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how do you pick a chiropractor?


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I am having neck pain that is coupled with a weird popping sensation (no pain with the popping)...but my neck hurts.  So I am thinking of going to a chiropractor, but I have never been, and I don't know what sort of thing to look for.  There is one about 8 miles away...otherwise, I have to travel 30-45 minutes....and if I have to go back for follow-up visits (which I think usually happens, right?), 8 miles is way closer....but only a good choice if the doctors are good.  Is there anything specific I should ask about when I call to make an appointment or anything I should look for when I go for my first visit? 


What else might I expect when I go?  



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When I don't have a recommendation from my previous chiro, I talk to the receptionist. If they say the chiro "just knows" what to do, as though it's magic, I go elsewhere. If the receptionist says I can book an appointment for information only and if I don't feel comfortable with the answers, I can freely leave without an adjustment, I stay. I would expect a chiro to request xrays in your situation. 


Some chiros have you strip off and don a hospital gown, so it is best to wear elastic waist pants or tights so you don't have to take them off, if that'd bother you.

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Hmm, i would be nervous with so few choices.  I honestly might see a regular doctor before i saw a chiro for neck pain, and i love chiro.  But it should probably be seen by a regular doctor first to rule out other issues?

When I've interviewed chiros i mostly am looking to feel comfortable with them.  The ones i've had bad experiences with tended to be more brusque, and the ones I liked were warm people who really wanted to hear your story and tell you what was going to happen.

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Word of mouth has always worked for us, but we live in Atlanta, maybe 3 miles from Life U, and there is a chiro in every strip mall. We probably have more chiros than nail salons. There are huge variations from one to another, so while my family has seen 4 at one time or another, all were personal referrals from people we know well.

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I would go with word of mouth. I found my chiro through my doula during my last pg.  I would ask friends, relatives, neighbors, post on Facebook if you are on FB, ask at the health food store, etc.  Ask questions and listen to the replies you get.  There are also different types of training for chiros.  I go to a Gonstead-trained chiro.

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I don't know many folks near where I live who visit a chiro, so we took a chance on one that offered a free evaluation in return for a donation to his favorite charity (he does this around Valentine's Day each year). He's been the best and most effective chiropractor we've had so far. Since starting there, I've met many people who go to him, and his patients are enthusiastically loyal. He adjusts the atlas bone (base of the skull), which is a bit unusual. He does this manually, and the more common way this is done is called the atlas orthogonal method (done by machine with precise measurements). He can be empathetic and personable, but he is also often dogmatic and arrogant. :-) Good luck. I would ask any prospective one about methodology, if they take x-rays, etc. Some people have better luck being adjusted from the neck down; others by being adjusted from the bottom up (sometimes starting at hips, others at the feet).

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