimsy and fussy that it is hardly worth the effort.


I know this is a very open-ended question! I'd appreciate any input on features, brands, whatever, just to have a starting point for looking online or at a Sears or Dick's Sporting Goods.


Thank you!!


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Do you have a sports related store nearby? You can go pick their brains and then tell them you need to think about it. We bought ours based on the horsepower because DH uses it to run. We needed something that could handle a couple of hours of running at a time. We got a Horizon, but I think it's big. It takes up a lot of room in my bedroom.

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I have a NordicTrack from Costco that I got about 4 years ago. I love it. I have 2,000 miles on it and it still runs perfectly. I don't ever use any of the presets so I could do without those. I think I paid 7 or 8 hundred dollars and if you wait until the new year that kind of stuff goes on sale.

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We got a Nordic Track Space Saver model at Sears a few years back. This replaced a Sears Pro Form space saver that lasted 11 years. We need it to fit in the corner of our bedroom, hence the space saver models. The Pro Form never felt sturdy enough for running--I used it for walking. When we got the Nordic Track, I said, "hey, this doesn't shake and vibrate if you try to run it. Maybe I should try to run on it." And I have been. We've been happy with it.

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If you plan on *running* rather than just jogging/walking, you will need a higher HP model.


Wider belts are better than narrower.  20-22" would be a decent width.


Consider how tall the person is who will be using it.  Taller people have longer strides, so you may need a longer platform. 56-60" is probably fine for most people.


Most treadmills will go up to 10 mph, better ones will go to 12 mph.  Also look at the incline.  Most will have some sort of incline, better ones will incline more, and the best treadmills can also do negative incline.


Just my opinion on this, but I would not get a space saver unless I absolutely had to.  I think they feel flimsier and they're a pain to open/close (at least, the folding treadmill I had was).



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I can't think of anything more boring that running on the dreadmill. I really dislike it. I am not really sure why it is SO MUCH MORE BORING than the neighborhood or track but, there it is.


That being the case, I would make sure that it had a really good book rack. The one I have is barely adequate for a magazine. Something that would hold a big, fat, juicy book is a definity necessity. And then, if your husband is as old as I, he needs a page size magnifying lense so he can see the page from a comfortable running distance.


Also, you can google some pix (sorry, I'm on my phone) of ways ppl have modified the treadmill with a desk attachment. Whatever characteristics/features the treadmill needs to make that happen I wiuld considr a must.


Also, to avoid tragedy, look into what you need to do to make it safe in a home with children. Especially consider the cord that is supposed to connect to the runner.

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You're looking at the motor.  You want something with a decent motor, at least a 3.0 hp, but 3.5 would be better.  You're looking at the width and length of the belt.  It needs to be long enough for your dh's stride.  And you want something that will last.  We always buy and keep the extended warranty on our treadmills.  


I've never been impressed by the extras on the treadmills.  I don't care if it plugs into my phone, if it has a fan (ours does, but the angle is wrong and it's useless), or it it has preprogrammed workouts.  I don't need any of that.  I think most of the treadmills have inclines. You will want that.


Sole is a solid brand.  Nordic Track's can be good, but watch that you're not just paying for the bells and whistles.  Sear's own brand, ProForm, is good.  Again, watch the HP, that's the most important thing. 


We do have a space saver, but we have to have it.  If you never need to put it up, then I would not get a folding one.


Do go to the store and run on it.  Happy shopping. 

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