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"Gift" as a verb - does this bother you?


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You are not alone! I hate the term "gifted" and don't reach out to me unless I'm drowning and you're wanting me to grab a life preserver. 


I also find it irritating when someone adds, "as a family" to the end of whatever their plans are. "We're going to the park as a family." What else would you be going as? A sleuth of wild bears?



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I think it adds more detail to the language when it is used. It's more specific. Kind of how the French have great verbs for many things we would normally use only one verb for.

More specific than what? "Give"? How? This is not like the Norwegians having 16 words for different types of snow; this is about a new word that means exactly the same thing as the old word. Nope, not a fan of innovation for no reason. It is a solution in search of a problem.

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