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Stomach virus

Night Elf

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I think dd15 has a stomach virus. She's thrown up once an hour for the past 4 hours. Her stomach is cramping and she feels continuously nauseous. I am waiting for a call back from our advice nurse, but I was told they were experiencing a high call volume so they couldn't even give me an estimate of when they might call. I did try giving her Pepto Bismal but that didn't do anything. Is there anything I can do to help her? We haven't had this type of sickness in the house for years.

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Sounds like our encounter with Norovirus last year, which hit a new family member about every 24-30 hours and spared no one. Most of us only had the intense barfing for 8 hours or so (then a few days of little to no food and tiredness). Hopefully it will be short-lived for you too.

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I don't have any great advice for you, except maybe to have her sip flat Coca-Cola or ginger ale.


I just wanted to send you some :grouphug: and say I hope she feels better soon and that no one else catches it.


Are you sure it's a virus and not something she ate?

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Gingersnaps, gingerale, crackers, toast, bananas, gatorade, sprite or 7-up, any candy made with corn syrup, and real black licorice (made with actual licorice root, not just anise) might help her feel a little better.  Over the counter anti-nausea syrups are typically just flavored corn syrup and work well.  Ginger and licorice both have anti-nausea herbal properties.  Simple starches like toast, bananas and crackers soak up the extra fluids in the stomach that can contribute to nausea without adding fiber.


Also, try and have ONLY HER use whatever bathroom she's sick in, because some stomach viruses are droplets and can remain infectious for weeks.


If you MUST share, bleach bleach bleach chlorine bleach everything.  Pour it straight in the toilet (but make sure NOT to use with typical toilet cleansers, as when they mix it makes a deadly gas). 


Mix a spray bottle with 10% bleach and the rest water, change into clothes you don't mind ruining, and spray & wipe with a paper towel every surface you can that you know she's touched.  Some kinds of stomach bugs are NOT killed by anything but bleach.  I worked in a hospital for a while where a stomach flu kept going around, and infection rates were really high and remained high for more than 6 months until they made the transition back to bleach-based cleaning products.

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