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Runners 8/10 check-in

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Here I am starting the conversation (didn't see one posted yet) even though I'm taking a break today. I didn't get a chance to post to yesterday, though, and didn't want to resurrect that thread. I ran 8 miles yesterday and walked another mile at the end. I am having trouble slowing my pace down to the training pace I'd prefer. I keep running my first mile or two faster than I'd like and then I start to hit a wall early. I ended up averaging a 9 minute/mile pace. One lovely thing yesterday was that my period started (early:glare:) at the very beginning of my run. I was forced to go into the natural foods co-op and buy tampons and pantiliners. Yep, nothing like going through the check-out and chatting with Beau while he rings up those two solitary items.:tongue_smilie:


During my run I got caught in a major downpour so I was pretty wet when I finished. Went back to the co-op at that point to the rest of my grocery shopping (I didn't think that box of tampons alone would get us through the week), but I had to spend about an hour warming up before I could actually shop. I get this weird thing (that's the official word for it) with my hands after I run, unless it's pretty warm outside. The ends of my fingers get totally ice cold, no blood circulating in them ~ deathly white. Someone at the co-op yesterday suggested it might be Raynaud's Syndrome. I'm going to look into that later.


Any-hoo, today's a needed day of rest for me. Fair week starts tomorrow ~ yeah!:)

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Okay, there must be someone who ran (or walked or whatever today). Come out, come out, where ever you are!:)


Didn't even walk! My big excuse is that it has rained almost all day. We needed the rain in such a big way that I cannot even complain that it ruined my run. Oh sure I *could* have ran in the rain like you, but...:tongue_smilie: It wasn't even cold here, but I just didn't want to get soaking wet.


Weird about your fingers. Mine get very numb if I walk a long ways and keep my arms down at my side....but I dont have that problem when I run. If you figure it out let us know.

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Can anyone play? Well if not, just ignore me :001_smile:

Went on a run yesterday down at the beach - only 5 mile, but two 1/2 in the sand - because my girls, which usually blade when I run weren't with me. Also started my period yesterday, but no stores down at Dana Point Harbor - so had to come home :glare:

Didn't go today, feel icky - couldn't run down the street. Will be back tomorrow. I need to get my Sat. running up to more miles as M-th is with girls so therefore a bit limited. I really begin to feel good after the 2nd/3rd mile so I'm aiming for a 7 or 8 next Sat.

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Can anyone play? Well if not, just ignore me :001_smile:

Went on a run yesterday down at the beach - only 5 mile,


just 5? :tongue_smilie: And of course you can play. It is really encouraging.


A little bit of depressing information for me...I measured my street (where I've been running) and what I thought was 8/10ths is really 6/10ths. :crying:

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Colleen - That is weird about your fingers. How long does it last? I met someone with Raynaud's once and she told me that in the freezer section in the grocery store her fingers would do that. I also worked with a woman who had it and she was trying to breastfeed and her nipples would turn white and painful. I hope that's not it!!!


Chris - Great job on your run! You know - I start to feel really good after the second mile too. My longest run so far has been 4.6 miles, but I have the feeling I could've gone a lot longer!


I had a rest day today. I ran 16.6 miles last week!! Tomorrow it's another 3.5.

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Can anyone play? Well if not, just ignore me :001_smile:

Went on a run yesterday down at the beach - only 5 mile, but two 1/2 in the sand - because my girls, which usually blade when I run weren't with me. Also started my period yesterday, but no stores down at Dana Point Harbor - so had to come home :glare:

Didn't go today, feel icky - couldn't run down the street. Will be back tomorrow. I need to get my Sat. running up to more miles as M-th is with girls so therefore a bit limited. I really begin to feel good after the 2nd/3rd mile so I'm aiming for a 7 or 8 next Sat.


Yes, please come out and play! Great job on your run!

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In about an hour I'm going to either walk or do Level 2 of the Shred video. DH and I (and the dog) briskly walked for 45 minutes. We went on a trail (that I don't go when dh isn't along) that has lots of ups and downs--lots of good "burning" going on while keep a good pace up! It was cool and cloudy--perfect for the walk!!! I felt so good afterwards! I overheat easily and get dizzy, so I love days like this for outdoor exercising! You know how some of you say you run when it's humid and hot? I would keel over and be sick if I tried that!


Anyway, the walk this morning was good, but since I've been exercising more lately, I want to do more sometimes! I'm waiting for my late lunch (it's 3pm here) to settle, then I'm going to do SOMEthing else!


Thanks for starting this thread Colleen!

