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Roots/suffixes/prefixes resource?

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Spelling Workout.  The upper levels cover word roots, prefixes, and suffixes from Latin and Greek.  DS used the series until he got to the end.  Its also what SWB recommends in TWTM Logic Stage.




Spelling Workout.  We've been through the whole series and are now on the last book!


Vocabulary Vine is excellent for roots, too.

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Marcia Henry's words is excellent. It combines root study with spelling, separated by Language of origin. The examples are from early on, and while it says 3 - 8th grade level, I consider most of the Latin and Greek words middle school to high school level.


A bit pricy, but non consumable and thorough.



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My son loved Michael Clay Thompson's Ceasar's English and Word within the Word series. Begin with Caesar's English I. You need the student and teacher edition for the newest version. If you can get an old version used, you only need the teacher's edition.




My daughter loves the flashcards from English from the Roots Up.





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Mindy, no, for use as a roots/vocab program, you wouldn't want to start below level F, IIRC.  Somewhere in the depths of the logic stage chapters in TWTM it states exactly which level introduces Latin, Greek, and other foriegn roots.  You might be able to find this by looking at samples or TOCs on Rainbow Resource or Christian Book Distributors.

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So, to use SWO for the roots, start at least with F? I'll dig out WTM and check it out.


Also... If we're using Caesars English, would it be overkill to do SWO, or does it approach it differently? I'm looking at spelling options and that sounds like a good one, but not if it just repeats what we're doing with another book. Although Taryn, are you using both, or is anyone else?

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