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If I try to make it funny, will y'all indulge a whine?

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My dear, sweet grandparents called Mon to inform me that they'd be coming to visit Tues. Later, they said they'd have to wait until Wed because neither of them can drive right now, & they'd have to wait until grfather's daughter could drive them. It's about 2hrs, so it's a big drive.


I was glad they were waiting. But today it's been long enough...& they usually stay such a short time when they're here to see a new baby...I figured it would be fine.


But they didn't tell us when they were coming. About 10:30 or 11, when I was thinking I should call to see when to expect them, they called & said they'd missed the exit. WHAT????


1yo sleeps from 10-12-ish. Baby's not dressed, & his clothes are in 1yo's room. The house is a wreck. Ds7 is napping, due to a late night. We were in the middle of trying to *finally* footprint baby. (Very important because we *still* haven't gotten around to it w/ 1yo.)


We scramble. They come. Grf's dd sits & talks to grm; grf talks to dh; dc do flips, climb on furniture, create chaos. Grm tells me how to fix it: they need to play, they need to eat, etc. Proceeds to make plans to take them out to eat w/out *asking.* Not a big deal, but there's no polite way to say, "No, thank you."


So I'm making crazy SOS eyes at dh. He's not getting it. He's making alternate suggestions, based on his guesses at what I mean. His suggestions are even worse. Finally, he comes & does that uber-embarrassing whisper-in-front-of-everyone thing. Suddenly everyone is staring, & I'm in the corner, blubbering something to the effect of "No. Just no. To all of it. And I'm really, really, really sorry. But no."


So everybody sits back down, assures me it's ok, & grm expresses concern about the dc being hungry. The dc who won't be QUIET about being hungry so my grps will LEAVE. Dh did have the decency to invite them to stay until 1yo awoke fr her nap, so they wouldn't miss her. Wasn't that sweet? Grf assured dh they weren't going anywhere.


So I suggested that 1yo had slept long enough. Then the lunch fiasco ensued, & I finally told the dc to go make themselves sandwiches.


Well, when 5yo walked into the living room wielding a steak knife to ask if it could be used on cheese, grm got worried & went to help. I could hear ds7 arguing (politely) w/ all of her suggestions.


"No, grm, we usually drink water."


"No, grm, I can spread pb on one side, jelly on the other." (Seriously? You want to mix the 2, thereby creating ANOTHER. DIRTY. DISH????)


"Um...grm...I don't think 1yo's supposed to eat *that.*"


So what did I do? I thought about going back to the back w/ the baby to lie down, but I was starving & didn't want to say so because I didn't want them to stay for lunch, even though they were offering to either go get something or make it themselves. (Sorry!)


So I pretended to fall asleep on the sofa. Isn't that AWFUL???? Grm wanted to stay anyway, to do dishes, but I heard grf shooing her, saying I needed to rest. She came & woke me up to "kiss" me good-bye, & as grf got her purse *for* her, she complained that she wanted to stay. I really thought she might cry. And I felt SO bad, but I was SO relieved.


On top of that, grf's dd sat here the whole time repeating over. and. over. how nice the temp in our apt feels. I tried to explain that it's a) AM, b) been overcast, & c) you're sitting right. in. front. of. the. fan.


But I have to say, having lived here in temps ranging from 80-90 when 9mos pg & GIVING BIRTH, the last thing I'd like to be told is, "No, it feels fine to me."


(I will post later about the state of the a/c situation. Dh will not allow me to either talk or think about it right now. He makes those phone calls when I'm sleeping because my blood pressure gets so high at some of the things they're saying to us. :mad:)


Let's see, that's grp, the a/c, you know we have mice & our favorite neighbors are moving because they have uncontrollable RATS & poor a/c--in the same building (i.e., that leaves us w/ the same problem, but the school is pretty sure it's just *their* apt!), now for the piez de resistance. SP?


Remember our Very Noisy Neighbors who finally moved out last semester? The apt above us has been sitting empty until now. I'd pretty much expected somebody to move in during or just prior to labor, but I got lucky. They started moving in yesterday during naptime. And luckier yet, it's an older couple w/ one 18yo dd. Which should be relatively nice & quiet & is the best poss scenario. But instead of being 100% grateful like I should be, I'm 98% grateful.


