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Uzzingo-online science and math instruction-anyone try it?

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Is is new to me: http://www.uzzingo.com offering middle and high school science and math lessons and games......


They are offering a free three day trial. Science or math alone costs 10/month, together 15/month.


I am going to try it out tomorrow. Could be the BrainPop for the middle school crowd?


Eta: here's an interesting review http://www.raisingarizonakids.com/2013/03/online-interactive-content-teaches-math-and-science-concepts/

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Is is new to me: http://www.uzzingo.com offering middle and high school science and math lessons and games......




We have Activity Objects by Adaptive Curriculum which is the same content minus the game aspects. Best homeschooling investment I ever made. My son loves it and he learns a ton! I believe that that trial is longer (two weeks maybe).

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I don't know how different uzzingo is. I think HSBC does give a description of the differences on their website. It is my understanding that the content is the same. With adaptive curriculum you can either create your own lesson plans and include your own materials or link to other websites (I love that) or you can use their lesson plans. The student then moves by themselves through a string of teaching objects and activity objects. There are quizzes, too.

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My DD has spent the last couple of days playing around on it, and I subscribed to the middle school science for her through HSBC today. She really is enjoying it, and I like that it's telling me what she does and how she's dividing her time. I'm not sure the middle school will keep her busy for more than a year, but I do think it's a good next step after Brainpop for her. I didn't do the math-I think she has enough math resources for now.


I wish they had an iPad app-it's not a problem when we're at home, but I could see this being great for school on the road.

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone successful with trying the trial for Uzinggo? I keep getting an error message that passwords need to be between 6 and 12 characters. I've tried 11 and 12 character passwords, both with and without numbers. I'm not using any weird characters since some sites don't like that. I've tried about 10 times now, maybe a bit more. I've tried with Chrome and Firefox.


I can't think of anything else to try, which is unfortunate because I was really interested in high school science.


If there's something you can think of that I didn't try, feel free to mention it.


UPDATE: My BiL managed to get it to work on an experimental version of Firefox. Very odd.

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