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FRIDAY's Teachers Lounge 9-6-2013


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Happy Friday!


Lounge is open. Don't know about snacks. I've been kind of discombobulated all week.

On that note, dd and I decided to NOT go camping this weekend. I have too much to do HERE.

We may take in a movie in the morning, though. :-)


What's for lunch today? We went to Village Inn for waffles since I discovered late in the game I didn't have all the ingredients for them at home.

Good thing it was only two of us eating, those waffles turned out to be $7.99 each! Not doing that again!


About to call dd down to work on her Spanish. Then we'll be heading to her drama class in a bit.


My plan for the weekend is to get some of the house decluttered so it won't be quite as messy when dh and ds get back.

PLUS I'll be lesson planning. You?


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Left over turkey, salads, and for the boys two servings of fruit, plus cheese, plus glasses of milk, and a bunch of nuts for the boy on the special diet, as well as some leftover shrimp and bay scallop scampi made with real cream...lucky boy!


Weekend, rocket team begins constructing this year's design, I work at the quilt store despite having an injured foot because two employees are off for surgery and the owners have a family funeral...I hated to say no.


Anxiously waiting for the release of Star Trek: Into Darkness, which is preordered on Amazon so may arrive a day earlier than the local Walmart will have it, but not likely to arrive Saturday as that would be way too early. Family movie night will wait until then.


ACT prep...that's what the boys are engaged in now. It's nice. I'm just watching the clock and tossing out reminders, "You have 15 minutes left." I get to hang out here while they slave away.


We sold our Honda CRV that needs a transmission. Didn't get much for it, but very happy to see it go so the new owner will be stopping by Sunday afternoon to pick it up.


Other than that, not much.

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Hi ya, Scrap!  


I had some very yummy fresh sushi for lunch.  BTW - sushi does not mean raw fish.  There can be raw fish on it but it doesn't have to have it.  The kind I had today had cream cheese in it!   :laugh:


My weekend goal is to survive it.  I go in for an overnight sleep study on Monday and I just want to get it over with.  Libby the disabled wonder dog has developed an overwhelming fear of thunderstorms and last night we had a doozy.  Melatonin didn't work on her.  Neither did a "thundershirt" which was actually her tight doggie life vest.  I had to try and sleep with a shivering, panting and drooling dog who kept trying to sit on my head.  This of course was not a welcome thing when I'm already operating on massive sleep deprivation and pain.


But - that is way too much seriousness for a thread that I welcome as a nice diversion!  So. . . 


Q: Why did the poor dog chase his own tail?
A: He was trying to make both ends meet!

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Pippi had a physical today, and on the way home we stopped by Jack in the Box for burgers, curly fries, and $1 large drinks. It was a treat because she had to get 2 shots.


I love Village Inn. I grew up near OKC, and my grandparents would take me there on the weekends sometimes. All we have here is IHOP and Denny's.


We are cramming in some school. We just finished reviewing adding mixed numbers. In an hour or two we are headed to a local highschool to watch Snow cheer at her first game. Fun!


I need to write a paper for a professional development class I'm taking instead of playing on the computer. The topic is Homeschooling. There is so much to say, and I don't know where to start.

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What's for lunch today? We went to Village Inn for waffles since I discovered late in the game I didn't have all the ingredients for them at home.


I had a bag of pretzels, a banana and a Coke Zero from a convenience store while I was driving around this afternoon. My son made and ate his own lunch while I was out, and I don't know what he had. My daughter seems to be coming down with whatever ick I'm still recovering from and was uninterested in food.



My plan for the weekend is to get some of the house decluttered so it won't be quite as messy when dh and ds get back.

PLUS I'll be lesson planning. You?


I'm driving my daughter around to rehearsals for a play-in-a-day event tomorrow, then working my retail job tomorrow evening (meaning I can't actually attend the show). I'm up early to drive her to one of her part-time jobs on Sunday, then working the retail job again that afternoon. I hope to put in some hours at my online job over the weekend, too.


And, apparently, I have to mow and edge the front yard.

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I realized I also need to plan my work hours. And PE hours for the kids. Um, when do I get to SLEEP??


Weekends really should have 3 days in them, instead of two.


In a little bit I will be taking dd to drama, then going to WalMart (ergh) to find a replacement lightbulb and some

seasonal dishes that only WalMart has.

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Hi there!  I am SOOOOOOOO ready for the weekend!   DH and DS are headed off camping in the freezing rain, so they have been scrambling all over the house this morning looking for extra gear.


DD12 has been practicing a new saxophone piece for the last 30 minutes and is getting frustrated because she keeps missing a sharp in the refrain. We may all go bonkers soon listening to her practice.  She did some nice prep work for next week's essay on the cost of keeping pets and finished her other subjects in record time.


DS17 got his first college acceptance today!  It's for his #2 school, so he was only a little excited, but hopefully this will lead to some meaningful scholarship money.


I had peanut butter for lunch - yep, straight from the jar with a spoon.  I was running errands with DH and had to eat on the go.  But tonight is a lovely stir fry and baked mozzarella sticks for a treat!

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No snacks for me today - I had some water and crackers for lunch.  At older dd's "Back to School Night" last night, I was assaulted by some mom's patchouli which always give me a migraine.  I've been trying really hard all day to pretend my head will not explode.



Older dd spent the day in bed - she picked up a stomach virus at school.  Oh the many joys of public school - even classical school are cesspools when you put 200 kids in a building and rotate them around all day.


Right now my plans for the weekend are hiding in a dark quiet place and cursing patchouli.  

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What's for lunch today? We went to Village Inn for waffles since I discovered late in the game I didn't have all the ingredients for them at home.




Lunch for us was leftover chicken alfredo from dinner last night. The Stoffers one is SOOOO yummy and easy to fix.


My plan for the weekend is to get some of the house decluttered so it won't be quite as messy when dh and ds get back.

PLUS I'll be lesson planning. You?


Our plans for the weekend are to rest & do stuff around the house. I need to photo a few more things & get them listed on ebay tonight. I've been selling stuff on there to supplement my WAHM income, and so far it's going great. We might also try to do another marathon pet store run for free cat food, and maybe some errands. Not sure - depends on whether a check I'm waiting on gets here tomorrow or not. Was hoping it would come today but no such luck. Need to try to do a try-it with dd this weekend as well - haven't been working on Brownie stuff with her lately so we need to get back on that.


And I need to figure out what we're going to do for dd's birthday on Thursday. I have a few small presents for her, but not much. I know we won't be doing a party for sure. Need to remember to ask her if a store bought cake is okay or if she wants homemade this year.


DD is doing good with school this year, surprisingly. We did take yesterday & today off though, as we had so many errands yesterday and then today I was just too tired to school. Not a huge deal IMO. I did get lucky & win the last thing we needed for this year on ebay though - the Sonlight Map. As soon as the check I'm waiting on gets here I can pay for it and file the need list away for next year.

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