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OUAT-were they doing what I think they were doing?

Mom in High Heels

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Can we talk about tonight's episode?  




Reader beware.  If ye be waiting to watch it another time, turn back now!  There be spoilers ahead!  Yo-ho. <-Okay, I know OUAT Hook doesn't talk like that, but it's still fun.  Plus, I need to fill up preview space.



First off, Robin Hood was back!  Yay!  But Marion is dead, if I understood correctly?  Boo.  He has a kid?  CUTE.  Little John! Huzzah!  I was hoping we'd see the Merry Men.


Hook!  That is all!  Hook!  I think his popularity must have taken ABC by surprise, because he was only in a few eps, last season as a guest star, but now his name is in the credit.  Double yay!


Hook and Emma!  Good grief, yes, PLEASE writers!


Neal wanting to get Emma back: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!  They do NOT work together.  Emma and HOOK!


Tinkerbelle...eh.  I wasn't all that impressed with the storyline.  What does she know about Pan and how?  The story with her and Regina was just...blah, until the end when we see the tattoo.  Dum-dum-DUUUUUMMMM!  I totally saw that coming though from the earlier shot of the tattoo. 


Okay, now, let's get to what was the really interesting bit of the episode for me:  Mulan.  Were they going where I think they were going?  Was the person she was in love with Sleeping Beauty‽‽  Seriously?  What about Mulan's love for Phillip?  She and Beauty were fighting over him at one point (not fighting as in combat, but both proclaiming him to be their true love).  There have been zero indicators that Mulan had a think for Beauty as far as I can recall, so this just seemed out of nowhere, unless I was totally reading it wrong.


Speaking of Phillip and Beauty...expecting a baby?  Did they get married and I somehow missed it, or is this yet another pre-marital baby (Cinderella and...Charming II-what is his name?)?  There is some serious stuff going down in fairy tale land!



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I thought all the same exact things. All along Mulan has been in love with Phillip so to now switch it to Beauty would be a ridiculously PC thing to do. If it had been going all along, fine. But to throw it in like some kind of "gotcha" is silly.


Neal bugs the living daylights out of me so I do not want him and Emma to get together again.


And I have to say that I have never liked Henry. That kid irritates me.


But Hook...yum.

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I am starting to not like Henry too! He is just getting on my nerves. I don't know anything about the whole Mulan/Sleeping Beauty thing but yes that is the way it looked. I think they would lose viewers over something like that because it is so far off the fairy tale path people may not agree with all that. I think Emma will have a Hook thing but she will get back with Neil because she feels she has too. I believe Sleeping Beauty and Philli were already married weren't they? I am not sure yet about Tinkerbell. She was always the fairy that was a bit off and all but to lose her wings??? That's seems harsh LOL.


Maybe Robin Hood was destined to be unhappy then because he was suppose to be with Regina. I don't see it happening though because he won't be all it's OK you cursed the Enchanted Forest babe, I still love you. I just don't see that LOL!!!

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Yes, Mulan was about to profess her love for Aurora - I think we have seen them growing on each other over last season (well, Mulan falling for Aurora at any rate).


I think the problem with Neal is the actor just comes across as kinda a doofus and has zero chemistry with Emma.  Miscast!!!  I do NOT see that cute kid who plays young Bae growing up into the actor who plays Neal.  I do not even like the guy's voice!


Hook!  Hook + Emma - Hooka?


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I am starting to not like Henry too! He is just getting on my nerves. I don't know anything about the whole Mulan/Sleeping Beauty thing but yes that is the way it looked. I think they would lose viewers over something like that because it is so far off the fairy tale path people may not agree with all that. I think Emma will have a Hook thing but she will get back with Neil because she feels she has too. I believe Sleeping Beauty and Philli were already married weren't they? I am not sure yet about Tinkerbell. She was always the fairy that was a bit off and all but to lose her wings??? That's seems harsh LOL.


Maybe Robin Hood was destined to be unhappy then because he was suppose to be with Regina. I don't see it happening though because he won't be all it's OK you cursed the Enchanted Forest babe, I still love you. I just don't see that LOL!!!


I don't remember this.  Did they reference it in S1 or S2?  


And as for Tink losing her wings, this was apparently her second chance.  What was the FIRST?!?  Did it involve Pan?  WHAT DID SHE DO?


What show is this? Totally don't know about it!



