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Anyone here want to be my friend on goodreads.com? I am always looking for new reads even if it is outside of my usual likes. Most of my friends are not avid readers. Currently I am reading The Witch of Blackbird Pond, 1000 Gifts a Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, Captive in Iran A Remarkable True Story of Hope and Triumph Amid the Horror of Tehran's Brutal Evin Prison. I have a few possible next read choices which include The Book Thief, Catching Fire, and  Where the Moon Isn't.  The first two are movings I want to see and the last isn't usually my typical read but I found intriquing. Anyway, would anyone like to be my friend? :party:  I am Carol Long  or kahlanne  on goodreads.com

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I'm not on Good Reads so I can't help you there. But if you listen to podcasts you might enjoy Books on the Nightstand. The two hosts work for Random House, though the podcast isn't a RH production; it's their hobby. It's all about books, authors, the industry. They have a section called Two Books We Can't Wait for You to Read where they talk about newer books they've enjoyed. I'm not too crazy about their Booktopia episodes but I really like listening to their regular episodes.

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I'm on Goodreads... I can be you friend if you want.  I have pretty eclectic tastes.  I'm checking out some of the ones you listed too!


But, you can look at most other people's lists.  Say you find a book you *love*.  And you read someone's review who also loves it.  If you click on their name it should take you to their profile.  Some people may have their's private, but I've found it to be few and far between.   Anyway, just a thought.


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I didn't realize you could look at their lists on goodreads. Thanks for the suggestion Debbi. I have been on goodreads sporadically for a while but am really just now getting really into using it to its fullest.


Cinder, thanks for the suggestion. I am listening to one of the podcasts now about Southern Literature. One of the suggested books really caught my eye but is so out of my comfort zone that I know I would have never chosen it. I am not big on poetry but am ordering it asap.Without you I would have never even heard of it. Thank you.

The book is Late Wife by Claudia Emerson. Hope I love it but even if I don't I am looking forward to stretching myself.

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