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BA delayed again


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I know much of it is not new, but chapters on perfect squares in third grade book and exponents in 4A make me think it's the best prep for AoPS preA. I was really hoping going through all of BA before preA would make the transition painless, but at this rate there is simply no way to stretch out arithmetic for that long. Oh well, at least my younger kid will enjoy it.

Seriously depressing.

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I know much of it is not new, but chapters on perfect squares in third grade book and exponents in 4A make me think it's the best prep for AoPS preA. I was really hoping going through all of BA before preA would make the transition painless, but at this rate there is simply no way to stretch out arithmetic for that long. Oh well, at least my younger kid will enjoy it.

Seriously depressing.


Yeah, just the other day, my oldest was doing LCM in PreA (complete with the video! :D) after my middle son had just done skip counting in BA 3A, noticing that 2 and 3 meet at 6. It was neat to see how they were setting the kids up for the material taught later.


Thankfully, we're going slowly, so maybe at least grade 4 will be out completely before we need it. I'm not holding my breath for 5 though. My youngest can use that. :tongue_smilie:

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Yeah, just the other day, my oldest was doing LCM in PreA (complete with the video! :D) after my middle son had just done skip counting in BA 3A, noticing that 2 and 3 meet at 6. It was neat to see how they were setting the kids up for the material taught later.


Thankfully, we're going slowly, so maybe at least grade 4 will be out completely before we need it. I'm not holding my breath for 5 though. My youngest can use that. :tongue_smilie:

Yes! I have preA on the shelf and I am always reading through "corresponding" material. The connections are beautiful. I really, really, really want all of BA NOW! Magic anybody?

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From the authors: "our goal is for students who finish the grade 5 Beast Academy books to be ready for Prealgebra"


In a perfect world we would complete through BA 5, but it won't be out in time.  DD will be finished with BA 4B by the end of the school year and we will continue to use the books as they come out, but we'll need to use something else while waiting.  We'll also probably start pre-algebra before all of level 5 is out.   :(  I'm sure there are many others in our situation.

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In a perfect world we would complete through BA 5, but it won't be out in time.  DD will be finished with BA 4B by the end of the school year and we will continue to use the books as they come out, but we'll need to use something else while waiting.  We'll also probably start pre-algebra before all of level 5 is out.   :(  I'm sure there are many others in our situation.


Ah, I thought you said it would be ready in time for you. My bad.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Are you using BA as the only math? We moved and took time off, so I think we are ok to get through 4A in time for 4B, but what about after that? C ought to be out for next fall I guess, but would you wait on that timeline or go to something else? I have TT6 here that my oldest is using, but is that too easy after BA 4B? (Although she would need fractions still....so probably not? Or maybe TT7 would be a better pace bc things get "babyish" for her quickly.)

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Are you using BA as the only math? We moved and took time off, so I think we are ok to get through 4A in time for 4B, but what about after that? C ought to be out for next fall I guess, but would you wait on that timeline or go to something else? I have TT6 here that my oldest is using, but is that too easy after BA 4B? (Although she would need fractions still....so probably not? Or maybe TT7 would be a better pace bc things get "babyish" for her quickly.)

No, SM is our primary program. We would have loved to use BA as our main one (we probably will for DS7. He just finished SM 3B and will transition to BA), but given the publication schedule it's not possible for my DS8. We have gone through all the BA books and SM through 4B. I am hoping to do BA 4B and then back to SM 5. Whatever BA comes out before we finish SM 5B, we will work through, but once we are through SM grade 5, we will go into preAlgebra. I doubt DS8 will ever get to BA grade five materials, but hopefully my younger son will.

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BA is my oldest dd's primary program.  We did a combination of Singapore and RightStart before we started BA.  She has no interest in using Singapore again and said RightStart would be okay if we couldn't find anything else.  I think we'll be using various supplements to cover the last few topics and start Jousting Armadillos sometime next school year.

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It's our primary program, and I've purposely been meandering with living math stuff mixed in to prolong it. But, we're clearly going to end 4A by the end of this month despite my meandering. I'm going to just do some decimals and percents with Key to..., then do Charlotte Mason business math, mix in some Khan Academy, return a bit to Hands on Equations. That will keep us busy before and a bit after 4B, but it is going to be a long 6+ months after that waiting for 4C. So, I'll look for whatever else I can..


DD hates Singapore, MM, LoF, and we're both kinda done with Rightstart too. So, I'm just going to continue to glue stuff together and meander this slow BA path because she loves BA so much. It's absolutely pure magic for her.


She's a young 4th grader, would actually be in 3rd in public school (misses cut off by 1 week) so I'm trying to accept it. We could go faster in something else, but neither of us would be happy.


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Ha, mine misses the cutoff by a month but is a precocious little thing. I always wonder if it made the right decision moving her ahead a grade! BA is working well so far, it doesn't make her do a million problems when she understands after a few (though we do still skip some of the redundancy.) And MM got boring and LOF was too wordy for her to figure out the actual math going on. Maybe I will just have her do the remaining topics in TT6 after 4B and see where we go from there!

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