What is with all the people not watching Once Upon a Time????  Watch it!  It's certainly not high-brow, stellar TV, but it's fun and interesting and it has HOOK!  HOOK!  Well, at least from S2 on it does.  


Don't know who Hook is????  Check out all the loveliness on this thread.




Yes, Mulan was about to profess her love for Aurora - I think we have seen them growing on each other over last season (well, Mulan falling for Aurora at any rate).


I think the problem with Neal is the actor just comes across as kinda a doofus and has zero chemistry with Emma.  Miscast!!!  I do NOT see that cute kid who plays young Bae growing up into the actor who plays Neal.  I do not even like the guy's voice!


Hook!  Hook + Emma - Hooka?



Yes! Exactly! Neal is a DOOFUS. He talks like he is drunk or something and he looks slovenly.



Neal is woefully miscast.  He's not attractive IMO, his voice is blah, and he does always look like a slob.  Bad call casting director!


No, not Hooka.  That reminds me of the pipe the catapillar in Wonderland smokes!  Emmook? Hemma?  Hooma?  Why do all those combinations sound like cities in Iraq?

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I'm the first one who would throw a party over a Mulan/Aurora hookup in the show :D but I didn't get that impression from what happened.  I assumed she was going to tell Aurora that she was in love with Philip so it didn't come as a huge shock when she did confess her love to him.  I'll be delighted if I'm wrong, though.  I wonder if the writers left it intentionally vague to give us something to obsess over until next week?  I'm guessing we'll see Mulan talking with the men and telling them about her lost love, and then we'll find out for sure exactly who she's in love with.


As for the Regina storyline, it didn't make much sense to me.  It supposedly took place back when she had just started her lessons with Rumple, so Robin Hood would have still been with his wife, correct?  So was Regina supposed to storm into the inn and steal Robin Hood from Marion?  Thus preventing his son from being conceived and born?  I'd love to see a Robin/Regina thing start in the present timeline (Robina?  Regina Hood?) but if things had gone down the way Tinkerbell intended, it wouldn't have been very romantic.


I don't like the episodes without Rumple, btw.  They make me sad. :(


This is probably sacrilege, but I sort of hope Emma and Neal end up together.  I have a thing for messy, mumbly guys.  I'm a big Mark Ruffalo fan, too. :D  Hook is hot, but too sociopathic to end up with Emma.

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I don't remember this.  Did they reference it in S1 or S2?  


And as for Tink losing her wings, this was apparently her second chance.  What was the FIRST?!?  Did it involve Pan?  WHAT DID SHE DO?




I somehow had it in my head he was her prince. As in they were together when she was cursed?????? Maybe they can't get married because there is no one left to marry them? I don't know I just was under the impression they were married LOL!!


I think Tink is just a fairy that marches to her own drum LOL!! She has always kinda been like that though.

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I love neatly tied up happy endings, so I'm all for Regina and Robin finding their happily ever after with each other.  I'm afraid accepting that resolution would require a decent amount of suspension of disbelief, though.  ; ) 


I could see Tink and Hook ending up together.  The Rebel Fairy and the gorgeous Bad Boy.  That would work for me.  It sounds like they share a bit of a past.  I'm not holding out for Hook and Emma.  I think Henry needs his parents to be together.  

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I love neatly tied up happy endings, so I'm all for Regina and Robin finding their happily ever after with each other.  I'm afraid accepting that resolution would require a decent amount of suspension of disbelief, though.  ; ) 


I could see Tink and Hook ending up together.  The Rebel Fairy and the gorgeous Bad Boy.  That would work for me.  It sounds like they share a bit of a past.  I'm not holding out for Hook and Emma.  I think Henry needs his parents to be together.  



NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  No!  No! No!  Hook and Emma!  Hook and Emma!!!!!!  They have chemistry.  Emma and Neal (Neil?) are so blah together!  I'm thinking Nea(i)l isn't going to make it out of Neverland.  He's either going to die or have to stay in Neverland to save Henry.  Annoying little boy that he is.

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I also prefer Neil to Hook.  I think Hook would be great for a short term fun thing, but Neal is the love of her life.  


I think Tink is adorable.  


Idk about Regina and Robin . . . i mean, if they dont kill her off, it seems like she needs to turn good eventually.  There could be a massive happily-ever-after at the end of the season

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I took it to be that Mulan had fallen in love with Aurora while they were on their quest. I saw it a little bit, some fans online have thought it all along. It was kinda vague, if you don't like it, you can pretty easily pretend she meant Phillip. I don't expect they'll take it any farther.


