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Basal Cell Carcinoma vs. Cyst?

Shelly in VA

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I went to the dermatologist last Friday, and she was sure that an area of concern on my cheek was a basal cell carcinoma. She biopsied and said I'd get a call within a week or so to see a Moh's surgeon. Today, I got a call that said the pathology came back benign, and that the doctor now thinks the area could simply be a ruptured cyst. However, I'm supposed to watch it, and if it hasn't healed in ~3 weeks, I should make a follow-up appointment so that the doctor can decide if possibly a carcinoma beneath the area is causing the "rupture." This seems like a big reversal to me - from "that-is-without-a-doubt-carcinoma" to "well-it's-nothing-after-all." I think that perhaps the shave biopsy didn't go deep enough, since she was "sure" it was BCC, and that I'll end up back there in a few weeks for a punch biopsy, which will reveal BCC. Maybe it doesn't work that way; I've only had one other BCC, so my experience is limited, but I have had other biopsies performed just to be cautious, and the doctor always seemed to have a high degree of confidence that those would, in fact, come back benign.


Anyone have any experience with this? I know that BCC is not the sort of thing that needs to be taken care of immediately, but at the same time, if that's what I have, I'd prefer to take care of it now. Is a second opinion warranted here? Also, to muddy the waters, we've had a very $$$ medical year, and we've actually met our family out-of-pocket max for the year (and nearly drained our HSA), so financially, I would much prefer to take care of this in 2013 instead of starting 2014 off by meeting our deductible right away! :glare: But that could be clouding my judgment, too; I know it's making me cynical regarding all things medical! Haha.


Thank you!!

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Ha, we are doing the opposite, we are waiting until 2014 to get dh's BCC taken off because I want to put it on next year's deductible in case we have other emergencies :).  Personally, I would just ask if they could go ahead and do the other biopsy, that way you can know for sure and can get your appt scheduled for 2013 if you need to.

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BCC mimics so many things. DD13 had what looked like one on her face. Several docs agreed so we went for punch biopsy with the plan for Moh's following the pathology report. It turned out to be a chronically infected hair follicle. Figure that one out since it was on her upper cheek.

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Not to scare the willies out of anyone, but I'm looking at this from the other side -- Stage IV ocular melanoma.  I also get regular skin scans, even though having OM does not correlate to cutaneous (skin) melanoma.  Anyway, here's my mantra.


Cancer can be fast.


You must be faster.


Unlike melanoma, BCC is nonmelanocytic and has a very low metastasis rate, but it can spread to surrounding tissue, which would still kinda suck.  Do not wait.  Add 6-month derm scans to your calendar like 6-moth dentist visits and just let it be a habit.  Detection is everything.


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I plan to call the dermatologist in the morning to talk to them. Dh thinks I should wait a week or so to see if the area clears up, and while part of me wants to believe "benign," another part of me is uncomfortable because of the certainty expressed by the doctor at the initial clinical exam. It can't hurt to at least make a phone call.


Thank you, everyone, for the input.


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Cancer can be fast.


You must be faster.


Unlike melanoma, BCC is nonmelanocytic and has a very low metastasis rate, but it can spread to surrounding tissue, which would still kinda suck.  Do not wait.  Add 6-month derm scans to your calendar like 6-moth dentist visits and just let it be a habit.  Detection is everything.


Excellent advice to consistently schedule 6-mo derm scans. I've been too relaxed in that regard. BCC spreading to surrounding tissue is exactly what happened for me 6 years ago, and the resultant reconstructive surgery on my nose and face was not fun. I'm thankful that the surgeons were able to do what they did, but I certainly don't want to repeat the experience if I can help it.


Thank you for sharing your input in light of your current medical situation. I sincerely appreciate it.


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BCC mimics so many things. DD13 had what looked like one on her face. Several docs agreed so we went for punch biopsy with the plan for Moh's following the pathology report. It turned out to be a chronically infected hair follicle. Figure that one out since it was on her upper cheek.

I had a growth removed this summer. They still aren't sure whether mine was BCC or a hair follicle bulb cell that reproduced.  I had it for almost two decades. I only went in because it kept growing. Even with the biopsy, they couldn't be sure which it was. Mine was on my left cheekbone.

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