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Apples to Apples

Night Elf

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Thank you for the recommendations for Apples to Apples. It was a huge hit. There were 9 of us playing and we must have played about 2 hours before people needed to leave. My mom and stepdad, who normally have a hard time with games, really did well with this game and enjoyed themselves immensely. Oh and I went with the adult version and it was great.

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Love it.  Ours play it over and over with friends.  I just realized that we still have the children's version (everyone playing was a teenager), so there will be an adult version under the tree  :hurray: .


The only difference between the versions is the adult version has more references to famous people. 

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I'm so glad it was a hit!!

We also had an Apples evening, with ages 13 - 60+.  I can't remember a time when we didn't have a fun time playing A to A :D  And it seems to be the more the merrier - we once had 16 playing and it was so much fun.


We have made a game out of saying the card describes the person who "won" that round - so last night my friend was feminine, flirtatious and fragile - none of which describes her at all. :)



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