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Wearing braces

Night Elf

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Dd15 got braces on Tuesday. They are rubbing her mouth and she has a couple of sore spots. There isn't anything poking her, she's just not used to having something metal between her teeth and her lips. Will this go away soon? She stills feels discomfort and can't chew. How long might it take before she adjusts?

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Dd15 got braces on Tuesday. They are rubbing her mouth and she has a couple of sore spots. There isn't anything poking her, she's just not used to having something metal between her teeth and her lips. Will this go away soon? She stills feels discomfort and can't chew. How long might it take before she adjusts?


Did they give her wax to put on the bits irritating her?


DD the Elder six weeks in, so has had her initial placement of spacers, then braces, and last week adjustment and the springs. Hopefully we've gone through the worst of it. But even though she's very sensitive to pain, she finds the discomfort goes away after about three days.

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Take ibuprofen for the soreness. It can last a week or more.


The raw spots are tough. She should avoid moving her lips around and touching the braces with her tongue. I know it is hard. Rinse as much as possible with warm salt water.


They tell us not to use wax unless something was broken but I let my kids use the wax to protect really sore spots to give the spot a chance to heal.

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They tell us not to use wax unless something was broken but I let my kids use the wax to protect really sore spots to give the spot a chance to heal.


DD was told to use the was whenever she needed it, but I don't think she's used any since about a week after the braces were put on.

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But what is your point? My ortho gave different advice than yours? That happens in medicine.


Oh. Now I am a bit confused. Do you think I'm being confrontational?


Yes, that was my point: Different orthos, different advice, and no implied judgement as to who is "right." Nothing more. NIght Elf seems new to this, just like I am. I don't know about you, but I like to hear a wide range of experiences.

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Ahem..., back to the op.....


Our orthodontist told dd to use as much wax as she wanted, whenever she wanted. After a bit of time, the soreness went away although it would still occasionally crop back up for a few days here and there. Ibuprofen plus the wax seemed to help with the most immediate troubles.


I also got hit up for an inordinate number of milkshakes and smoothies for the "poor, unfortunate, suffering child" (dd's own, pitiful description of herself when she wanted something). Interestingly enough, trips to the mall also seemed to help alleviate the pain substantially, particularly if she got a new t-shirt or headband.

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My dd has Damon braces, so no bands. We were also told to use wax if needed but they didn't really address a raw spot beyond that. And it's something I didn't think about despite having personal experience from when I had braces! Ugh. My son has had his braces on for about a year and a half and he didn't have this problem. Hopefully it won't take a week or more to get better. I feel so awful for her.

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My dd has Damon braces, so no bands. We were also told to use wax if needed but they didn't really address a raw spot beyond that. And it's something I didn't think about despite having personal experience from when I had braces! Ugh. My son has had his braces on for about a year and a half and he didn't have this problem. Hopefully it won't take a week or more to get better. I feel so awful for her.

Warm salt water rinses help with healing.


And the reason my ortho gave to avoid wax was because he wanted the mouth to get used to the braces and he said that people who overused the wax were just prolonging the period of time it took for the mouth to get used to the braces.


But, like I wrote, if my kids had a particularly troublesome spot, I let them use the wax while continuing salt water rinses.

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My dd12 is one day ahead of your dd...she got hers on Monday :)  And she is miserable, complaining, and a pain in the butt, if you ask me.  We actually took her in the 3rd day because she was whining so much.  Dentist adjusted one bracket and told her to suck it up and only use wax if she really needs it for a wire sticking out.  Then the hygenist gave her 3 more containers of wax.  Go figure. 


It has gotten a little better each day, so I'm hopeful that by next week she'll have gotten used to them.  If not, it's gonna be a long 2 years!


I made serious mom points by making potato soup and buying smoothie ingredients.  Now she's trying to hit me up for a Wendy's frosty.  LOL

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I made serious mom points by making potato soup and buying smoothie ingredients.  Now she's trying to hit me up for a Wendy's frosty.  LOL


Oh see, I feel so awful that my kids are in braces that we eat at a hamburger restaurant with every ortho visit. Well, I've been doing that with my son. Now that my dd has them too, I'll have to start ordering salads. I can't eat hamburgers and milkshakes that often. :)

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