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My best friend has cancer and I want to buy her a scarf

Just Kate

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Can you give me some cute scarf suggestions? Do I want funky or flowery or plain or...?


I'm going to visit her this weekend. Would love to see some links to give me ideas.




Is she already receiving chemo and is she wearing scarves (as opposed to wigs) already?  Not all cancer patients get chemo and not all types of chemo cause hair loss, so I wouldn't automatically assume that she is going to lose her hair. I also think it could be tricky to give a gift that says "cancer patient" unless she's already lost her hair and in that stage.

As for funky, flowery, etc. you want whatever looks like your friend's style, so we can't answer that.


For type of scarf, I would suggest that you google local wig shops that cater to cancer patients. They usually have a variety of scarves as well, scarves that they know work well as head coverings. (Not all do; some slip, some are a more difficult shape, etc)


Better yet, I would suggest offering to go wig shopping with your friend while you're visiting. That is sad for many women and having a friend go helps. One buys a wig before the hair falls out. If she chooses  a wig, she may have no use for scarves. If you go with her, you'll know what she likes or doesn't. You can offer to buy something for her that she seems to admire. 


If she has breast cancer and will be getting radiation, though, long scarves are useful for that time when one cannot stand to wear a bra because of the burns to the skin. It covers things up, especially if there is a single mastectomy.


Honestly, I would go bearing a non-cancer-patient type of gift like a CD or book or something (not a bottle of wine--alcohol is off limits for certain cancers), see how she's thinking and feeling, and buy any cancer-related gifts while you're with her if it seems appropriate.

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Unfortunately, she will be losing her hair. :(


I asked her sister if there is anything I can take when I visit next weekend, and her sister said that my df requested a scarf. Sadly, df is not in a position to shop for herself ( just diagnosed with stage 4 adrenal cortical cancer) and is already in pretty bad shape. Her chemo starts today and she has been told that she will be bald in three weeks. She does not want to mess with a wig.

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Memorable gifts my friends brought me when I started chemo (or during.)


A hand knitted prayer shawl--it felt like a hug every time I snuggled under it.

A blank journal...pretty on the outside. I used it to record quotes, scriptures, sayings, and thoughts.

Funny DVDs...one friend sent me a DVD of a Christian woman comedy routine. I enjoyed laughing.

Cream of Potato soup....homemade. It tasted like heaven.

The gift of friendship--I loved talking with my friends, but I had to do it within my strength and energy levels. That meant my friends often had to come to me. Several friends joined me during my 'big' chemo days. It really helped to have someone sit with me--we laughed a lot during those times.

Sincere encouragement--you are gonna beat this thing forever. I needed those words!


things that would have blessed me...

More suppers for my family.

Yard care,

An in depth house 'blessing' (cleaning).


It's hard to keep up with daily life.


I wore ball type caps more than scarves, but I know some gals only wear scarves. I only wore the wig for work related things.  During the winter, knit hats to keep my head warm. Fun, flashy earrings were a must for this bald headed gal.


Edited to add--it's hard losing your hair, but it's not the worst thing that happens. I'm sending loving and good thoughts her way. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger--I pray for strength for her!

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Buffs are soft, easy to manipulate, and come in many beautiful colors. 


This site has many cute hats (cloches, beanies) and scarves. It caters specifically to people with hair loss, particularly those who lose hair to cancer, so the designs will be covering and consider sensitivity and sun protection. 


I'd probably go with something that doesn't need a lot of fiddling, a pre-tied scarf or a cute cap. 

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Unfortunately, she will be losing her hair. :(


I asked her sister if there is anything I can take when I visit next weekend, and her sister said that my df requested a scarf. Sadly, df is not in a position to shop for herself ( just diagnosed with stage 4 adrenal cortical cancer) and is already in pretty bad shape. Her chemo starts today and she has been told that she will be bald in three weeks. She does not want to mess with a wig.


In that case, she might like looking through this catalog. I think it's sponsored by the American Cancer Society: http://www.tlcdirect.org/Cancer-Scarves-and-kerchiefs-for-Women-Cancer-and-Chemo-Patients-American-Cancer-Society-TLC-Direct?shw=1


Some (maybe all) of these scarves are sewn in such a way that all a woman has to do is to tie the back. They are made to be comfortable to bald heads. That's not going to be true of all scarves you'd buy in the store. Many will be too slippery or too bulky or scratchy and since they are not specifically made for heads, learning to tie them can be tricky. These are also inexpensive so you may be able to purchase more than one.


You can also make comfortable scarves out of old T shirts. Cut across the front and back of the shirt under the armpits, so you create a tube. Here is a

tutorial, then it can be wrapped into a turban in a couple simple motions with no sewing:



Also, it's likely that if she gets her chemo at a large hospital that they will have turbans, etc. to give away for free.

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