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What's new in the world of NFP? Anyone use fertility monitors?


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Dh and I learned the CCLI method 10+ yrs ago now and we practiced that before we got pregnant w/ #1, since then I've not really used it. I learned the Creighton model after #2 I think it was but it didn't work well for us and since we were not really worried about conceiving we finally just gave it up. Since then I haven't use any method at all but I do have an idea of my body and none of our children have been a surprise even though we were only actually charting w/ our first. In the interest of my (and dh's) sanity we are looking to avoid pregnancy. We are not interested in barrier methods.

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I use an Ovacue and I love it! It isn't perfect, it was expensive and it takes time to figure out but it has greatly shortened our "off limits" time. We also looked into the Marquette method but I wasn't interested I dealing with urine every day. YMMV.

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just in case you werent aware, there are several free apps for tracking your cycle. I downloaded one, and I was only trying to track my cycle for tracking menopause - but I really like it.  I find it easier to do on my ipad than on paper.  Plus, it can switch back and forth from calendar view to chart, and you can also track other symptoms along with temp

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:seeya:  Hi there Soror!  I think we had our babes around the same time last year?  Haven't been on the boards much since but hope you are all well!


We've used the Clearplan monitor when TTC.  Worked perfectly all 3 times - pregnant within 2-3 months.


And then figured, hey it worked so well for TTC - we should use this in reverse and........ she is now a year old :D   I still have no idea what I did wrong with it - I have come to realize that God had a different plan - and evenn that trusty monitor was no match for Him ;)

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Hi canadianmum- Yes, that is the thing it seems most of these monitors are designed to work for ttc. Reading reviews for the monitors I'm not sure I want to go that way for tta. I think I had read before about online charting software where you just put in the info and it calculates, that might be my best bet now, especially as I don't want to have to wait to be proficient w/ rules to get any accuracy. I need to get a new thermometer, mucus only did not work at all for me, well unless we just want to abstain all the time.

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I have a Duofertility monitor for TTC (basically just a wearable thermometer that automatically calculates the days) and I don't think I'd want to try to use it the other way around unless you're so regular with ovulation that you don't need it. I've got a pretty variable cycle, so at least one month in three, the monitor ends up predicting fertility on what ends up to be completely wrong days-the software adjusts, but not until after the data is in, which is too late. It's gotten better over 10 months of charting, but it's taken time to get there.





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