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I ran 8 miles yesterday and walked another mile at the end. I am having trouble slowing my pace down to the training pace I'd prefer. I keep running my first mile or two faster than I'd like and then I start to hit a wall early. I ended up averaging a 9 minute/mile pace. :)


Wow, Colleen! YOU'RE MY HERO! :) See, I totally admire you! I cannot run that far! I blame it on the bunions on my feet, but maybe it is b/c I just don't push myself enough! You're awesome!!!! cheerleader-108.gif


Dee-aitch and I went on a nice bike ride today. I think we did about 15 miles or so, don't really know for sure. It was a hilly road, out in the country, and just gorgeous!!! My rest day will be tomorrow. :)


Congrats to all who worked out today! Here's to another great week! Have fun at the fair, Colleen!:)

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I did 4 miles today, but I am heading back out after I get my four year old to bed to do another 4. I am upping my mileage in hopes of doing some races soon.:001_smile:


What races? How many miles? Great job!!! 4.6 is my longest run so far (well, this century anyway!), so I'm always impressed with someone who can run longer distances!!


Wow, Colleen! YOU'RE MY HERO! :) See, I totally admire you! I cannot run that far! I blame it on the bunions on my feet, but maybe it is b/c I just don't push myself enough! You're awesome!!!! cheerleader-108.gif


Dee-aitch and I went on a nice bike ride today. I think we did about 15 miles or so, don't really know for sure. It was a hilly road, out in the country, and just gorgeous!!! My rest day will be tomorrow. :)


Congrats to all who worked out today! Here's to another great week! Have fun at the fair, Colleen!:)


I thought of you today as I watched the Olympic cycling races. Don't know why - you came to mind!! Did you see the finish??? Uphill! After 78 miles! Yikes!!!


Good job on the 15 miles!

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I thought of you today as I watched the Olympic cycling races. Don't know why - you came to mind!! Did you see the finish??? Uphill! After 78 miles! Yikes!!!


Good job on the 15 miles!


No, unfortunately we don't have cable or satellite and our bunny ears only get one channel. :tongue_smilie: If there is anytime I wish we could have network tv, it is now. I miss watching the Olympics! And, we lived in China for 7.5 years, 6 months in Beijing and 2 years in Tianjin {where soccer is being played} so it is really killing us that we can't watch! Our ex-pat friends are writing us about the whole thing and my kids are really jealous of their friends who get to attend some of the events! :)


I guess there was also a men's cycling race that was completed today? 156 miles? Wow! We do get updated through the internet, so we did hear that! :)


ETA: the other 5 years in China were spent up in the northeast, along the North Korea border. In my post it looks like I can't do simple math!!!

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Then I read this thread and the cyber-peer pressure kicked in and I got my shoes on and went on my normal 5 km run.


I might add that you completely impress me with your mileage. As I was huffing and puffing I wondered to myself if I will ever be able to add mileage to my runs. The most I've done is 8 km and I hope to achieve 10 km soon.


Thanks for the push.

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Welp, I was supposed to run this morning, but remembered at the last minute that I was supposed to get to church early and make the coffee. Plan B was to come home after visiting friends for dinner and running then. We just got home about 30 minutes ago and there's a HUGE thunderstorm :rolleyes: Plan C: Run tomorrow :D


It's going to be a crazy busy week, but my plan is to run the Prevention Plan Week 8 Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday.

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Then I read this thread and the cyber-peer pressure kicked in and I got my shoes on and went on my normal 5 km run.



Me too! I got up on my behind and walked about 2.6 miles. It took me about 50 minutes. :glare: However, it is quite the hill and I did it 4 times up and down. I'm beginning to think it is more than a 25 degree hill. How would I figure that out?


Anyway, I sooooooooo glad I got up and did something. Thanks for starting the thread Colleen.

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Me too! I got up on my behind and walked about 2.6 miles. It took me about 50 minutes. :glare: However, it is quite the hill and I did it 4 times up and down. I'm beginning to think it is more than a 25 degree hill. How would I figure that out?


Anyway, I sooooooooo glad I got up and did something. Thanks for starting the thread Colleen.


Good for you for getting out there! It may be easier next time if you get off of your bum instead of staying on it the entire 2.6 miles :D


Just sayin'.... ;)

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Today was the 3rd and final day of our tkd camp. I am exhausted and my abs are killing me. Since we have tkd class tomorrow, I won't be running again until Tuesday and I'm really hoping that I'll be recovered enough by then.


Yeah, but I bet your abs look killer too! Take a break, we'll see you later in the week.

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As I was huffing and puffing I wondered to myself if I will ever be able to add mileage to my runs. The most I've done is 8 km and I hope to achieve 10 km soon.


Thanks for the push.


Yes! You will be able to add mileage to your runs. It takes time and faith (I can do this) but you will be able to do it. Great job today!

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Me too! I got up on my behind and walked about 2.6 miles. It took me about 50 minutes. :glare: However, it is quite the hill and I did it 4 times up and down. I'm beginning to think it is more than a 25 degree hill. How would I figure that out?


Anyway, I sooooooooo glad I got up and did something. Thanks for starting the thread Colleen.


Yeah, I agree with (DB?) Maybe next time you should get off your behind. Maybe it will take less time. (ducking and :leaving:)


Good job getting out there!

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