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Exercise: I need some suggestions for muscle building equipment and videos

Michelle My Bell

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I am getting fat. I haven't ran consistently since I started college in August, I have spent more time eating poorly than well and I am all fat, no muscle.


So now that I've got that out of the way, I'd like some recommendations for an at home muscle building workout. I was looking at resistance bands but I'm not sure how effective they would be. Also, I would need a video or book to show me what to do. I could do some hand weights if someone wants to recommend them. My plan is to get back into running 3x a week and muscle building 2-3x a week. I am also really interested in Yoga 1x a week. If you could, I would appreciate amazon links to any products  you all recommend. So to summarize… 


Resistance Bands and video or book recommendation.


Yoga Video recommendation. 


Any other strength training recommendation. 


I do have Netflix and Amazon Instant Video if there is something on there. 



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No recommendations, same problems though.  :laugh:


I've been thinking about bodyweight exercises because there are 4 of us in 800sf and I don't have room for more equipment.


I do have one thing that I would recommend and that's a pull-up bar. Forgot about that.

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Gee, I could recommend strength videos for days and days...


For starters, I am big on bodyweight training, because there's no equipment. You Are Your Own Gym is probably the first I would recommend. Another is Cathe Friederich's Travel Fit; no equipment needed. A lot of people loathe Gillian Michaels, but most of her workouts are bodyweight training and well-designed.


Yoga??? My passion is yoga, but I will try to keeep the list short. Ultimate Yogi/Travis Elliot has several excellent dvds out. I have the Ultimate Yogi set, and it's a pretty comprehensive group of varous types of intermediate practices. You might also try something by Janice Stone, Sadie Nardini, or Kathryn Budig.


Hope this helps! Netflix has lots of great workout and yoga videos!

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My daughter is in amazing shape from club swimming and club water polo, but she still wakes up early 3-4 times a week to workout to videos.  Instead of letting me buy her some videos, she just searches on YouTube and alternates videos she finds.  She likes the Jillian Michaels "Shred" videos and her current favorite is this one.


Check your library system for videos on yoga, etc.  

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This site has tons of workouts, including bodyweight, and yoga.  I'm currently using their kettlebell one.  I started back on the 1st cycle.  You can search the workouts.


For yoga I use an online service called YogaGlo.com.  It's pricey, but there are tons of options.  If you're looking to purchase a DVD I second the Sadie Nardini recommendation.  


Right now I run 3x's a week, do kettlebell 2x's a week, and yoga at least once a week.  

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I would suggest that you visit Videofitness.com. The forums are excellent, and there are reviews of pretty much any and every workout program and video that you could possibly ever want. There is also a Bargain Watch page,where people post about discounts and sales on fitness-related stuff.

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I bought all the equipment for a home gym this year. It's cheaper than joining a gym!

I have adjustable-weight dumbells, 4x kettlebells, a barbell and a bench. Kettlebells are awesome!

If you're looking for some at home suggestions and exercises take a look at: bodybuilding at home

If you don't have any equipment available, running to the nearest park and doing a bodyweight workout is a good option, too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Mercury713

I bought all the equipment for a home gym this year. It's cheaper than joining a gym!

I have adjustable-weight dumbells, 4x kettlebells, a barbell and a bench. Kettlebells are awesome!

If you're looking for some at home suggestions and exercises take a look at:

If you don't have any equipment available, running to the nearest park and doing a bodyweight workout is a good option, too.


thx, its just what i needed. My home is small so i think thatll do for me. I saw a pretty nice machine at bowflex for cheap using the coupons at http://www.growingdeals.com/bowflex-coupons/ so i think ill get that to start with.


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My fave place for yoga is doyogawithme.com.  For strengthening I am a fan of barre work. It is great to really tighten everything up. I know that 'pudge' feeling and I swear by barre to firm stuff up and get everything back where it belongs.


If you have any interest in it at all, then I would suggest a video from Bar Method. There are quite a few different approaches (Pure Barre, Physique 57, etc)  but I think Bar Method is the place to start. Burr Leonard is a great instructor and she takes form and safety seriously. Plus she looks fantastic and is in her 60s. She is a walking advertisement for her own method for sure.


I would start with 'accelerated workout' or 'change your body workout' Bar method does use weights, but lighter ones. Mostly it uses body weight, intense small movements and high reps. All you need for a barre workout is some light and medium weight dumbells, a chair, and sometimes a playground ball. If you like you can use a yoga mat as well. They say you will start to see changes in your body after 10 workouts. I would agree with that.


But, if I absolutely had to pick a weight sort of workout I would check out a kettlebell workout.


Don't forget to check out your library for videos. Netflix does have some exercise videos but only on disc. I looked and Amazon prime does have some streaming exercise videos and it might be worthwhile to check some out for fun. It looks like mostly yoga and tai chi, but I didn't dig.


One video that I did see that is available via Prime that I own is "Ballet Beautiful: Body Blast". This isn't a barre workout, but something the teacher created herself. I like it ok and I can recommend it. I like it when it is really, really hot out, lol. It is all lying on a mat so I don't get too sweaty. I can just point the fan at the mat and lie down and do butt and leg lifts, lol. Her 'swan arms' workout is hard. You wave your arms around gracefully and feel the buuuuuurn. Anyway, if you have Prime then it won't cost you to look. It isn't my favorite workout, but it does have it's niche.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would suggest that you visit Videofitness.com. The forums are excellent, and there are reviews of pretty much any and every workout program and video that you could possibly ever want. 

Love VF forums and visit them daily. 


My fave place for yoga is doyogawithme.com.  For strengthening I am a fan of barre work. It is great to really tighten everything up. I know that 'pudge' feeling and I swear by barre to firm stuff up and get everything back where it belongs.