I like Neal, but I'm also on board the good ship Captain Swan.

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No! No! No! Hook and Emma! Hook and Emma!!!!!! They have chemistry. Emma and Neal (Neil?) are so blah together! I'm thinking Nea(i)l isn't going to make it out of Neverland. He's either going to die or have to stay in Neverland to save Henry. Annoying little boy that he is.

No one can fault you for a lack of passion and enthusiasm. : ) At any rate, it will be fun to see it all unfold, and thanks to you, we get to hash it all out each week. ; ) You rock!

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I didn't get to watch the episode until last night, but dd is a big fan and follows a lot of pod casts and stuff. She said fans have been complaining for a long time that there was no gay character. She thinks they made Mulan appear to be about to profess her love to Aurora to appease those fans. Mulan is a character who had no love interest in the original story, so maybe it was safer to use her. 


We don't have cable, so I'm watching through Hulu on our Wii. Does the CGI look better on regular cable or satellite? I'm not loving all of it. In fact, I think it's making the show look low budget. Maybe it's just the streaming it through the Wii, though.





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As for the Regina storyline, it didn't make much sense to me.  It supposedly took place back when she had just started her lessons with Rumple, so Robin Hood would have still been with his wife, correct?  So was Regina supposed to storm into the inn and steal Robin Hood from Marion?  Thus preventing his son from being conceived and born?  I'd love to see a Robin/Regina thing start in the present timeline (Robina?  Regina Hood?) but if things had gone down the way Tinkerbell intended, it wouldn't have been very romantic.



I need to go back and rewatch tonight to be sure  but I thought the tattoo that we saw wasn't on Robin Hood himself but on one of his  men. My impression since Tink said she ruined his life was that he had to become one of Robin Hood's  men because Regina never approached him and had she done so his  life would have turned out much better.

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Yes, Mulan was about to profess her love for Aurora - I think we have seen them growing on each other over last season (well, Mulan falling for Aurora at any rate).


I think the problem with Neal is the actor just comes across as kinda a doofus and has zero chemistry with Emma.  Miscast!!!  I do NOT see that cute kid who plays young Bae growing up into the actor who plays Neal.  I do not even like the guy's voice!


Hook!  Hook + Emma - Hooka?


HOOKA! :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:

I'm the first one who would throw a party over a Mulan/Aurora hookup in the show :D but I didn't get that impression from what happened.  I assumed she was going to tell Aurora that she was in love with Philip so it didn't come as a huge shock when she did confess her love to him.  I'll be delighted if I'm wrong, though.  I wonder if the writers left it intentionally vague to give us something to obsess over until next week?  I'm guessing we'll see Mulan talking with the men and telling them about her lost love, and then we'll find out for sure exactly who she's in love with.


As for the Regina storyline, it didn't make much sense to me.  It supposedly took place back when she had just started her lessons with Rumple, so Robin Hood would have still been with his wife, correct?  So was Regina supposed to storm into the inn and steal Robin Hood from Marion?  Thus preventing his son from being conceived and born?  I'd love to see a Robin/Regina thing start in the present timeline (Robina?  Regina Hood?) but if things had gone down the way Tinkerbell intended, it wouldn't have been very romantic.


I don't like the episodes without Rumple, btw.  They make me sad. :(


This is probably sacrilege, but I sort of hope Emma and Neal end up together.  I have a thing for messy, mumbly guys.  I'm a big Mark Ruffalo fan, too. :D  Hook is hot, but too sociopathic to end up with Emma.


I can help with the timeline here!


So, Robin Hood stole the wand from Rumple to heal his pregnant wife when Belle was with Rumple in the castle. When Belle is with Rumple, Regina is already the EVIL, powerful, in charge queen who is his enemy. So that happened quite a bit after when she was led to Robin Hood by Tinkerbelle. So conceivably, RH hadn't even met his wife yet when he was in that tavern.


I took it to be that Mulan had fallen in love with Aurora while they were on their quest. I saw it a little bit, some fans online have thought it all along. It was kinda vague, if you don't like it, you can pretty easily pretend she meant Phillip. I don't expect they'll take it any farther.


I like Neal, but I'm also on board the good ship Captain Swan.


I remember at the very begining of season 2 someone on the Hive suggesting a thing between Mulan and Aurora.

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