See, the 3 bed apts are reserved for families w/ 3 or more dc. I have friends w/ 2 dc (whom I love but would not want to live beneath) who can't get more than 2 beds. So why do people keep getting around the sys? Across from us lives a couple w/ the same situation. You know how they do it? They've got 3 dc, but the older ones are grown. :glare:


So I'm grateful. Really.


The other thing about it, though, is that these families all have 2-3 cars. And they park them all right here by the door. And the result is that there's not room for us to park ONE car near the apt. We have to go around the corner. With our 3-4 dc, groceries, etc.


We discussed this w/ the school. Perhaps assigned parking for the good spots & extra cars around the corner? No, because there are 75 units & 100 spots. Don't ask me how that makes sense. That's just the way it is.


They did suggest we talk to the neighbors & try to work something out ourselves. Like that's not awkward. Like we know who belongs to ea car. But one truck in particular stays in the same (close) spot for weeks at a time. Dh happened to see its driver a couple of weeks ago & asked the guy if he'd mind parking it around the corner. Very friendly, said sure. And I think he did. Once. It's been back ever since.


Ok, I'm done. Except for one thing. Remember the very important finger prints we were in the middle of when grps showed up? We'd set the stuff out (during 1yo's nap, of course), & then everything happened. Guess who just found the fingerprinting kit that I ordered specially? And got it on the cloth-covered bench, her best dress, etc.? While dh was holding the baby & snoozing, so he couldn't get up & run? So he yelled for me to do it & gave me one too many instructions, so I snapped at him, partly because I was so heart-broken, & partly because my stupid long hair gets in the way for stuff like that & I can't see. And of course dh couldn't understand when I returned & said I couldn't talk to him right now. He gave me a rather annoyed look & closed his eyes. I'm in tears.


Sorry, it started out funny. The fingerprint kit really put me over the edge. LOL--it cost all of $1, & we still have a perfectly good one that the mw gave us. Plus the one I've been meaning to use on 1you for over a yr now. Which I feel horrible about.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Honey, you just gave birth......you whine all you want!! We'll listen. And it was kinda funny to me...because I have done the same thing...pretending to be asleep in the midst of chaos! You can only get away with that after birth, a hospitalization, or severe head cold.


And DH's grandparents were the same way--even down to the purse carrying! His gm *always* wanted to feed everyone. Sometimes I felt like they thought we were all starving to death!


I don't buy jelly for my kiddos because they like to mix it together creating yet. another. dirty. dish.:lol:


:grouphug::grouphug: Hugs again...and just think...this Texas heat will start to abate in about 4 weeks....start to....it won't be gone completely until about Thanksgiving. But the beginning of the end is approaching!

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Ok, we used the back-up footprint kit. Not as fancy, not great prints, but I'm happy. I'm saving 1yo's 1/2 fingerprints in case today looks funnier later.


You know, stuff goes wrong, & it's frustrating. More stuff goes wrong, & it's funny. One. more. thing, & a body's in tears.


Dh reassures me that this is not hormones. That this is valid. Have I mentioned how sweet he is?


Since the footprints are made, though, I'm good. Thanks, guys.

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:grouphug: We understand...:grouphug:


Ok, we used the back-up footprint kit. Not as fancy, not great prints, but I'm happy. I'm saving 1yo's 1/2 fingerprints in case today looks funnier later.


You know, stuff goes wrong, & it's frustrating. More stuff goes wrong, & it's funny. One. more. thing, & a body's in tears.


Dh reassures me that this is not hormones. That this is valid. Have I mentioned how sweet he is?


Since the footprints are made, though, I'm good. Thanks, guys.

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So I pretended to fall asleep on the sofa. Isn't that AWFUL????


No, it's not awful, you are my hero. I love you.


I'm sorry about the parking and the a/c and the rats (shudder).


Sorry, it started out funny. The fingerprint kit really put me over the edge. LOL--it cost all of $1, & we still have a perfectly good one that the mw gave us. Plus the one I've been meaning to use on 1you for over a yr now. Which I feel horrible about.


Aw...I so know what you mean. I've had to stop myself *so many times* for griping at the kids for, you know, USING craft kits I purchased for them. :tongue_smilie:

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