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You might be a terrorist if...

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  • You're carrying a laptop

  • You're listening to an ipod

  • You're chatting on a cell phone

  • You're wearing a pager

  • You're writing in a journal

  • You're viewing a movie

  • You're throwing away ephemera

  • You're reading a book



God help us all, folks. I am just stunned and angry. :glare:


China, and undoubtedly most modern countries, have the ability to hack into any wireless device, including turning on the mic on some cell phones and listening in, as well as malware, spyware issues.




People had been advised to not even take the devices with them to the Olympics.


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  • You're carrying a laptop

  • You're listening to an ipod

  • You're chatting on a cell phone

  • You're wearing a pager

  • You're writing in a journal

  • You're viewing a movie

  • You're throwing away ephemera

  • You're reading a book


God help us all, folks. I am just stunned and angry. :glare:


I'm reading a book about a spy, does that get double points? :001_huh: :glare:

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Hmm, I just read the article about the Olympics and electronic devices. Maybe that explains why I still can't find my friend who seems to be missing. I have a strong feeling that she may have gone to China for the Olympics. The one call I did get from her had lots of people in the background, but the reception was so bad that she couldn't hear me. With these warning out, I wouldn't be using a phone or computer there if I could avoid it.

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I think it's absurd that the government can take your laptop and investigate it with no justifiable cause. How does this not fall under invasion of privacy?


China, and undoubtedly most modern countries, have the ability to hack into any wireless device, including turning on the mic on some cell phones and listening in, as well as malware, spyware issues.


I'm sure all modernized countries have this ability. A lot of hackers can do this pretty easily. Where my husband works they can't even have a cell phone in the building because phones can be turned into a listening device *even when turned off*.

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I have always wondered about that job, FBI I think, that monitors the public library habits of US citizens. I think I would like that job. Wonder how much it pays and if I get to visit all the libraries in question? :thumbup:


I've had emails picked up by the government sweeps. I feel pretty sorry for anyone who has to read my emails or listen to my loooong, boring phone conversations.

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We may not be living 1984 yet, but Big Brother is most certainly a fact of life these days. I have been reading a fantastic (though dry) biography of Thomas Jefferson, and when I put it down in the evening, I feel so inspired! Then I look at the world around me, and am disappointed and saddened that my child will grow and live in a society where freedom and individual liberty disappear more each day.


*sigh* Suddenly I feel like watching THX 1138.



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