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Putting maps on walls

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My maps are double-sided, and last year, I kept ripping them down to get a closer look, to write on them, and to see the other side. I got tired of constantly reapplying the sticky stuff, so this summer I put up three parallel magnetic strips, vertically, for 2 maps, and two horizontal strips for the other. I got the strips and magnets at Ikea. My other alternative was going to be to store them flat, under a desk or in a portfolio, rather than even attempt to keep them on the wall.



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I am planning building a basic map hanger. I am simply going to take a long dowel, hot glue on a couple of small clothes pins, and tie string to each end. That way the rod is the holder and I can unclip it from the clothes pins and take it down whenever I want and I will only need a small nail in my wall to hang it.



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