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Olympics commentators

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The Olympics commentators are doing such a great job. They have obviously spent a LOT of time preparing, getting to know the athletes, etc. But I loved this comment last night, during the Synchronized Diving competition. The commentator was talking about how one partner was from California, the other from Indiana. The California girl moved to Indiana, because in Synchronized Diving, it's very important for them to practice together.:lol:

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I'm just glad not to be listening to the gymnastics commentator from the Sydney Olympics. He just couldn't get over 1) that the beam is only four inches wide and 2) that they could hear music from the competitors' floor routines while they were doing their beam routines.


We get the Canadian Olympic broadcasts as well, so sometimes I like to switch over to listen to their commentators. The U.S. channel has better video though.

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The Olympics commentators are doing such a great job. They have obviously spent a LOT of time preparing, getting to know the athletes, etc. But I loved this comment last night, during the Synchronized Diving competition. The commentator was talking about how one partner was from California, the other from Indiana. The California girl moved to Indiana, because in Synchronized Diving, it's very important for them to practice together.:lol:


I heard that last night too and started cracking up. My husband was in the room but not paying attention so I had had to relay the comment to him. We both had a good laugh over that brilliant statement...

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The Olympics commentators are doing such a great job. They have obviously spent a LOT of time preparing, getting to know the athletes, etc. But I loved this comment last night, during the Synchronized Diving competition. The commentator was talking about how one partner was from California, the other from Indiana. The California girl moved to Indiana, because in Synchronized Diving, it's very important for them to practice together.:lol:



I missed that particular comment.


I wish there was an option to turn the commentators off. Their commentary is so annoying sometimes. They over analyze everything.

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I missed that particular comment.


I wish there was an option to turn the commentators off. Their commentary is so annoying sometimes. They over analyze everything.


Mute button. :D


I keep my TV on the Olympic channels at a very low volume. Sometimes it is fun to make up your own commentary.

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I wasn't so happy the next go around with the tone about homeschooling...


Yeah, I heard that one too. Actually, lol, I'm inclined to be pretty forgiving. I don't think the commentator *necessarily* meant it as a dig against home schooling (though I doubt he knows much about it) -- more as a comment on how much some of these very young athletes give up to train. "School" was just an example of one of the "normal kid activities" that she had given up in her Olympic pursuit. And in that way, the comment didn't offend me. It's true. There's a massive trade-off when it comes to pursuing a sport to this degree at such a young age...


And without knowing what the girl and her family would say, it's impossible to know whether she was truly home schooling as a sacrifice so that she could train more, or if they would have home schooled to this point anyway, and it was a nice side effect that she was able to train...


So it was an ignorant comment, in some ways, but I didn't necessarily find it offensive.

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I have to be honest... I was a little creeped out by a guy critiquing the women's gymnastics. Where's Mary Lou? Or Kerri WhatsHerName (forgive me, I know who I mean and am just drawing a blank on the last name!)? There's a long list of women's gymnasts who could be doing this job instead. I'm no prude usually. But something about that just Bugged Me.

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as the cyclists were racing over a toll area of road "Don't worry, they don't have to stop to pay the toll".


Was that Phil Liggett? He's the best! You can find some of his great ones on his Wiki. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Liggett


He's known for that kind of stuff, and it's a pure joy to me to listen him commentate the Tour of France every year!

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What about men's volleyball? They keep telling the story of Phil Dalhausser losing his hair and deciding to shave it, how he was mad at his parents because he was going bald and even showing photo's of him when he was younger and "had hair." Puh-leez! How many times do we need to hear this? And who really cares anyway?

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The Olympics commentators are doing such a great job. They have obviously spent a LOT of time preparing, getting to know the athletes, etc. But I loved this comment last night, during the Synchronized Diving competition. The commentator was talking about how one partner was from California, the other from Indiana. The California girl moved to Indiana, because in Synchronized Diving, it's very important for them to practice together.:lol:


It sounds funny, but an earlier comment about this included that until recently the US competitors DIDN'T practice together! The commentators may have meant that the pairs didn't practice for long periods as they mentioned splitting families to get this practice in. (mother & daughter in IN, dad and siblings at home)

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what bugged me was most was last night with swimming.

I don't remember the names but the commenter was talking about about how one of the US swimmers(male) had broken up with one of the US girls swimmers right before the Olympics started.


Now, did we REALLY need to know that?


And would he really want that broadcast worldwide if it were his daughter that had been broken up with?

(Granted, it might not have bothered the female swimmer at all. Maybe she was even glad for the relationship to end. I'll bet no one asked for her input before broadcasting though)

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