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Homeschool Mom Universal Translator--Add yours!


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link: Homeschool Mom Translator (for dads)


I saw this today, and, while I liked it, I realized it was missing some things, and some things are just plain wrong. What are your additions and corrections?


What she says: I can't take it anymore!


What she means: Get me a glass of wine NOW, and take over with the kids before I kill someone. Then be prepared to listen to me vent for a while. (Yeah, a caramel macchiato just will not cut it at that point, and it would keep me up all night, just making me feel even more overwhelmed!)



What she says: Can you help DC with math?


What she means: If I have to do this, you will not like how things go. Oh, and get me a glass of wine before you start helping.



What she says: Hi, Honey, Welcome Home!


What she means: Wow, today things went pretty well, and I haven't contemplated public school more than three times. Oh, and  no need to get me a glass of wine because I already have one, but refills are good.



What she says: I'm so incredibly frustrated with DC right now.


What DH hears: Let me tell you all the things you're doing wrong that if you'd just do them the right way would solve all your problems.


What she means: Pour me a glass of wine, rub my shoulders, and LISTEN to me without telling me what to do.




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What she says: I'm so incredibly frustrated with DC right now.


What DH hears: Let me tell you all the things you're doing wrong that if you'd just do them the right way would solve all your problems.


What she means: Pour me a glass of wine, rub my shoulders, and LISTEN to me without telling me what to do.


That's great! I think I'll take a screenshot of this quote and put it on fb!

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I liked this one...


What she says                 What she means                                     What she doesn't mean

I feel like a total failure.      I feel like a total failure…hold me…    …hold me…Tonight’s the night.



There should be some for mom to kid also:


What she says....*deep breath*  Okay, honey, remember last week when we went over blah,blah,blah...


What she means is....Really??  We have been going over the same subject for TWO years and you are STILL pretending you never heard of this before??!!!


What she does not mean is.... I am OK with this, so PLEASE just continue asking me the same questions over and over again until my head explodes....



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I just had rant-post on that site about the term "homeschool dads."  I understand the common usage -- the working father of a mom who homeschools -- because dads who actually DO the HSing are an extreme minority.  My username not AHomeschoolDad because I am one of so many.


However, I must speak out against using "homeschool dad" to represent the working spouse of a mother who homeschools.  Are "lawyer mom" or "dentist mom" used....have they been used to describe the wife of a man in a particular profession....at least since, say 1950...if ever?


Then again, perhaps I shouldn't worry about it, which kinda sounds like what women have heard in response to workplace misogyny since about forever, or at least until Gloria Allred can get in there and crack some heads.


Sorry, it just ticks me off.



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Hmm...if I heard the term homeschool dad, I would think "dad who homeschools".  Not the outside working spouse of a mom who homeschools.  Unless said spouse actually did some of the homeschool.  Then that would be ok.


My DH would never call himself a "homeschool dad".  He does say "we homeschool" though, meaning as a family our family chooses to homeschool.

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I just had rant-post on that site about the term "homeschool dads."  I understand the common usage -- the working father of a mom who homeschools -- because dads who actually DO the HSing are an extreme minority.  My username not AHomeschoolDad because I am one of so many.


However, I must speak out against using "homeschool dad" to represent the working spouse of a mother who homeschools.  Are "lawyer mom" or "dentist mom" used....have they been used to describe the wife of a man in a particular profession....at least since, say 1950...if ever?


Then again, perhaps I shouldn't worry about it, which kinda sounds like what women have heard in response to workplace misogyny since about forever, or at least until Gloria Allred can get in there and crack some heads.


Sorry, it just ticks me off.




I don't know.  My dh is a medical student, soon to be doctor and I have referred to myself as a med student wife and heard of other woman refer to themselves as doctor wives.  Also military wives of various sorts.  I don't really find it offensive, although I am sorry you do.  Mostly I see it used when that particular lifestyle is different than the norm and affects the whole family, and I do feel that homeschooling falls into this (along with medicine, military, etc.)  Just my opinion, though.  I'm sorry it offends you or that you find it sexist.

