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How often do you visit family?


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I live about 15 minutes from my parents who I see at least 2 times a week(Friday and Sunday.)  Most of my siblings live within 15 minutes of my parents and I see the every Sunday at my parents unless someone can't make it.  I also see many of them at least 3 other times throughout the month because we hang out at each other's houses to play boards games, watch movies, and let cousins hang out.


One sister lives 900 miles away (I'm at her house right now!) her and her kids come to visit once a year and stay for about 3weeks.  My kids, my parents, and I drive down to visit once a twice a year.


I see my in laws every Sunday (aside from FIL) they live within 15 minutes.  FIL lives about an hour away and we see him maybe every 3 months.

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We live seconds from my parents.  We live in half of their duplex.  We see them from daily to weekly, depending on schedules.  My 3 younger siblings live at home, so we see them frequently.  My older brother's family is about 40 minutes away, and we all get together about once a month or so, usually for some sort of occasion. 


My inlaws, DH's parents and his brother, live also about 40-45 minutes away.  We see them 2 times a year for sure, a family Christmas celebration with us & them and an extended family Christmas celebration.  Maybe 1-3 times more a year.  Sometimes none.  They're just not that into us :glare:

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We see our parents about quarterly. They are 4 and 5 hours away. My sister and a cousin live close to me, so I see them a couple times a month. We enjoy everyone's company, but really don't feel compelled to have people over more often than we do. My house is the gathering place, so it's always on us to organize the entertaining. I don't have it in me to do weekly. We only have three free evenings a week and I like them to remain free more often than not. Don't get me wrong, I'm very social, but we see A LOT of people in the course of our week and it's nice to keep a few evenings a week for just us.

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When my mom was alive she lived 5 minutes away. I saw her 2-3 times a week and talked on the phone with her daily.


MIL & FIL are 20 min. away. We see them 2-3 times a month, plus dh will sometimes stop by on the way home from work.


My brother is 40 min. away. We haven't been close for years, and I only see him a few times a year. I "see" his wife on facebook all the time, so we do keep up with each other's lives.


His adult daughter lives near my IL's, and I see her and her twins several times a month. She and I are close.


DSS and DDIL are about an hour away. We see them about once a month. It would be more often, but their work schedules are all over the map.

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Rally depends -- family is rather fractured, so we see my one aunt and GM (100!) pretty regularly.  My mother moved up to NJ from NC, but she's still stand-offish, so the distance really means little.  MIL is psychotic.  SIL lives only 3 hours away, divorced, three boys, works hospital shift work, so the stars have to align just right for us to meet.

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