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SWB speaking in AZ

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I was so excited that SWB was finally coming to speak in Arizona!  If any of you here in AZ were stalking the website of the Archway Classical Academy for information about registering, you can stop.  After finally sending them an email I found out that the language arts symposium is by invitation only.  No, I don't know how you get invited.  sigh... very sad :(



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I see that this is a 2-day event; is Susan speaking both days, or just one day? I am seriously considering driving in for this, to hear SWB and be able to say "hi" to fellow WTMers in AZ, but will only be able to make it for one of the two days.


So, my question is: what day to go?? When will Susan be there, and when will all of you be there? Warmest regards, Lori D.

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I see that this is a 2-day event; is Susan speaking both days, or just one day? I am seriously considering driving in for this, to hear SWB and be able to say "hi" to fellow WTMers in AZ, but will only be able to make it for one of the two days.


So, my question is: what day to go?? When will Susan be there, and when will all of you be there? Warmest regards, Lori D.

Good question. My grown daughters as well as my husband will be in town that weekend so I'd rather not be gone both days.


Lori, do you need a place to stay? We have a guest room downstairs.

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Here are the parts I'm scheduled to take part in...FYI, I think that they've asked to have the Q&As restricted to teachers at the school network.




9:45am    Cothran, Bauer, & Coupland:  Laying the Foundations: Here each presenter will give a general overview of the philosophy which governs their particular approach to Language Arts instruction.  


11:15am    Panel #1: Questions, Refinements, and Comments

Here we will allow both members of the audience and the panelists themselves to respond to the general overview talks.  The main objective here should be to get clear on the use of terms and approaches that were outlined in those talks.  


12:00pm   Lunch



   4:00pm     Lowe, Coupland, Bauer: “Putting a Practicable Classical Language Arts Program Together—key ingredients, typical stumbling blocks, etc., in teaching grammar, reading, writing, and speaking”




8:45am      Bauer, Coupland, Lowe: “From the Classroom—sample lessons”  

Presenters will provide a demonstration of their program in the classroom—The idea here is that the presenter will choose a lesson that best represents their methodology implicit in their curriculum.  We want to see that methodology in action.  Something from either 3rd or 4th grade would be most preferable.


10:45am    Panel discussion #2: Q&A on method and benchmarking

  1. What is the role of second (foreign) language instruction at the K-5 level? How much time should be devoted to foreign languages each day/week?  Which language(s) and when?  Aside from sentimental or ideological ones, what are the best arguments for (or against) Latin in the K-5?  If 5-day-per-week Latin instruction is the norm for grades 6-7-8, what should be done in K-5?
  2. How do you internally assess its effectiveness?
  3. How does the Socratic method factor into your program?
  4. What are the major things a student should know at each critical juncture? What is the basic scope and sequence?


12Noon   Lunch


1:00pm      Open forum Q&A






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Good question. My grown daughters as well as my husband will be in town that weekend so I'd rather not be gone both days.


Lori, do you need a place to stay? We have a guest room downstairs.



You are SO kind and generous! :) Alas, I can only make it one day, and from the schedule Susan Wise Bauer posted, it looks like Friday is my best bet. :) Warmest regards, Lori

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Yea! I'm registered! I can only attend on FRIDAY, so any of you WTMers who are going, how can we meet and say hello to one another? I'm thinking at lunch, as first thing in the morning will be crazy just trying to get there...


And, I know they'll probably have name tags for us, BUT... To help us find one another, can we each make a tag with our WTM board avatar and name (just print it off and pin it on)? That's how I know you all. :)

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Yea! I'm registered! I can only attend on FRIDAY, so any of you WTMers who are going, how can we meet and say hello to one another? I'm thinking at lunch, as first thing in the morning will be crazy just trying to get there...


And, I know they'll probably have name tags for us, BUT... To help us find one another, can we each make a tag with our WTM board avatar and name (just print it off and pin it on)? That's how I know you all. :)


Sounds good to me.  Either that or we could work out a secret hand shake. Or maybe a secret code phrase?  I've always said that the traditional greeting for WTMers is, "Did you mummify the chicken?"


I'm happy to meet up and hang out together!

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You are SO kind and generous! :) Alas, I can only make it one day, and from the schedule Susan Wise Bauer posted, it looks like Friday is my best bet. :) Warmest regards, Lori

My husband and oldest girls will all be in town that weekend, so I'll only come Friday too. It looks to be the best day anyway. Can't wait to meet you all!

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I'm about to head out that way, my middle daughter has archery at the Papago Range so I'll be nearby the location today.  I was going to try to eyeball a good meeting spot at the facility and get a feel for the area.


I did a "search nearby" on google maps for restaurants if you guys are interested in meeting up for lunch as I assume the mandatory donation fee for refreshments probably doesn't include a meal.  Do you guys want to try to agree to a lunch location (and possibly a back up) before we go?  That might maximize our time together if you're interested. 