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I don't know.  My dh is a medical student, soon to be doctor and I have referred to myself as a med student wife and heard of other woman refer to themselves as doctor wives.  Also military wives of various sorts.  I don't really find it offensive, although I am sorry you do.  Mostly I see it used when that particular lifestyle is different than the norm and affects the whole family, and I do feel that homeschooling falls into this (along with medicine, military, etc.)  Just my opinion, though.  I'm sorry it offends you or that you find it sexist.



Using the examples from my post ("lawyer mom" or "dentist mom"), "doctor wives" is not in the same category.  What if you were called a "med student mom," which does fit with my original examples.   Are you then still the spouse of the med student, or the mom of the med student? 


Yes, it's semantics, but isn't that what we're teaching at home anyway?  Words matter, especially to whom they apply.

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Hmm...if I heard the term homeschool dad, I would think "dad who homeschools".  Not the outside working spouse of a mom who homeschools.  Unless said spouse actually did some of the homeschool.  Then that would be ok.


My DH would never call himself a "homeschool dad".  He does say "we homeschool" though, meaning as a family our family chooses to homeschool.



You're right, and your DH is right. I only bring it up as an issue because the site referenced in the top post does not take that view, nor does a segment of the HS parent population I've encountered.


I was at a curriculum sale once and was chatting with some moms.  Here's the Spark Notes -- no, wait, let me date myself...the Monarch Notes version:


Me:  "blah blah, yeah, there aren't too many HS dads in this area, blah blah..."

Moms:  "Oh, that's not true!  We know many."

Me:  "You mean fulltime fathers who actually DO the HSing?  Super!  I had no idea!  I'd like to meet them!"

Moms: "No, we've never actually met a father who does the homeschooling."


So there ya go.

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Hey! ThatHomeschoolDad! Perhaps you'd be happy to know that my dh retired, oh, 3-4 years ago and does the majority of the teaching. I, the lovely and talented dw (said w/only 1 or 2 guffaws) work outside the home.


And a vignette - my dh went to the TX Homeschool Conference a couple of years ago to listen to & be inspired by SWB. I warned him to stay away from several of the other speakers as their life philosophies are radically different from ours. He didn't listen to little ol' moi and was completely dissed by a female speaker who literally turned her back on him when she found out that he *actually* <gasp> teaches his children. And <horror of horrors> his wife (me for those of you keeping score at home) *actually* works.


So, here's to all the homeschooling dads. (imagine a smiley hefting a beer glass).

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Hmm, interesting. I had never thought of it like that before. When I hear "homeschool dad" I think it means the dad in a family that homeschools....not if he does the teaching or not. My dh isn't directly responsible for the kids' education, but he does do science projects and such with the kids sometimes. I guess I feel like the homeschool label applies to the whole family. I have certainly never meant offense to a homeschool dad that was actually doing the teaching.

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And a vignette - my dh went to the TX Homeschool Conference a couple of years ago to listen to & be inspired by SWB. I warned him to stay away from several of the other speakers as their life philosophies are radically different from ours. He didn't listen to little ol' moi and was completely dissed by a female speaker who literally turned her back on him when she found out that he *actually* <gasp> teaches his children. And <horror of horrors> his wife (me for those of you keeping score at home) *actually* works.


So, here's to all the homeschooling dads. (imagine a smiley hefting a beer glass).


Thanks for your support!




I've also had moms turn their backs, although not in the same context.  It used to happen when I was waiting outside to pick up DD from K (her only PS grade).   I'd be chatting, and mid-conversation, I'd be set adrift so the mom I was talking to could go talk to another mom.  I'm not talking about the usual polite lapses in conversation, either.


Some don't believe me, but when one mom I've known for a while met me at a nature center program, she saw it happen and was aghast.  Because she talked to me, every other mom there physically moved away from us, and did not speak to us for the rest of the program.   She was stunned.   I just shrugged.


BTW --I saw SWB speak at a little college in PA -- truly awesome.

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