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Fire extinguishers

Night Elf

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I don't recall ever using one, but I recently reviewed fire safety with DS, so a few things are fresh in my mind.


I bought a new one, with the intent of letting him discharge the old one for "practice," but I ended up just keeping both intact (but I can't remember why I decided that!).


I read this tip somewhere online and found it useful.  I printed out the PASS acronym and taped it to the side of the canister:



Pull- The first step is to pull the pin ( it usually has the inspection tag attached to it) that prevents the handle from being squeezed. 

Aim- The second step is to aim the spray nozzle, or if attached the hose nozzle, at the fire. Aim low at the base of the fire.

Squeeze- The third step is to squeeze the handle to spray the contents. Remember a standard fire-extinguisher has less than 30 seconds of spray time.

Sweep- The final step is to sweep back and forth as you spray the base of the fire.




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I have! I took a CERT class and we had a class of putting out fires that the university fire guy set for us. But that is the only time I have. I had to use one of those really big industrial ones, though. I think a home one would be a bit easier--but the circumstances and the adrenaline of a real fire situation might make me muff it up.

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I had used one when I was in Girl Guides/Scouts.   All of us were sent to the Fire Station for the fire safety badge.  All of us had at least a turn to practice.

The link image below is what is commonly posted in my former school's science labs. When we (students) panic, it is easier to look at pictures than read.



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To use a fire extinguisher, pull the pin. Aim the nozzle at THE BASE OF THE FIRE not the flames, and pull the trigger. If the fire does not go out do not continue to fight the fire, potentially making yourself a victim. Just get out.


If you don't know how to use your extinguisher, practice. Trying to learn to use the extinguisher during an emergency is just as potentially dangerous as not knowing how to use it.

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I have, more then once, once while living with my parents and once with dh (what's up with me and TVs smoking?) dh had to use one on a furnace in Georgia when the blower went out, at first our landlord was mad because he had to replace the blower, until dh pointed out to him that it was cheaper than replacing our double wide. Usually no one would have been home, but dd was sick and it was final exam day for me at school so dh took a sick day from work to stay at home with her.

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We have 2 in the house that I bought from the Fire Department. I believe they should be discharged (to see if they work properly) and then recharged, every year or two. Ours are way overdue for that. The Fire Department here provides that service, for a fee. I would trust them, more than anyone else, to do that and I like for them to make a little money.


I've never used one, but they are good to have, in case of a fire. There are very few house fires here, because the houses are built from concrete and brick, but it does happen.

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We have several in our house.  I have had to use one once when our toaster caught on fire.  Growing up my parents were both volunteer fire fighters so we got a lot of instruction on using fire extinguishers and keeping working smoke detectors.  I make sure my kids know how to use them just in case.

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I recently purchased one and asked dd17 if she'd ever used one. She looked at me and said they practiced every summer when I sent them to fire safety camp. I wonder if fire departments might have an extinguisher for people to try.


I also noticed the ones at Walmart aren't rechargable; they're one time use extinguishers.

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