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Anyone want to declutter w/ me...?


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I'm in the mood to seriously declutter w/ the holidays coming up. Today, I've been gathering some things to donate & had the kids grab some stuff to donate too. So far, we've bagged up the following items...





kitchen gadgets/water bottles

holiday & decorative items





And some old towels & blankets to go to the emergency animal vet.


Plus, this week we've been eating odds & ends from the freezer & pantry -- trying to clean that out too.


If you're ready to declutter too, please join in & then post what you've gotten rid of. Always helps to get more inspiration! :thumbup1:  I'm hoping to continue decluttering throughout the month.



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We declutter every spring and fall.  I just took a load to Salvation Army today after 2 loads a few weeks ago and will have a few more this weekend.  We have decluttered the entire house top to bottom - kids toys, extra linens, books we no longer use, misc. appliances not used in the kitchen, extra dishes, all plastic in kitchen (moved to mason jars and glass storage), old picture frames ... basically anything that we don't use regularly.  This weekend we hit the last area of the house - the garage - which has been used for random storage and overflow.  The garage is going to be a huge undertaking.  I've given permissions for my husband to throw out or reuse as firewood all of my extra lumber, all the furniture we've been storing and have encouraged him to get rid of all the misc. junk that he's been holding on to for years.


Over the spring we redid all of the rooms from a furniture and layout perspective so alot of the furniture was replaced. I built new beds, tables, and bookcases for pretty much every room.  We've majorly cleaned out the house at this point.  Our goal in the next two years is to move into our fifth wheel so we still have a ways to go as far as downsizing but we are getting ever closer :)

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I would love to declutter! My mom, who is very much attached to "stuff", just moved in with us and the minimalist in me is... twitchy. And I'm trying very hard not to be anything else that rhymes with twitchy.


Most of the house is pretty pared down, but the garage and laundry/storage room are disaster zones. Furniture to get rid of, but too big for me to move, is the biggest problem. DH has a 4-day weekend so hopefully we'll get some of it squared away.

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We are in the middle of a complete purge.


I have sent 20 storage bins of clothing from newborn to 3T sizes to the Salvation Army.  FYI, that is a ridiculous amount of clothing for tiny little bodies.


Over the last month I have gotten rid of every boardgame that isn't brand new or played weekly.  I threw away all the puzzles with missing pieces.  That last one was well overdue.  The next day my daughter was doing puzzles and remarked incredulously that all the puzzles she'd done had all of their pieces.  :huh:


My husbands side of the family gave us 10 coats within a week recently.  I only have 4 kids! It doesn't snow that much here! Back to the thrift store they went.


I'm nearing the home stretch and losing steam.  I need to go throw out more things.

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I've been doing a little something every week for months.


My kids spent a weekend with my father in october and that allowed me to do some major cleaning and do it quick.


My goal tomorrow morning is getting all the unused DVDs off my closet shelf and list them on the local for sake board.


Tomorrow afternoon I may organize the bathroom closet.

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How do you motivate a husband to join you in the decluttering?  We just moved (to a bigger house which he thinks=  MORE ROOM for things).  We're not done moving.  The garage still needs to get moved.  (his stuff).  But he was outof town for a good part of the move and I moved EVERY single box other than the garage and I want things out!!!  We've got to get rid of things.  It's not going to the grave w/ us.  We're not using it.  We're not pulling out the memories and sharing them w/ our kids or reminiscing over a bottle of wine.  So why do we have these things????  (sorry for the vent)  Original question - how do we get help from our famillies?


Also want to add we are part of a co-op.  They have a free table there.  GREAT place to drop off things for others.  (And sometimes pick up a few needed items)

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I discovered a box of cassette tapes the other day.  I mentioned I need to sort through and decide what to keep.  As I clicked on this thread, I thought, why do I need to sort through them?  We have CD's and high speed internet, the kids listen to music on youtube!  I'm going to take the box to co-op and give what I can away, the rest I'll drop off at Bibles for Missions on the way home. 


I also have a laundry basket full of books the kids say they are done with.  Once I told them that I wasn't buying any more books until there was empty space on their books shelves, they got serious about sorting through them and keeping their favorites.


But, there is still so much more to do!

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My local library collects books in good condition and uses them for circulation or sale for fundraising. We had a ton of books (picture books, easy readers etc) that were for young readers and DS is reading at a higher level now. He was sentimental last year and would just keep them to look at the pcitures. I have been on a book buying binge for him and he loves all his new books that finally he was OK with giving away his baby books. On thursday, I gave away 60 books to my library in gently used condition. I had to make 2 trips.

I am loosely following Flylady - I declutter for 15 minutes every day. I find no need to save the clutter because my house has become difficult to clean, so I am just getting rid of all the clothes that we have outgrown, kitchen utensils that were never used, clothes that my MIL buys for me that I never wear (she is an impulsive shopper and buys stuff that she likes which do not even fit me), she also always gifts me cushion covers and bed sheets every year and I already have several new and unused ones from her. She gets offended if I refuse to take them and I accept them now because I want to keep the peace. We have curbside collection of donations in our town every month and I put 2 bags full in october.

I got rid of baby swing, jumperoo and things like that which were taking up a spare bedroom and now it feels so spacious to see the bare floor.

I have some papers that I am dreading to tackle, lots of DS's baby toys, an old bicycle to get rid of and 3 kitchen cabinets to clean out this month.

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