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I'm going to put my son in a bubble. (Might be TMI)


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So my 1 year old is fearless. Fearless. He is a wild man. The amount of injuries this child has sustained in the past week alone is ready to make my hair fall out. Last week he did a face plant on the floor and his mouth was bleeding. I thought he knocked his teeth out. This was the worst injury Ive witnessed with my kids (I've been lucky, I guess).


BUT tonight... he fell. It wasn't a hard fall.. it looked like he barely tapped his face on the floor. He was crying and so I went to pick him up and give him my sympathy. Well he was really screaming, which I thought was odd for how light he seemed to have hit the floor. I looked down and his entire mouth was full of blood. I almost passed out right then and there. I barely remember carrying him to the kitchen to get napkins. Thank God my dh was here to be rational and calm. I've never seen that much blood coming out of my dc, and I was sure we would have to take him in for stitches. The bleeding eventually stopped, thank God. His poor little lip is so swollen it that it practically covers his teeth. He's happy now. We treated him to some ice cream.


My kids have turned me into the biggest wuss in the world! I can stand blood and guts, no big deal. I have the stomach for anything. I love watching surgery shows, whatever.. nothing bothers me. But my kids... seeing the blood pour out of ds mouth.. I couldn't function. I was upstairs in my bedroom before I even realized I had left the room. I hated leaving him when he was hurting but I physically couldn't stand staying in that room. I didn't know if I was going to cry, pass out or get sick.


I have so much respect and am totally in awe of the parents of sick kids in hospitals. As scary as tonight was I am so incredibly thankful for my kids health and (minor) injuries.




Nonetheless, I am still considering putting my son in a bubble.

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My four year old is the same way. He lost his front teeth almost two years ago. Just this week DH took him to the hospital an hour and a half away because he was concerned about a possible skull fracture and DH doesn't get concerned easily. I'm like you and DH is the calm and rational one that must handle all bleeding so when he was that concerned, you can imagine how I felt. DH has already done this from the other end, that is, as the child, but I think his experience was more with injuries to the rest of his body rather than his head and our four years old is all about his head (so far). My MIL has nerves of steal which is how she survived having three like this.


I offer you my empathy.

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My 11 mo girl knocked her front tooth out learning to walk, she was holding a toy and chewing on it... I felt so bad at the time like I should have prevented it.

If this happens frequently you could have his eyes checked. A friend of mine had a boy who kept getting into accidents (more running into walls and doorways than falls) and he actually had a vision problem.

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My 3 year old had a face-first encounter with the tile floor in the foyer while running through the house on Monday, it seems he always leads with his face when he falls instead of catching himself.  No mouth injuries this time, but the huge swollen scrape on his cheek is slowly healing and the accompanying black eye is all sorts of gory shades of green, blue, and purple.  


My other kids, I can see who may become an engineer, a doctor, an artist.  This one?  He's going to be the one I have to bail out for base jumping from the Space Needle.   :glare:

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My other kids, I can see who may become an engineer, a doctor, an artist.  This one?  He's going to be the one I have to bail out for base jumping from the Space Needle.   :glare:



This. My dd is soo different. I was not prepared for all of the injuries that have come with this one.


This is why he is referred to as "Tarzan" in my siggy. :willy_nilly:

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My daughter is 24 years old and still needs to be put in a bubble.  She was leaning over the register to scan an item in someone's cart and sprained her ankle.  I cashiered for 3 1/2 years and never heard of anyone spraining an ankle while cashiering. 


There have been many injuries like this along the way.  She was riding her bicycle when she was 14 wearing flip flops.  She turned a corner, lost control, her spokes went into the heal of her left foot, and it took 16 stitches to sew it back up.  She still has no feeling in that part of her foot.

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My son kept running into things and falling and hitting his head so much that I put his bike helmet on him for a few days.  Dr laughed so hard when we came into the office she said she just about pee'd herself.  She told me that he was most likely growing and was just in a clumsy stage but if it made me feel better it wouldn't hurt for a week or two.  I only made him wear it when he wanted to "run around"  I told him, his hat would give him super speed and would protect him for head aches. He was more than willing to wear it! :)

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It's funny how different people react to things. I'm cool as a cucumber when my kids are gushing blood from a wound or spewing other bodily fluids. But wiggle a loose tooth at me, and I could come close to fainting.



This is what is was! I cannot stand loose teeth/empty sockets.. I was scared to death that when we wiped the blood away we would see that his teefers were gone. Dd is 6 1/2 and still hasn't had so much as a loose tooth. I'm counting my blessings.



It wasn't so much the blood that got to me.. it was the fact that it was *MY CHILDS* blood. kwim? I dont really know how to explain it.. probably because I don't even want to think about it. :)


He's fine today though! (So far.)

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You might want to have his ears checked. Inner ear problems can cause this type of chronic falling and clumsiness.


If I wasn't able to see the reason for the fall each time, I wouldn't hesitate. So thank you for the tip!


Unfortunately (or fortunately?) there is always something in his way and it mostly boils down to our hardwood floors. Slipping on a book, or a toy/chair sliding out from under him = face plant.

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My daughter was/is a daredevil also that has mellowed a bit with age.  She had a rubbermade closet organizer in her closet.  I didn't think anything about it was dangerous...I had two active boys before her.  I caught her one day trying to take a nap on the lowest shelf four feet from the ground, so I took that shelf off and thought that was the end.  Then I heard a little "help" from her room one day and discovered she was using the narrow pole as a climbing pole and had gotten her pants stuck to the empty shelf bracket.  She was suspended 4 feet in the air attached only by the back of her pants.  I got her down and told her never to climb the pole.  She said, "I wasn't climbing the pole."  HA!  After that the whole system got out of her closet until just recently.  Two active boys were nothing compared to her!  It's like she didn't have any common safety sense.  I am bringing her to my brother's outdoor adventure ranch next month and she can safely climb a 50 ft. tower.  She will love it.



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