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Magnet set for 2 yr old...magnatiles, magformers, magneatos, smartmax? What's best?


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I want to get my 2 yr old DD a magnet set for Christmas. Does anyone have experience with any of these sets? Magnatiles, magneatos, magformers, or smartmax. They need to be good for a child who may occasionally try to stick things in their mouth and who has small clumsy toddler hands. Nothing too involved or difficult to put together.

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Magna tiles have been a huge hit here. We didn't start them at two, but my sister's young ones play with theirs. The tiles themselves are much too big for choking of course. But we have occasionally had a magna tile crack and magnets (they are small) fall out. I'm sure this is because my boys have thrown them around and such for, well, years. Still, something to be aware of given the dangers swallowing magnets pose. I googled, and it looks like the smartmax things would be a much bigger swallow risk.

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Definitely Magnatiles here. We have five sets!


I think they're great for really young kids. My second and third sons started building with them well before age two. Simple cubes and towers at first, but now at five and (nearly) three, they create elaborate designs and structures.


We also had SmartMax sets, and while we liked them, we decided to streamline and stick with Magnatiles.


The Magnatile DX sets are a fun addition if they take off!

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I bought Magneatos for my dd when she was two, and whilst she did enjoy them, they were very quickly outgrown...the larger structures just didn't work very well be because the strength of the magnet is not sufficient. Or rather, is insufficient given the spherical connector as they slide and drop off.

We switched to Magnatiles and think they are great. Plenty of room to grow with. We have never had one break, but I have just one girl who is not too extreme in her playing! If you have a light table, or make a quick home version, they are a lot of fun (and educational!) this way as well.

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I'd start with a smaller kit.  Not teeny tiny, but not huge, because while I'm guessing they'll be a huge hit, sometimes I'm wrong and think my kids will love something and they don't, and that's easier to handle when the monetary investment has been smaller.  But I'd be prepared to order a larger one.   Or you could see if you could find a friend with them and try them out.  That might give you a sense of how they go over.  Of course, if you think your older ones are likely to flock to them, they might need their own sets, since I know at least in our house, the toddler wouldn't ever get a shot at them.....

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As far as I know, they only come in sets of 32 and 100 (plus the DX which has the specialty pieces). Honestly, if you can afford it I'd go with the 100, especially with two older kids. The set of 32 isn't really big enough to do much but very basic building. We started with a 32 and within hours I'd ordered the bigger set.

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My older son has Magformers and my daughter (now age 2) LOVES to play with them.  She's played with them since less than a year old and I've never had any concerns. They make the perfect gift for my older son for that reason -- something he can play with out front without worry to the little ones.

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