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Carpet cleaning machines ... need a new one UPDATE HOOVER 1st post


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UPDATE:  The strangest thing happened, and I wonder if it was due to my Amazon review.  Hoover corporate just called me, saying they were returning a call I did not make.  They want me to return the machine so they can use it to figure out what caused it to catch fire --  I am not the only one with this problem.  They are going to send me a replacement machine.  Previously they had offered to sell me another machine for $100 .


I told the lady I would edit my review on Amazon (which she never mentioned) to include this new wrinkle after I receive the new machine and have successfully used it.





Yesterday, I hauled out my Hoover Max Extract Dual, for its second use.  The first time I used it to clean 300 s.f. carpet.


This time, I made 3-4' passes on the carpet, and the motor caught fire.  Just a little fire, which sent smoke billowing through my living room, and the odor was awful.  I unplugged the machine and called Hoover.  The customer service rep had me check both tanks for cracks and there were none.  Then she had me plug back in the machine and turn it on, and the same thing happened.


So she offered to replace the machine for $100.  I asked her why I should pay an additional $100 for a piece of crap.  Naturally the machine had just passed its one year warranty date.


I researched it and discovered that Hoover has a problem with these machine's motors catching fire.  Probably not a large percentage of them, but enough so they know it is a problem.


I hauled out my old Hoover carpet cleaner, which worked fine for over 12 years.  I replaced it only because I lost all of its attachments (stairs and upholstery) when  we moved.  Naturally, it quit sucking up water yesterday.  I tried to fix it with advice I found online, but no dice.  Meanwhile, it dumped 1/2 gallon of soapy water on my carpet -- how, I don't know or care.


By the time this extravaganza of fun was over, I'd spent 4 hours fruitlessly trying to begin cleaning my carpets.


A friend lent me her Bissell, which I am going to  use today.  DD is having her 18th birthday party on Saturday, so I have to get these carpets cleaned!


So I'm in the market for a new machine, and it will be a long and cold day in you-know-where before I buy another product from Hoover because I think that when a practically new machine has its motor catch fire, and the manufacturer knows that some of these models have that problem, they should replace the machine even if it is barely out of warranty.


Please, if you have a carpet cleaner you like, tell me the brand and the model. 






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We've had Hoover and we've had Bissel. The Bissel we had didn't last very long at all before it stopped sucking up water. Bissel was of nearly no help when we called and it was within warranty. (Suggested it was somehow our fault that the mechanism died.). We stick with Hoover now.


Not muh help, huh?

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Over the years I've had Hoovers and Bissells.  Although my Bissells lasted longer, overall I think the Hoovers were/are better made.  While they worked they performed better than the Bissells.  Obviously, neither is great.  I think steam cleaners are products where you either suck it up and buy an extended warranty, or you go into it with the idea that if you get a year's use you're doing good.  For us a year's use more than pays for it, so we skip the extended warranties and hope for the best.  The longest I've had any steam cleaner to last is four years (that was a Bissell), but by the last year it really wasn't working well at all.

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I've had Bissell and I've had Hoover, and it seems like they both tended to self-destruct in about a year and a half. We do have hard water, and I was told that contributes to the short lifespan. I got tired of replacing them and got a Rug Doctor. It is built MUCH more sturdily, and after 5 years is showing no sign of wearing out. BUT, it is more expensive and it is heavy! Don't get one if you don't have a strong back. And it's not as easy to use as the others. So, it's a trade-off, but I'm mostly happy with the Rug Doctor. Replacing short-lived junk annoys me, so I'm willing to put up with it's drawbacks.


ETA: I just remembered to add that I now use distilled water for the last refill to try to minimize the hard water damage. Not sure if that has helped prolong the Rug Doctor or not, as I did the same thing for the last Hoover I had and it still broke down.

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For as much as you use it, I'd just hire a professional twice a year!


That gets really expensive if you have a large house and lots of carpet!  I look at all the carpet cleaning specials I see, and at the cheapest it would still cost several hundred dollars to have our whole house cleaned one time  Plus with four pets (two of them cats who tend to hurl regularly), I like to be able to clean any messes up right away.

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  • 2 months later...

UPDATE:  The strangest thing happened, and I wonder if it was due to my Amazon review.  Hoover corporate just called me, saying they were returning a call I did not make.  They want me to return the machine so they can use it to figure out what caused it to catch fire --  I am not the only one with this problem.  They are going to send me a replacement machine.  Previously they had offered to sell me another machine for $100 .


I told the lady I would edit my review on Amazon (which she never mentioned) to include this new wrinkle after I receive the new machine and have successfully used it.



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