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Who's watching OUAT Wonderland tonight????-UPDATE! What did you think?

Mom in High Heels

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Watched it!


AND????  What did you think?





I was really surprised by how much I liked it.  Despite my love and excitement for OUAT (!!!!!!!), I was a bit unsure, but it was better than I expected.  Jafar!  Who knew?  I suppose I should have suspected though with Sirus being a genie.  The Red Queen's castle was simply brilliant.  I was surprised that it was shaped with chess pieces though, instead of something to do with cards, but I really liked it.  I was really unimpressed with her costuming and tiara though.  I wanted...more.  


How much do I love the Knave of Hearts‽‽‽  He's witty with just the right touch of cynicism and sarcasm.  Perfect!  I don't think he's particularly attractive (not like my beloved Hook!!!!), but I like his character.  I can't wait to learn his backstory.  


I'm hoping some of the OUAT characters make the occasional appearance.  I like that they alluded to Emma in the beginning with her Beetle almost hitting Knave (William, IIRC) in Storybrooke.  I'm especially hoping we'll see Hook in a few episodes.  When they talked about how she said they battled pirates, I may have let out a tiny little squee.  ;)

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You're so funny! We just finished it. My husband wasn't as thrilled with it as I expected. I, on the other hand, enjoyed it! I second all that you said above. I was surprised that I really liked Alice. From the previews, I didn't think I was going to like her, but I found her very pleasant. I do not care for the casting of the Queen, though, at this point. Her castle was pretty cool, though. I felt like there is a lot of room for character and storyline development. Excited to see who else may pop up from OUAT.

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Not feeling the queen at all! I like everyone else but not liking her!! I liked the knave but he will always be a werewolf to me LOL. I really liked the part in the tunnels where she said, there is a procedure for that! I just kept thinking there is an app for that LOL :hurray:  :lol: I will surely keep watching and I did like seeing Storybrooke. :lurk5:

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I am with you, I wasn't expecting to enjoy it nearly as much as I did. I loved Alice much more than I thought I would, and really enjoyed the Knave of Hearts I also surprisingly liked Jafar, I had seen interviews with him and was thinking he wouldn't make a good bad guy but he really did. 


I didn't care for the queen or some of the special effects / computer editing. The queen seemed a little to plastic, and her expressions reminded me of Regina, I just wasn't feeling her as an evil person. I found the same thing in the original OUAT with the computer editing. Especially with Jafar on the magic carpet and when Alice was fighting with the Cheshire cat it just seems jumpy and doesn't flow well. I remember thinking the same thing in OUAT especially in the episode with Prince Charming and the dragon, I feel it will happen more in Wonderland because obviously they're dealing with a lot more computer created characters but surprisingly I didn't have the same problem with the white rabbit.


This afternoon I am going to go back and rewatch it. I was working last night while I watched so I wasn't focused.


I am really looking forward to seeing where they go with this show. Plus now I don't have to wait a whole week between OUAT fixes!

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We all watched the previews and are very excited to catch it on HULU tonight.  I think we are going to love it :)  Dh was excited to see Syeed(sp?) from Lost in it.  Didn't they do Alias as well- we loved that show until they made it into a soap opera!


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I enjoyed it more than I expected, especially Alice. The promos made her out to be such a wimp; it was a pleasant surprise to see her kick butt in Wonderland.


DH was caught off-guard when the show started in Storybrooke.  I don't remember ever seeing the Knave in OUAT though.


Loved the nod to Jefferson, "The Mad Hatter hasn't been here for a long time." It was a good way to write him out of the show for now without being permanent about it.  


I'm still not sure about the whole Jafar thing.  I just don't get the genie in Wonderland thing, although I did like Cyrus and Alice. Happy to know for sure he's not dead.


I did not like the C.Cat. He was always one of my fav characters from the story and to make him into a predator was just wrong IMO.  It did look like all of Wonderland was shrouded in doom.  Jafar's doing perhaps?

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Dd and I watched. We weren't sure we'd like it, but we loved it!!!! I think Cyrus will be my Hook in this series. Alice has good taste! : ) Like others, I'm excited about Jafar being a character. Dd and I were intrigued by the Queen's castle, too. I'm glad Alice is out of that horrible asylum and hope she never goes back. When she busted out, dd commented that Alice is her kind of girl. I love the wishes hidden in the boots. That was fun, and I'm soooooooo glad Knave came back and returned them. Looking forward to TH nights! Dh is bummed he didn't see it, so we'll have to watch it again on Hulu to catch him up.

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I didn't think it was an issue w/ the Knave being in Storybrooke as it said the time was present day. We haven't even seen present day Storybrooke since OuAT hasn't showed it this year and it seemed that he hadn't been there long and wasn't a major part of the town.


I LOVED Alice, she was awesome. I liked Cyrus and the Knave as well. The rest I'm not sure about. I thought it was good and I'll keep watching but it wasn't an instant love show, like Sherlock.

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The knave was never in Storybrooke. It was nice to see though wish they had thrown in a few more characters!! I didn't mind the catfight so much. I felt so sad for Alice when she came home. :(


Well no wonder I was confused.  Thanks for clearing that up.


Oh!  Did you SEE the good doctor's reaction when he saw the White Rabbit?  I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head before fainting dead away.   Bwahahahah!!!!!!

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idk, that whole bit with the evil doctor seems completely overdone, like something i'd seen dozens of times in cartoons or something.  I'm really thinking this show is aimed at a younger audience.  


I had the impression they were playing up to the stereotype of Victorian era mental asylums.  Aren't most of those doctors usually portrayed as creepy and manipulative, especially towards women?

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I had the impression they were playing up to the stereotype of Victorian era mental asylums.  Aren't most of those doctors usually portrayed as creepy and manipulative, especially towards women?


Speaking of Victorian-era,  anyone else wonder what was up with the time-shift?  Until now, the parallel universes have always had time flow evenly - Hook and Bae stayed young longer because people don't age in Neverland, and Rumple doesn't age period as long as he's the Dark One, but when Storybrooke was on hold for 28 years, so was the Enchanted Forest.  Neverland, in spite of the non-aging, seems also to be flowing at the same rate, based on Hook/Bae's shifts in and out of it.


But in this episode, the Knave was in present-day Storybrooke, then traveled back in time over 100 years in the same world to get Alice.  So when are they in time in Wonderland?  Are they back in Alice's time, or parallel with the "regular" OUAT storyline?  If the latter, has it now been 100+ years in Wonderland since Alice was last there?  Do people age in Wonderland?  How does the Hatter's storyline line up then?  And Cora's Queen of Hearts - is Alice's story we're watching before or after?

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