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Do you know anyone who dreams in still pictures?


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I was a bit flabbergasted recently to learn that DD16 dreams mostly in still pictures, with a smaller number of very short "moving dreams" (like video clips) and NO conversations/talking.


She never mentioned it before because she thought everyone dreamed this way.  When her younger sister mentioned a dream conversation, DD16 thought it was really weird that her sister was dreaming about talking to people.


So, now I'm curious about how other people dream.  Anyone like DD16?

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When I read a book, I see an incredibly vivid movie running through my head. I "hear" voices, note fabrics, lighting, everything. I really don't like to watch movies of stories that I've loved, because what I see is so vivid that the movies always differ greatly, and I am disappointed. 


However, I do not dream in mental "movies." I dream in still pictures, too. There is very little sound, if ever. Occasionally something will bang. Every once in a great, great while, there will be something short that "moves" (like someone raising a hand and yelling, "Stop!"), and in that moment I hear the voice, feel the breeze, smell the cologne, and then nothing.

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I don't think its that unusual. I dream in a variety of ways: talking/moving, still pictures, no vision but all the other senses are there...realistic, non-realistic.


Just this evening I had a nightmare about raccoons invading my home and that's what caused me to wake up, unable to go back to sleep...

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My dreams are very vivid "movies." Sometimes when I wake up it's hard to believe I was dreaming. Smells, sounds, details, feelings, my body's emotional response (pounding heart, sweat, sensations of falling, etc)  its all there.


And if I'm woken up my dream are paused and resume when I go back to sleep. It's like another world, but the same people living different lives. 



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I always had very vivid "movie" dreams.  They seem real.  I used to dream quite a lot.  It was almost annoying.  Some of the dreams were really neat, others were terrifying.  As time went on they got worse.  I quit having dreams (except the occasional one) and later realized it was directly with having my thyroid balanced with meds!

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