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Vision Therapy--You have GOT to be kidding me...

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So I have 2 kids in VT. We had our quarterly exam and while my older son did really well, my 6 year old daughter (12 weeks therapy) had fallen down on part of the test. So the doctor tells me to put on the glasses so he can explain to me why she answered as she did. Well, he didn't have to explain it as I saw EXACTLY what she saw.


So guess who else has exotropia and is working through insurance to get it covered?


I had strabismus surgery when I was 6. I had no idea that the issues that remained where not from the surgery but from the issue itself. One of my adult children has eye surgery as well. She also has no depth perception and gets lots of headaches. So if they cover me, we will get her going as well. Geez, 4 family members in vision therapy at the same time has GOT to be a record.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, so my insurance is going to cover my therapy. Today I brought my 24 year old daughter in for an evaluation. He said that when the body has to work so hard with this type of vision difficulty, it tends to cause issues when you hit your 40s: this thing called adrenal fatigue.


Wow! I was treated for that last year and I just started treatment for it again last week. And here I thought that it was the 8 kids that did it to me.

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Chuckle...wish you had been my mom.  I always wanted a big family.  I only have one brother.  I even started a campaign to convince my family to have more kids, but I guess I wasn't that persuasive.  At least they listened when I buttered them up for a new encyclopedia set...


Actually, I have a terrific mom, by the way.  Just wish I had had more siblings.

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Oh my goodness!  I had to laugh.  We're in the same boat.  Only I've only got one kiddo in VT, thus far.


DS is starting VT tomorrow.  And my own doc has been after me to go to CT to see a vision therapist there, who specializes in a particular type of VT.  DH asked about me at our parent conference, and our local VT is evaluating me in 2 weeks!  He did a quick eval on the spot to verify that my doc is right.  Yep, sure enough.  Midline shift and something else here.  Mine is not developmental, but comes from a brain injury.  


I find the thought of doing therapy with a lot of kids pretty funny.   :)


Our insurance doesn't pay a dime, but we are getting a family discount.  


Oh!  And yes, my adrenal fatigue progressed to Addison's Disease.  Cautiously optimistic that treating might resolve that.  My doc also feels it will help with chronic migraines and a muscular issue I have going on in my neck/shoulders.  

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:laugh:  DH & I were surprised when oldest two DDs didn't have visual perception issues because both DH & I have issues with depth perception. DH had eye surgery when young & his eyes don't work together. One is assigned to close work & the other to seeing far away. I failed the first level of depth perception testing for my Naval Academy physical in high school. 


You should definitely get a referral bonus & a quantity discount!  :hat:

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