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I did a "search nearby" on google maps for restaurants if you guys are interested in meeting up for lunch as I assume the mandatory donation fee for refreshments probably doesn't include a meal. Do you guys want to try to agree to a lunch location (and possibly a back up) before we go? That might maximize our time together if you're interested.

We only have 45 minutes for lunch, so I hope they are feeding us, lol. Otherwise we'll probably have to do some sort of fast food/sub shop thing. Too bad, because I was looking forward to having an excuse to eat at Pita Jungle, a terrific Mediterranean sit-down chain with an unfortunate name. Maybe I'll go there afterward for dinner if anyone wants to join me. I'm not looking forward to fighting my way across the valley at 4:30pm in a Friday anyway.

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No mummies of any kind here -- SOTW 1 came out after our first time around with ancients, and DSs were too old (8th & 9th) to want to make mummies the second time around... However, we DID build Mesopotamian ziggerats with Legos, and sugar cube pyramids -- even a sugar cube Sphinx! -- our first time around. Does that count? ;)



Since I'm coming from out of town, I planned on brown-bagging it for lunch, which would mean more time for finding you-all there. DH will be tagging along (well, chauffeuring, really LOL), and we'd both be WAY be up for Pita Jungle for an early dinner afterwards!  :drool5:


And, seriously, I've already made my WTM tag: I just dragged the Well-Trained Mind Community logo onto my desktop, and then dropped it onto a text program, drag-dropped my avatar photo, added my name, printed, put it on a little piece of cardboard, and "laminated" with a few pieces of clear packing tape... So you'll find me by looking for my professor dog avatar. ;)


Hopefully Homeschool Mom in AZ is finding us a good meet-up spot at the venue!


:seeya: see you soon! Lori D.

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OK, I checked out the area it's a time suck to leave for lunch.  There's nothing in the immediate area and you have to go to 44th and Thomas for fast food options.  That 45 minutes will evaporate quickly .  The other off site option is the park at Indian School and 56th, very near the venue, but we'll have to bring a lunch.  Maybe just eating there (with their meal or ours) will maximize the time better. I'm bringing my own in case refreshments doesn't mean a meal.


I was at the venue yesterday at about 4:30, but couldn't get close because of all the cones and specific lanes for pick up and after school activities.  There just wasn't any getting close and looking around. The place is huge so plan to get there a little early in case you have to walk from the far end of the parking lot.


3 of us have photos posted.  Most people recognize me by my red hair and 5'2" short stature.  "The little red-headed gal" is how the older set usually refer to me.  Maybe just me outside, near the entrance with a small sign with TWTM  on it would do the job?  I'd be happy to make one and be the person holding it if it would be helpful.  If I had a rubber chicken I'd wrap him in some gauze as the official TWTM mascot instead of a sign, but alas, I don't have one and no one takes their mummified chicken mascots (I would name him Mumford Childress) to Classical Education Language Arts Symposiums anyway. 


Meeting up at the Tempe Pita Jungle sounds good to me.  Traffic can be very difficult-yesterday it was pretty bad at 6:00, so getting out of there at 4:30 will be good.


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I'm so bummed, I won't be able to make it because I'm hosting a fundraiser Friday night. Hope you ladies have a wonderful time and enjoy Pita Jungle - I love it there!

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I think I am going to have to miss out and play my "I'm 9 months pregnant and I don't sleep anymore, except during the day" card. I do wish you all a fantastic time, though. I wish there were recordings/transcripts.

Sorry we'll miss you! Hope you end up having a baby instead ;)

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OK, I checked out the area it's a time suck to leave for lunch. There's nothing in the immediate area and you have to go to 44th and Thomas for fast food options. That 45 minutes will evaporate quickly . The other off site option is the park at Indian School and 56th, very near the venue, but we'll have to bring a lunch. Maybe just eating there (with their meal or ours) will maximize the time better. I'm bringing my own in case refreshments doesn't mean a meal.


I was at the venue yesterday at about 4:30, but couldn't get close because of all the cones and specific lanes for pick up and after school activities. There just wasn't any getting close and looking around. The place is huge so plan to get there a little early in case you have to walk from the far end of the parking lot.


3 of us have photos posted. Most people recognize me by my red hair and 5'2" short stature. "The little red-headed gal" is how the older set usually refer to me. Maybe just me outside, near the entrance with a small sign with TWTM on it would do the job? I'd be happy to make one and be the person holding it if it would be helpful. If I had a rubber chicken I'd wrap him in some gauze as the official TWTM mascot instead of a sign, but alas, I don't have one and no one takes their mummified chicken mascots (I would name him Mumford Childress) to Classical Education Language Arts Symposiums anyway.


Meeting up at the Tempe Pita Jungle sounds good to me. Traffic can be very difficult-yesterday it was pretty bad at 6:00, so getting out of there at 4:30 will be good.



What time will you arrive? I'm coming in from Buckeye, so I'm going to try and time it so I miss the worst of the traffic. I'll look for you when I get there.

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