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To those who are affected by the gov't shutdown...


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Some people are sick of govt bad finances. Be it federal or state. I think those people would see govt filing bankruptcy as a financial start over.


I'm not one of those people.


Having seen actual people go through bankruptcy, it didn't look much like a financial start over. It looked really hard and sad. And they had to live with the repercussions for years. And they didn't have much left when it was all over.


If the government defaults, that means that we, the people of this country have defaulted. We are the government, it is us. If it defaults on its word then so have we.


I am wondering what will happen to our (my family) retirement funds if the country goes bankrupt. What happens to the value we(my family)  have built up in our house?


What happens to our soldiers and veterans? We have had government shutdowns in the past, but I don't think it has happened while we were at war. What happens to our soldiers on active duty if we default? Do we meet our obligations to our veterans if we default?


Now a leader of the Republican Party, and a vice presidential candidate, has written an op/ed in the Wall Street Journal and he has linked ending the the shutdown to 'negotiating' all entitlement programs and the tax code. That means Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. He didn't even mention the ACA in his editorial.  So, now it is about tax reform and social security?


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Having seen actual people go through bankruptcy, it didn't look much like a financial start over. It looked really hard and sad. And they had to live with the repercussions for years. And they didn't have much left when it was all over.

We had to file bankruptcy many many years ago. It was hard and sucked, but it was also the smartest and best decision we ever made. We have no regret over it. None. Well other than that it ever got that bad, much of which was completely beyond our control to avoid.


However the govt is not an individual citizen. The many things that protect a citizen that needs to file bankruptcy don't exist for a country as a whole. Just look at Greece for example, stuck between Germany's resentful and limited charity and fascist red dawn uprising by citizens who have decided its time for a new government.


No thanks for me and mine if at all possible.


If the government defaults, that means that we, the people of this country have defaulted. We are the government, it is us. If it defaults on its word then so have we.


I am wondering what will happen to our (my family) retirement funds if the country goes bankrupt. What happens to the value we(my family)  have built up in our house?


What happens to our soldiers and veterans? We have had government shutdowns in the past, but I don't think it has happened while we were at war. What happens to our soldiers on active duty if we default? Do we meet our obligations to our veterans if we default?


Now a leader of the Republican Party, and a vice presidential candidate, has written an op/ed in the Wall Street Journal and he has linked ending the the shutdown to 'negotiating' all entitlement programs and the tax code. That means Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. He didn't even mention the ACA in his editorial.  So, now it is about tax reform and social security?


Your worried about retirement funds house values and social security?


A government that can't pay it's debt will quickly find itself fighting tooth and nail to stay a country, with even success often being bittersweet. I'd love to see a unique never happened in history exception to that, but I'm sure not placing my odds in favor it being likely.

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Your worried about retirement funds house values and social security?


A government that can't pay it's debt will quickly find itself fighting tooth and nail to stay a country, with even success often being bittersweet. I'd love to see a unique never happened in history exception to that, but I'm sure not placing my odds in favor it being likely.

What would it look like? The rich people would hire their own armies and we'd very quickly be a third world country except for the wealthy. Vices would be managed by the mob. Just like Russia...or like Russia and Afghanistan had a baby.
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Have they done polls like this? I didn't see any listed on RCP. It's more of what I was looking for. I guess my thought was if the people are fairly upset over it, then it would be more easily settled. When the people are divided, it could go on forever as there are essentially as many supporters to how this is working as detractors.


I came across a guy today who surprised me. We were eating lunch and in casual conversation the impasse came up. He immediately said he hopes they never settle it, the gov't defaults, and states take over. That ended that conversation as I was at a loss on how to continue it. I had no idea people thought that way... I don't share it. I see mainly bad things coming from a gov't default.


What is RCP?

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What is RCP?

Real Clear Politics is correct, but I never use them for anything other than current polls - of which - as far as I can tell - they list everything (making them a great, unbiased, source) for all things "polling."


Here's the site I have under my bookmarks:




YMMV, but I've yet to see how reporting poll results (when they do all sources) can be biased. I have never looked at any of their commentary. Except for fact checking sites, I stay away from most commentary. I've yet to find any commentary that is unbiased, so if I do look at one, I try to also look at another, opposite, source for balance.

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Ugh I wish they would quit the freaking bickering, it's like watching 3 year olds fighting over a dead worm. I used to watch CSPAN, I can't stand it now, nothing but a bunch of drama :(


I am not watching anymore until they start throwing chairs.



I guess it is easy to look at all the fighting and worry over our futures. Do please recall it has been worse >.< (though some may approve of politicians shooting at each other)






This country was founded on  discourse, debate, and free speech. Then everyone starts calling each other names and shooting one another. 


I don't expect people to get along but they need to get their crap together fast. I don't think the American public has much patience left. 

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I am not watching anymore until they start throwing chairs.



I guess it is easy to look at all the fighting and worry over our futures. Do please recall it has been worse >.< (though some may approve of politicians shooting at each other)






This country was founded on discourse, debate, and free speech. Then everyone starts calling each other names and shooting one another.


I don't expect people to get along but they need to get their crap together fast. I don't think the American public has much patience left.

Hehe if they start shooting each other, it would make the perfect opportunity to replace them, and make watching CSPAN much more interesting.

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Specific poll questions can be biased. They can also use a margin of error that makes a poll look closer than it is.

Did you even look at the site??? RCP doesn't "do" any polling that I'm aware of - they report what ALL the polls say - from MSNBC to Fox and everything in between (CBS, NBC, Quinnipiac, newspapers, etc). If they only used certain sources, then I'd say they could be biased, but that's just not the case.


They are a superb source for taking a quick glance at what "the polls" say IME.

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Did you even look at the site??? RCP doesn't "do" any polling that I'm aware of - they report what ALL the polls say - from MSNBC to Fox and everything in between (CBS, NBC, Quinnipiac, newspapers, etc). If they only used certain sources, then I'd say they could be biased, but that's just not the case.


They are a superb source for taking a quick glance at what "the polls" say IME.

I read article about the site a while ago...it was from a statistician complaining about certain methods of averaging poll results? It has been a while.

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I read article about the site a while ago...it was from a statistician complaining about certain methods of averaging poll results? It has been a while.

I suspect that would only apply if one were looking for "average" poll results. I don't think there are any on there at the moment, but I could be wrong. As I mentioned before, I was only scanning the results from all recent polls (individually reported) far left, far right, and more middlin'. None had the majority in favor of ACA. (Whether people knew the details of what they were being polled about is a totally different subject, but one would suspect the "pro" sources to have tried to word their questions with as much of a positive spin as possible.)

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