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Exercise Thread ~ 7/21-7/28


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I've missed the thread for a few weeks. I've been playing tennis about 4x/wk and decluttering and cleaning the whole house. That's been the biggest work-out of all! Steam cleaning all the carpets left me exhausted, but very satisfied with the results. Sometimes I think it would be great motivation to see all the good exercising does to the inside of our bodies! :lol:

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I did this core workout - my biggest problem area - very effective and quite tough. You do need a stability ball and a medicine ball. 


Joy of Six, when I used to go running, I had to wear contacts because of all the humidity and/or rain. Great job on the run. :)


Dee, decluttering and cleaning are amongst the best workouts. So good for our overall health and mental well-being. Enjoy the cleanness and neatness!

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Have been forgetting to post, but still working toward the 5k (two of them, actually - one sept 7 and one sept 14) - did 6 minutes/2 minutes running/walking for 1.7 miles today. Pretty good pace. My running buddy can't go with me this week so it was by myself - I had thought about doing 2 miles but ended up not. Next week we are going to start going farther. (Our trail around the lake nearby is 1.7)

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Yesterday I did kettlebell and today I'm heading out for a run.  I want to run 5 miles, but I have a little head cold and I'm unsure how it's going to go.  

Woke up to a heavy period day so I'm not sure what I'll be able to do today. Anything core is out :(

Hope you both feel better today. 


I'm about to do 3 Miles of Leslie. 





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I ran yesterday morning and actually made it to yoga last night. My daughter and I finally got off your butts and tried the new hot yoga studio which sits conveniently 1/2 mile from my house. It was wonderful and we committed to the 30 day unlimited package. I really have to love it to spring for that! :) Our regularly attended studio is downtown, maybe 20 minutes away. and for some reason we love to make that an obstacle. we have no more excuses. the instructor was wonderful, the studio beautiful and we can ride our bikes there! I didn't sleep well because I am so darn sore that I woke up every ding dong time I moved! I did drag my tired self out and ran a solid 3.5 this morning and walked the rest of the way home. :P it was a gorgeous morning for a run, though. The running path through my neighborhood goes past a "55 and over" community. The residents are fun and I love sharing the space with them.

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Ran again this morning. (6 running/2 walking). Feeling really good...running makes me happy. :)

Kara, great job! Now I really, really miss running. 

I ran yesterday morning and actually made it to yoga last night. My daughter and I finally got off your butts and tried the new hot yoga studio which sits conveniently 1/2 mile from my house. 

Christy, good job on the run and so happy that you and your daughter made it to yoga. 


I'm about to do Denise Austin: Get Fit Daily Dozen

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Wednesday I was able to do the beginner Pilates of the day as it was stretching, then arms/back, then a short painful butt routine.


Yesterday was a Pilates rest day. I did an hour on the treadmill.


Today I'll do Pilates then another hour on the treadmill.


The scale number is decreasing as is my waist measurement :)

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Went to yoga yesterday, 90 minute hot yoga class. There were only 3 of us there and one of the attendees happened to be a realtor I know and love to work with when I get a chance. It was so nice to get a chance to relate on a personal level. The class was just hard but a small class made it feel like I had a personal training session and it was just wonderful. Finding this yoga studio has transformed my non existent practice! I am trying to get my butt out of bed to go for a run this morning. I hope all of you get a great work out in today and that you feel beautiful all day long.

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Wed I ran 5 miles, and then 5 miles yesterday as well.  Today is kettlebell, but I'm dragging a bit.  I'm having some coffee trying to get the energy up for single leg deadlifts, clean and presses, swings, squat thrusts, and mountain climbers. :)  Tomorrow is my kids' swim final.  It will be an all day event, and then Sunday will be sleep in day. All this yoga talk has me missing it.  I haven't had time this week.  

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Woke up late this morning, at least by my standards anyway. Lots of stretching and yoga moves. I think it will be a rest day. If I'm feeling up to it, however, I'll either go swimming or do a Leslie Walk later. Not sure yet. 

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I got in 90 minutes of hot power flow at the super awesome yoga studio I love so much. Had to work all afternoon but got a run in last night during Sam's football practice. I ran 3, probably. I need to step that up considerably. Today will be hot yoga and hopefully a 5 miler this morning after a lot of coffee. I did not sleep much.

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Didn't get a chance to post last night, but I didn't wake up early enough Friday morning to run.  Waited until after dinner and went then instead - went a little slower than usual (ran 5 min/walked 2, as opposed to the 6/2 we've been doing) because I had eaten dinner and it was 10* hotter than it is 12 hours earlier!  :)  Went a little farther though - 2 miles instead of the usual 1.7ish.

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I know it's a new week (being that it's Sunday and all) but I haven't been around the forums for a while and just found this thread.  I've been doing boot camp classes twice a week since Feb and I'm down 22 pounds!  I'm finally, as of this week, able to fit in my pre-kids bathing suit (don't ask me why I still have it - I'm a bathing suit hoarder).  I've also started running to prepare for a local obstacle 5K mud run (Sept) and a race called the Zombie escape (Oct).  And the best part about it all?  My hubby is starting to work out too!


So, last week: Monday 50 minutes boot camp, Wed 55 minutes Tabata boot camp, Fri 1.2 mile run of hill work (we live on a biiiiig hill)

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