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Weekly Report 9.6.13

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Ours is up too, although now I'm confused via the "Who's a Homeschooler" thread. My dd is 5 but missed the state's cut off for kindergarten by less than a week. Are we homeschoolers or aren't we? Either way, it doesn't change what we did this week!


Don't let other people's attitude throw you. Some people don't think I"m home schooling because I use Seton, who provides grading, books, curriculum, lesson plans etc...


I have learned in my mere 5 years going into the 6th of home schooling that many home schoolers have very strong opinions and one has to learn to be strong in what you know is right for your family and forget the rest. 

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Don't let other people's attitude throw you. Some people don't think I"m home schooling because I use Seton, who provides grading, books, curriculum, lesson plans etc...


I have learned in my mere 5 years going into the 6th of home schooling that many home schoolers have very strong opinions and one has to learn to be strong in what you know is right for your family and forget the rest.

Wise words! I love this advice and am feeling much better this year. It's helping me stick with my plan instead of being swayed so easily.

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Wise words! I love this advice and am feeling much better this year. It's helping me stick with my plan instead of being swayed so easily.


We are all growing and changing. I am becoming stronger in my beliefs in home education and less willing to take people's "crap" about it. LOL I am not perfect, but I'm better at this every day that goes by. 


Yay me! LOL    :hurray:

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