I love, love, love your posts and workout suggestions :grouphug: . Will have to look into the doyogawithme site. Thank you for that link. 


I am getting fat. I haven't ran consistently since I started college in August, I have spent more time eating poorly than well and I am all fat, no muscle.


Michelle, I can fully relate. The holidays have not helped. When it comes to food, I have almost zero self-control. I have found that it's mostly about diet and lowering my caloric intake. Some say that when it comes to weight loss, diet is 80% and exercise is 20%. I think that for me it might even be 90/10. I'm not at all happy about that, since I love to exercise (when I have time), but I also love food. Starting in the coming week, I plan on eating much less and having smaller portions - a Denise Austin plan that seems very simple and straightforward. I really hope that I can stick to it. On that plan, you're not meant to workout intensely or for too long. 


If you have body parts that are of specific concern - arms, abs, inner thighs, back fat - I have workout/DVD suggestions for most body parts. 


These are what others have posted and what I now works best for me also (when I stick to it, of course and when I improve my eating habits):


"I lost 50 pounds doing only light workouts - Ellen Barrett, fusion, Pilates, yoga, etc., and no cardio. 

 However, I followed a strict calorie-counting diet. I have always maintained that it's all about the diet, at least for me."


"When I did my Leslie Sansone/Yoga combination last year I was at my absolute slimmest. I went several pounds beneath my goal weight and was tiny, and I'm 5-8 and not naturally tiny. I did it for several months. I am back to Leslie and yoga now because it works."  

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Resistance bands absolutely can be effective and you're  less likely to injure yourself than with free weights, etc. Plus, they are easier to store and you can't stub your toe on one! That's what the physical therapist recommended for me after I lost muscle mass due to chemo.  I got exercises from a physical therapist, so don't have a dvd to recommend.


Exercise balls are another nice piece of equipment but not if storage space is any issue at all.


On the DVD front, before you invest in buying something, I'd highly recommend that you try it out. Your library might have some. Many can be rented on Amazon.(maybe only if you're a Prime user? We are, so I don't know.) But I'd rather pay 2.99 to rent something for a period of time to see if I like it then pay 19.99 and find out on day 1 I don't like it. Some of the rental periods are long enough that I can learn a particular thing or two and incorporate on my own.


Or google what is on You tube by that particular trainer. They often have pieces of workouts on Youtube for that purpose. That will save you money from buying a workout and you find the instructor's voice really grates on you, or it's too easy, or it's too hard, or they don't give enough instruction for you, or they give too much instruction and it slows it down too much to be enjoyable, or you get bored with it as soon as you learn it, etc etc (Can you tell I've BTDT? And I only purchase after reading tons of reviews! )


Additionally, with You tube there are a lot of good videos up that are put out by physical therapists or other qualified trainers. You can tell by reading about the trainer a bit and watching to see if they mention safety issues (eg "Make sure that your knees don't bend further out than your toes, or you can injure your _____.")  I think you can put together enough free stuff from You Tube to keep you busy.

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I'm big on starting with the stuff you have before buying more stuff. Body weight exercises and resistance bands are both effective muscle building. I'd go to the library and find books that has illustrations of body weight and resistance band exercises. I'd make copies of 10-20 exercises targeting different muscle groups. After I'd practiced a few times I'd incorporate them with my cardio. Run a mile, do a squat series (20 reg, 20 right leg on curb, 20left leg on curb). Run another mile stop at bench to do dips, do planks on ground or use bench, get your stomach and lift your arms and legs into superman to strengthen your back. Run another mile and...if your run I loops by a school playground, the playground has all kinds of equipment to help you. I bet there are YouTube videos of playground workouts. Hanging bars can be great tools for core work beyond laying on the ground and doing crunches.



ETA Mark Lauren looks like he has some good stuff. See if your library has his books: Body By You and You Are Your Own Gym. You can look at his website too.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest bellasimon

Resistance bands absolutely can be effective and you're  less likely to injure yourself than with free weights, etc. Plus, they are easier to store and you can't stub your toe on one! That's what the physical therapist recommended for me after I lost muscle mass due to chemo.  I got exercises from a physical therapist, so don't have a dvd to recommend.


Exercise balls are another nice piece of equipment but not if storage space is any issue at all.


On the DVD front, before you invest in buying something, I'd highly recommend that you try it out. Your library might have some. Many can be rented on Amazon.(maybe only if you're a Prime user? We are, so I don't know.) But I'd rather pay 2.99 to rent something for a period of time to see if I like it then pay 19.99 and find out on day 1 I don't like it. Some of the rental periods are long enough that I can learn a particular thing or two and incorporate on my own.


Or google what is on You tube by that particular trainer. They often have pieces of workouts on Youtube for that purpose. That will save you money from buying a workout and you find the instructor's voice really grates on you, or it's too easy, or it's too hard, or they don't give enough instruction for you, or they give too much instruction and it slows it down too much to be enjoyable, or you get bored with it as soon as you learn it, etc etc (Can you tell I've BTDT? And I only purchase after reading tons of reviews! )


Additionally, with You tube there are a lot of good videos up that are put out by physical therapists or other qualified trainers. You can tell by reading about the trainer a bit and watching to see if they mention safety issues (eg "Make sure that your knees don't bend further out than your toes, or you can injure your _____.")  I think you can put together enough free stuff from You Tube to keep you busy.

Very true Laurie. My primary doctor recommended me for physical therapy as I am having muscular pain from last 3 years and all I found is A.T.I Physical Therapy. Physical therapists diagnose every problem and  also give their patient exercises to do it of their own.



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