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Tachycardia during pregnancy, anyone have experience with this?

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A few weeks ago i noticed my heart racing so at my OB appointment last week I told my doctor. She took my pulse and it was 120. She said she was pretty sure it was just because of the pregnancy but wanted to refer me to a cardiologist just to be sure. The cardiologist did an EKG and saw that my heartrate fluctuated between 80-100. He also order an ultrasound of my heart. I had another appointment with the cardiologist today to go over the results and my pulse was 130. My ultrasound looked normal, so the doctor said it was probably just the pregnancy causing it and recommended taking medication to slow it down. He didn't want to do any further testing as it wouldn't be safe for the baby. He told me to take it easy and (kind of jokingly) to hire a maid. I tire very quickly. Just standing for 5 minutes makes me short of breath.


He prescribed me Metoprolol tart. I really don't like taking medicine during pregnancy but in my condition I may have to make an exception.


If you've had experience with this please share your story!

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I had a long attack of SVT (supraventricular tachycardia) when I was pregnant with my younger son where my heart rate was over 200).  So, after a visit to the cardiologist, the doctor put me on atenolol for the remainder of the pregnancy. 

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Yes, I had it. For three pregnancies. It was always worse during the first trimester and better once my blood volume increased. In the ER my highs were in the 160-170 range, and the holter monitor also picked up highs like that. It can be scary.


A cardiologist's PA recommended me drinking things other than water and consuming more salt. She also recommended compression hose, but I didn't try those. The salt and liquids really helped.


I have seen three different cardiologists for tachycardia, but not one wanted to put me on meds, even though an ER doctor had prescribed something. I think if your 24 hr average is over 100, they may want to medicate, but mine never went above 90.


One cardiologist told me he sees about 1 woman a month with tachycardia, so it can't be too uncommon.


FWIW, I still run rather tachy now, too, but I'm okay as long as a keep hydrated.

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I haven't experienced tachycardia during pregnancy, but I take metoprolol or atenolol for another heart condition. You will want to increase your liquid intake so you won't have issues with low blood pressure. My kids have been healthy and normal weights so I don't feel the meds negatively affected them. HTH!

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I mentioned it a few months ago to my OB. She said it was because of the pregnancy, but if it gt worse, she would refer me to a cardiologist. I noticed it got much better when I stopped drinking all caffeine. She also said to increase water intake because dehydration would make it worse.

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Yes, I had this during all four of my pgs, with heartrates up to 140.  It made me feel unwell.  I saw a cardiologist, wore a 24 hour heart monitor and was pronounced healthy and pregnant (with baby #1).  I was never medicated.  All four times, after giving birth, I was fine.

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I had it suddenly, at 33 weeks, with dc#3.  My heart rate was over 200 at its worst, otherwise around 180.  My face was ashen and my lips blue, and I couldn't stand up without feeling like I was going to pass out.   It was scary.  They put me on metoprolol, but that stopped working after 3 days.  They had to put me on digoxin (serious heart medication) that took 5 days to kick in, but once it did, I was fine.  So be glad you're only on metoprolol!   It could be worse :) 


Oh, and not a sign of any of it with my dc#4  :hurray:

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I had it. I was medicated....doc told me it would go away as soon as baby was born and he was right.


I had noticed a racing.....then one night at Bible study I walked up to a distraught group of women.....I was about 5 months pregnant....they reluctantly told me a fellow member had given birth prematurely and the baby was very sick....it was horrible. Too many abnormalities to list. Baby died before age two......at any rate, that was the night it got really bad for me. I thought I was having a heart attack. During final prayer they mentioned the family by name and I thought I was going to pass out.


I tell all of that to say I never knew how much was physical and how much was stress induced. But the med worked for me.

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My sister has a congenital heart defect and experiences lots of tachycardia (SVT's and VT's) as well as PVC's PAC's when pg and so she was put on Atenolol mid 2nd trimester because it was unbearable by that point (like only 5 normal beats a minute, the rest arrhythmias.) Metoprolol is safe for women who have high BP as well in pregnancy and is the preferred drug. If your after the 1st trimester, I wouldn't worry about it :) It makes her feel SOOOO much better. I would just make sure they checked your hemoglobin so you aren't anemic and that could be a possible reason why your rate is up. Also, make sure you aren't dehydrated.

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I had it suddenly, at 33 weeks, with dc#3.  My heart rate was over 200 at its worst, otherwise around 180.  My face was ashen and my lips blue, and I couldn't stand up without feeling like I was going to pass out.   It was scary.  They put me on metoprolol, but that stopped working after 3 days.  They had to put me on digoxin (serious heart medication) that took 5 days to kick in, but once it did, I was fine.  So be glad you're only on metoprolol!   It could be worse :)


Oh, and not a sign of any of it with my dc#4  :hurray:


Scary! If atenolol didn't work for my sis they were going to use digoxin, and that has to be closely monitored with blood draws, I believe.

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My sister has a congenital heart defect and experiences lots of tachycardia (SVT's and VT's) as well as PVC's PAC's when pg and so she was put on Atenolol mid 2nd trimester because it was unbearable by that point (like only 5 normal beats a minute, the rest arrhythmias.) Metoprolol is safe for women who have high BP as well in pregnancy and is the preferred drug. If your after the 1st trimester, I wouldn't worry about it :) It makes her feel SOOOO much better. I would just make sure they checked your hemoglobin so you aren't anemic and that could be a possible reason why your rate is up. Also, make sure you aren't dehydrated.

My OB did say at my appointment when my heart rate was up that I was borderline anemic.  She said to take an iron supplement every other day.  She didn't act like that was the cause of the tachycardia.  My highest recorded heartrate was 130.  I don't know if it's gone higher than that.  I still haven't taken the medicine.  I'm trying to just take it easy and drink plently of water. 

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